
Impossible Truth of High Technology in the Ancient World

32 Pogledi· 10 Veljača 2021
The Mediarebell
The Mediarebell
106 Pretplatnici

Join Erich von Daniken on a journey through the unsolved mysteries of our past. Features astounding theories about alien contact with the Earth from earliest times, updated with new evidence from his research into formerly inaccessible sites.

Why do flying machines and astronauts appear in the artworks and sacred texts of all ancient cultures? What is the meaning of the immense earth drawings, impossible to view from the ground, that can be found all over the globe? How could prehistoric cultures have engraved diorite and other hard rock with such incredible precision without the use of modern tools? Erich draws on his latest research to update his astounding theory that the inhabitants of other planets have kept in contact with humankind since the earliest times.

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