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Hey guys, today I am going to show you some carvings which are at least 900 years old and they show something quite unique. They show hell, they literally show hell and punishment for your sins according to ancient Indian texts, these details are almost never shown in temples of India, but the Angkor Wat Temple in Cambodia shows this in great detail.
So here you can see three floors depicted. The top one is heaven, and the middle one is our world where the sins happen, and the bottom floor is the Hell or the underworld. The top 2 levels are good, but in hell, you can see a lot of action. They are beating the life out of the sinners. And you are being starved, look you can see your own rib cage. Also it is clear that hell does not discriminate between men and women, it is an equal opportunity system, many women are also being punished. It appears that they are begging for food, they are holding begging bowls and asking for food.
Here you can see a person tied to a wooden frame and they are inserting nails all over his body like crucifixion. They have defaced this carving, they have damaged the face, but look carefully, one guy is pounding a nail on his face. Now, look near his feet, there are huge stones tied to his legs. Why? What is the purpose of that? Well think about what is going to happen to his joints, and also he cannot move his legs and will have to keep his legs still, so they can pound nails on his legs as well. On the right, there are a few more people who are experiencing the same torture.
They also have beds made of metal nails. They will make you lie down on this. Imagine lying on a bed full of sharp metal nails. Even worse, they will take some other guy, they will tie him to a tree and put him on top of you. Imagine what happens if you are lying down on a nail bed, and someone is now standing on top of you. Now, these guys are going to churn that person like they are churning butter. How would you feel now? Who would you rather be? The Guy on the tree, or the guy on the ground?
You can see the contrast between heaven, earth and hell. Above, people are being carried in a palanquin where they are eating and drinking and enjoying all types of luxury. In hell, you are being tied to a leash with a series of other people. An elephant is crushing the bones of a sinner.
Here a guy has put chains around their necks and is dragging them, like how they are dragging animals. This one is very very strange. One guy is caught by many and they are torturing him. But what are they doing? Who can explain what is going on here?
So who is the one who came up with these innovative ways of torture? His name is Yama, he is the Lord of death and justice, he has 18 arms and he is sitting majestically on a buffalo. He is in charge of torturing all these wrong doers. Yama is not only feared by Hindus, even Buddhists, even Cambodian Buddhists today, revere Yama, as the God of Justice. And he has many attendants, the huge guys who are shown torturing the people in hell, they all work for him. I know you want to see more of these punishments, so let's look at what else is going on.
Here is a completely new technique you have never heard of. Catch some one, and then use brute force and snap their spinal cord. Look how their bodies are getting twisted, just hold their neck in one hand, their feet in the other hand and then break their back.
Here is another one. Some people are tied to trees, some are also tied upside down and then the attendants keep swinging a sword at them. So why are some hanging upside down, while others are upright? See in ancient Indian texts, Specific types of torture are assigned to specific types of sins. For example, this punishment is called Adhomukha, he is tied upside down because he took bribes, he was a corrupt person on earth. Now, interestingly, all these ancient Sanskrit names are inscribed on top of the punishments in this temple. So you can still read these inscriptions of the various types of torture, if you know Khmer script, the script itself looks very similar to the letters of ancient Tamil language. Ancient Indian texts describe the sins in detail, and this not only includes bad actions, but it also includes bad thoughts. For example, a guest has come to your house, and let us say he or she is an in-law, so you dislike them, but you cannot explicitly show this. So you will give them a cruel glance to make sure they know that you don't like them. So, you think you are clever, because you have not done anything, but you have been subtle to show them your hatred with just one look.
#Hinduism #Cambodia #PraveenMohan
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This is the world famous Kailasa temple at Ellora and let's look objectively into who could have built this amazing structure. By the end of this video, I hope you will agree with me that our history is completely wrong, and that this temple was built by a very advanced civilization.
What is so special about this temple? This temple was not constructed by adding stone blocks, but an entire mountain was carved to create this temple. This is the only example in the whole world where a mountain was cut out from the top, to create a structure. In all the other temples and caves, even in Ellora and the rest of the world, the rock was cut from the front and carved as they went along. The whole world has followed a rock cutting technique called "cut-in monolith" while Kailasa temple is the only one that has used the exact opposite technique called "cut-out monolith".
To see why this rock cutting technique is so different, let's take a look at this pillar that is over 100 feet tall. See how small human beings look when compared to this pillar. Normally, to create such a huge pillar, it would take years of work, carving accurately on the huge rock. But this pillar was carved by scooping out all the pieces of mountain around it. You can imagine the amount of rock, which has been removed to create this pillar.
Historians and archaeologists are confused because of the sheer amount of rock that was removed in this temple. Archaeologists confirm that over 400,000 tons of rock had to be scooped out, which would have taken not years, but centuries of human labor. Historians have no record of such a monstrous task and they think that it was built in less than 18 years.
Let us do a simple math and see if historians could be right. I am going to assume that people worked every day for 18 years and for 12 hours straight with no breaks at all. I am going to ignore rainy days, festivals, war time and assume that people worked like robots ceaselessly. I am also going to ignore the time taken to create intricate carvings and complex engineering design and planning and just focus on the removal of rock.
If 400,000 tons of rock were removed in 18 years, 22,222 tons of rock had to be removed every year. This means that 60 tons of rock was removed every day, which gives us 5 tons of rock removed every hour. I think we can all agree, that is not even possible today to remove 5 tons of rock from a mountain, every hour. Not even with all the so called advanced machines that we have. So, if it is not humanly possible, was it done by humans at all? Was this created with the help of extraterrestrial intelligence?
Now, forget about creating such an extraordinary structure. Can human beings at least destroy this temple? In fact, Aurangzeb a Muslim king employed a thousand workers to completely demolish this temple. In 1682, he ordered that that the temple be destroyed, so that there would be no trace of it. Records show that a 1000 people worked for 3 years, and they could only do a very minimal damage. They could break and disfigure a few statues here and there, but they realized it is just not possible to completely destroy this temple. Aurangzeb finally gave up on this impossible task.
Note that this attempted destruction is very similar to another mysterious structure called The Menkaure's pyramid in Egypt. Another Muslim ruler wanted all the pyramids to be destroyed, and started his work from the Menkaure's pyramid. After years of trying, he was only able to make a small dent on the pyramid. He gave up too. Were all these indestructible structures around the world created by extraterrestrials? Is that why human beings are not even able to destroy them?
In fact, archaeologists agree that Kailasa temple was created before any other temple in the Ellora cave complex. Could this have been built centuries before human beings started carving other temples nearby? Is this why the architecture, the design, and the size is so much better and bigger than other temples? If it was built by humans, it is logical to expect that the rock cutting techniques and design would become better over time. People would gain more experience and knowledge and make better structures in the future. However, the Kailasa temple is the oldest and the biggest temple carved with engineering perfection.
Unlike other temples, the Kailasa is the only temple that is visible from the air. Out of 34 temples, all carved side by side, Kailasa stands out and you can see it while flying over it. Is this just a coincidence? Or was it designed for people to see it from the air, like Nazca lines of Peru?
#India #AncientAliens #KailasaTemple
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Hey guys, here is a strange stone arch found in the hills of Tirumala. The arch is very big, it is over 26 feet wide and 10 feet in height and geologists confirm that no such formation exists in all of Asia. Scientists insist that this is a natural formation, even though it does not look like a natural structure. If you look at the rocks nearby, they appear to have cut marks at several areas suggesting that it was created with intelligent technology.
But there is something much more mysterious about this structure. It emits Electromagnetic radiation at certain times. You may wonder why a so-called natural formation needs an 8 foot tall fence and must be kept locked at all times. I mean, if this is just a natural rock formation, why does it have to be locked? I have tried many times to contact the authorities to open this door so I can examine this closer, but all my requests were denied without any explanation. So I have to show you the footage from the outside, and I could not test the EMF radiation on site with my EMF meter. What could be happening in this area which is so secretive, that it is closed to the public? What could possibly be inside this place, which is just made of rocks?
Locals confirm that this structure was open to the public, but something strange started to happen in the last decade when people started using cell phones and cameras. Many people began complaining that their cell phones and cameras died when they got near the arch. One man fainted on site, and doctors examined and found out that his pacemaker had stopped working. People say this is why this place has been fenced off. Is it possible that this structure is emitting some kind of emf radiation that interferes with electronic equipment? The workers who clean this area also told me that they are not allowed to take their cell phones inside. All these evidences indicate that the so-called natural formation emits a strange radiation, which is not understood by human beings.
The official plaque on this site says something very intriguing: It reads "Devotees believe that Lord Vishnu, the presiding deity of this sacred hill appeared through this as.. swayambhu" - Swayambu means appearing without the help of any devices or human beings. This means that he appeared through this arch which makes this structure a Stargate. Now, what is a stargate?
Read the rest of the story here: https://goo.gl/1JAgMv
#Stargate #Ancientaliens #India
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Hey guys, I have just discovered some brand new evidence of ancient aliens and UFOs, in India. You are going to look at cave paintings of a spacecraft and ancient astronauts for the very first time, this information has never been published anywhere before. These cave paintings are in a remote village called Onake Kindi in the southern India. Remember, cave paintings of extraterrestrials were discovered three years ago in India, but the cave paintings I am showing you now is in a totally new location, which is 800 miles away. These paintings not only show ancient astronauts, but also show the actual spacecraft, the flying saucer in which they landed.
But is this really a flying a saucer, a spacecraft? Let us take a good look at what this painting shows: A large spherical object with 2 human like figures standing inside. They seem to be holding something like a ladder, as though to get down from the top. The legs of these figures are painted like waves, instead of straight lines. On top, there is a small chamber which seems to have some devices. It is a shame we can’t see the rest of the details, because the painting has faded away. Now, before we go any further, let’s take a step back and look at it objectively, like an archeologist.
Is it possible that there is a simpler explanation? What if these are just human beings standing inside a large wheel? What if these two guys are just regular people, inside a spherically designed house, and are using a ladder? But such a scenario, is impossible. Why? Because all experts agree that these are prehistoric cave paintings, which means these paintings were made by cave men, who did not how to create a wheel or to build even a mud hut. This is exactly why, these cave men were living in these caves. Experts confirm that these paintings were created thousands of years before human beings learnt how to build homes, temples and wheels. These primitive men did not even have metal tools and were hunting animals with stone tools.
This is why, cave paintings all over the world show very primitive depictions. You will see human beings, their families and animals. In this same location, we can see similar cave paintings. Here are the human beings, their families and the animals they were hunting. All experts agree that cave paintings tend to be the most original depictions of real life, because the cave men had no imagination, they painted only what they saw.
So, what could this possibly be?
Read the rest of the story here: http://www.phenomenalplace.com..../2017/06/just-discov
#Ancientaliens #India #UFO
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Hey guys, here is a thousand year old carving in the ancient temple of Gangaikonda Cholapuram and here you can see something very strange - A handbag hanging on a tree. Carvings of handbags are found in many ancient sites around the world, but this is the first time it has ever been spotted in India. This temple is estimated to be built around 1025 A.D which is a thousand years ago. In this video, let us examine who this person is, why is the bag hanging from a tree branch and most importantly, what's inside this mysterious bag.
But, this is the first question we must ask ourselves: Is it possible that this is just a simple handbag which was used to hold ordinary objects? Does the carving below, show an ancient man, using a handbag just like what we do today? The answer is no. Because the carving does not show a human being, but Lord Shiva who is considered the supreme God in Hinduism. This is clear when you see the characteristic features like the little demon below his feet and a snake in his arm. Many depictions of Shiva show the exact same features - the little demon and the snake, confirming that this is in fact, Lord Shiva. According to many religious experts, Shiva is the first God and all other gods arrived on earth, after him. Around the world, there are many deities carved with the same handbag. The Sumerian Gods have it, the site of Gobekli tepe has the same carving, and they have also been found in New Zealand and Central America.
Experts don't know what was inside these handbags and they do not want to agree that handbags existed many thousand years ago. Why is this? Because historians and archeologists claim that all these Gods are fictional characters who did not use physical items like handbags. So, they come up with some abstract, philosophical explanation. They explain that the strap of the bag, which looks like a semi-circle, represents the hemisphere of the sky and the solid, flat base represents the earth. Therefore, they say that the Gods are shown holding the symbol of heavenly and earthly powers. But these "experts" would not have expected us to find a carving like this in India. It is not shown in the hands of Shiva, but hanging from a tree branch. This clearly proves that this was not a mere symbol, but an actual handbag which contained something very important. But there is another surprising clue in the same carving. You can pause the video if you want and try to find out what it is. The carving shows not one handbag, but two. On the other side of the tree, another handbag is shown hanging, but you can only see the strap. The rest of the bag is not seen because it is behind Lord Shiva's dreadlocks. This clearly proves that these bags were not just symbols, because symbols are always shown in full, in order to be understood. This was an actual handbag, a physical object, which is why it is shown partially.
So, what would Lord Shiva, the God of unlimited power, carry with him at all times? And why were these bags hanged on a tree, why did he not just place them on the ground? Have you ever noticed why we never place batteries on the ground? Almost always, we use a non-conductor like wood or plastic before placing batteries on ground. It is common knowledge not to place batteries on ground because it tends to drain rather quickly, and if there is a leak, you will lose all power instantly because of its contact with earth.
Did ancient Gods use portable power supplies? Is this handbag, a high powered battery which was used for machining technology and other scientific purposes. Is this why we can see many carvings of gods holding a battery in one hand, and a machining tool in the other?
In my videos, I have not only shown you evidence of machining technology but also a 4000 year old battery used in India. Are all these evidences just coincidences, or is Shiva, the most powerful God, shown here using an actual power source? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. I am Praveen Mohan, Thanks a lot for watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Like and share this video with your friends, and I will talk to you soon. Bye.
Read here: https://goo.gl/hfS3eS
#Hinduism #India #Ancientaliens
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Hey guys,
Let’s take a look at how to decode ancient Indian carvings, and by the end of this video you will realize that understanding these gods leads us to completely new discoveries, which are hiding in plain sight. This is the Airavateswara temple at Darasuram in India. Historians think it was built about 850 years ago.
Let’s take a look at this deity, and try to understand what it stands for: It just looks like a male god with 2 flowers in his hands. If you read Indian scriptures, you will realize that this represents the Sun God, Surya. Now, within a distance of 10 feet, on another side of the temple, we can see the same Sun God carved again. This is a rare sight, to see the same deity carved twice, close to each other. Why did the ancient builders carve the same god twice, within a distance of 10 feet? Of course, the standard answer is quite simple: It is a Hindu temple, and thousands of gods are carved for religious worship. This is not a satisfactory answer for me, because I’ve always argued that every carving was done for a specific reason. So, I take a closer look at each of them. Here are these 2 carvings side by side, you can click the pause button if you want and try to figure out the difference between them. What did you find? The carving on the left shows that the flowers are just beginning to bloom – look at the petals. The carving on the right, shows the flowers in full bloom, the petals are wide open. In ancient Vedic texts, the Sun God is shown holding 2 lotus flowers. The lotus will begin to bloom in the morning sun and will remain wide open until the sun sets in the evening. So, this carving represents the Morning Sun, and this carving represents the Evening Sun.
So, we have now understood the meanings of these 2 carvings, but we are only scratching the surface of the mystery. You can see that the Sun God is carved above the horse. Is anything carved below the horse as well? Hidden from the eyes of casual visitors, this deity is carved underneath. Who is he? From his hair, and the weapons he is holding, he can be identified as a god by the name of “Kaala Bhairava”.
If you look at the standard explanations of this God, it is somewhat simple and it is known as a fierce or frightful form of Lord Shiva. But a deeper look into this deity, shows that the word Kaala means time and the word Bhairava is split into three words, Creation, Sustenance and Destruction. So, the real meaning of Kaala Bhairava is something similar to the eternal timekeeper. Now, we know the meaning of these 3 carvings, but we still don’t know why they have been carved.
Read the rest of the story here: https://goo.gl/d8yIsg
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Hey guys, let's take a look at this megalithic structure called Vishnu's Vimana. This is located on top of a hill in Hampi and at first sight it looks strangely similar to a modern day helicopter. This is exactly how the locals named it a thousand years ago, it is called Vishnu's Vimana which means the aircraft of Lord Vishnu. You can see that it is massive, standing nearly 12 feet tall and about 14 feet wide, but is not made of one single rock. The huge centerpiece has been balanced using several smaller rocks underneath. There are two rocks placed on top of the center piece as well, and here is the weird part: if you remove any one rock from this structure, the entire structure will crumble down, because its center of gravity will change.
Now the question is, is this a natural formation or was it created during ancient times? While locals argue that ancient builders created it as a model of a vimana or an aircraft, geologists say that this is a natural formation. But there are several clues which prove that this is not a natural formation. On the bottom, we can see the carving of a circle, with radiating lines all around the circumference, like the blades of a fan. This is clearly a carving, and not a natural occurrence. And there are drag marks nearby, indicating that these rocks were dragged uphill and put together. These drag marks are never seen near natural formations. But there is yet another massive clue which clearly proves that this structure is not a natural formation. Just a few hundred feet away, there is another megalithic structure which also looks like a helicopter. Is it possible that nature made 2 aircraft like structures next to each other on top of the same hill? That would be impossible! So, we know that these structures are not natural formations, and were in fact created by ancient builders.
But how could such a structure be built without advanced technology? This is all made of granite and weighs about 100 tons. How was the massive rock in the center lifted and placed on smaller rocks at the bottom to achieve a perfect balance? Today, we use sophisticated technology like cranes, but how was this achieved thousands of years ago?
And the most important question is WHY? Why did ancient builders decide to drag huge rocks weighing many tons to the top of this hill? Why were they balanced on slopes of a hilltop to look like an aircraft, ready for takeoff? Remember I showed you Krishna's butter ball, which is balanced on an extremely slippery slope in the ancient site of Mahabalipuram. Why are all these impossible stone structures named after Gods, and why do we always see ancient temples around them? The Vishnu's Vimana is also located right next to a temple. On top of the temple is an uneven rock, and an aerodynamic tower has then been placed on it. Here is yet another tower built on a boulder, the only difference is that it is painted white. These temple towers emerging out of these boulders are also called Vimanas.
One thing is clear, there is some kind of advanced information hidden in all these megalithic structures, but we don't know how to decode them. Please let me know what you think about these structures in the comments section, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching. Don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Like and share this video with your friends and I will talk to you soon. Bye!
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108 is broken down into 12 Raasi or zodiac signs multiplied by 9 grahas or navagrahas or influencers of planet Earth. 108 comes into place because of these two factors, okay? So, 108 is a product of these two magical numbers: 12 and 9. And let's take a look at these
numbers. Now, let's look at the number 9, this is a very interesting number. It's very important in Hinduism we have navagrahas which are nine factors which affect planet Earth in Indian astrology. We have Navaratnas which are nine jewels. The number 9 appears everywhere, for example, there are 18 chapters in Bhagavad-Gita and there are 9 Puranas. You know all sacred texts use the number 9, but 9 has some really weird properties.
Remember when you were a kid, how you used to write 9 tables. 9 X 1 = 9. 9 X 2 =18.
9 X 3 = 27. Now suddenly you start recognizing a pattern, right? Look at this.. let's say this is 0. 0, 1, 2 so 1, 2 and then 9, 8, 7. So now, all you have to do.. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9 right? And then here 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Now this was your tables 9 X 4 = 36
9 X 5 = 45. 9 X 6 = 54. There's another interesting way to do this, which is.. you just have to write till 9 times 5, this is 45. Now you just have to reverse the numbers, so it would be 54. 9 X 6 = 54. 9 X 7 = 63 and 9 times.. so you can just keep reversing the numbers. This is 27, now you can put 72. The number 9 has these weird properties and it's interesting to think
about this because number 9 can be represented as 3 raised to the power of 2 raised to the power of 1. That's a very interesting way to represent 9, but let's look at these tables right.
Let's look at these numbers and see what this means okay? 9 X 7 = 63. 9 X 11 = 99, am I right? And then 9 X 12 that is our divine number 108, correct? Now, the human part is based on these numbers. If you're a healthy adult, your heart would beat 72 beats a minute. Your heart actually follows this pattern. Now if you just skip this and if you reached this level,
you would reach a very slow rate, this is called Bradycardia. This is a dangerous level, if you do deep meditation, very deep meditation for more than like two hours, you can literally slow your heart down to this level.
Okay? But this is kind of dangerous to get your heart to this level, now if your heart goes to this level: 99 then it's become dangerously high this is called Tachycardia. If you're a cardiologist or if you're a doctor you can say well, no tachycardia level starts from hundred beats a minute, this is the current modern medicine practices that's not 99. But let me tell you
you're not going to send a patient home because his heartbeat is 99 beats a minute. It's still 99. So your heart basically follows this pattern of 9. 72 beats - this would be your normal, okay? Now if you go here then you you're reaching dangerously low levels and if you reach 99 then you have heart problems. Okay so this is how 9 is connected to the human body, but
let's go the whole nine yards right? Let's go to angles because the number 9 has a very unique property okay? So if you add these numbers for example 0 + 9 = 9 1 + 8 = 9 2 + 7 = 9
This is very very interesting property of 9, because if you look at any tables, right? Let's look at some number that you want to multiply 9 with. You could multiply anything with 9. You can multiply it with 20 for example this would be 180. Again this 1 + 8 + 0 = 9. You can multiply any number you can multiply a long number with 9 and you can still add everything together and you would still get 9. This is a weird property of 9 and this plays a huge part in
geometry.. because a circle.
If you look at the angles. This is 360 degrees right? 3 + 6 = 9. If you look at.. let's say
a triangle okay? This is an equilateral triangle: 60 degrees ... 60 degrees... 60 degrees. 60 + 60 + 60 = 180. 1 + 8 + 0 = 9. Now if you take a square for example. 90, 90, 90, 90. Now 90 + 90 + 90 + 90 = 360. 3 + 6 + plus 0 = 9 okay? I don't want to go indefinitely, but remember I showed you this Pancha Lingam right? 108, 108, 108, 108, 108. five times right? 108 X 5 = 540. 5 + 4 + 0 = 9 This is what makes 9, a divine number. And this is why it's so much used in geometry. Nine is very important in sacred geometry okay? Let me clear this board and I'm going to show you a little bit more about nine. Now remember we talk about angles right? So 360 degrees if you look
at those entire 360 degrees right?
#Hinduism #India #PraveenMohan
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Hey guys, today I am going to show you the secret Lingams of Angkor Wat Temple, nobody has posted this information anywhere, this is not on YouTube, and this is not even in any book, these lingams have never been observed before.
When you walk around these passages they have a lot of Buddha statues placed all around. Some Buddhas are huge, and some Buddhas are small, and some of them have even been destroyed, and it is said that 108 Buddhas were placed originally all around like this, in this temple. But this is strange because Angkor Wat was originally built as a Hindu temple, and 108 is a sacred number of Hindus, so why would the original builders place 108 Buddha statues here?
Let us examine this mystery, and here you can see this Buddha statue, its head is broken. Now, Buddha is already seated on a Naga, a snake, and he is placed on a pedestal or a base. To a casual observer, there is nothing wrong, but there is something very weird about the base, it does not fit the Buddha at all. You can see that the base is square, and there is a groove, an outlet for the water. "THIS IS THE BASE OF A LINGAM FOR THE WATER." This is the base of a lingam for the water to flow. I have shown you a lot of lingams like this, and how they have these spouts or outlets for water. And look, the Buddha statue is completely separate and it is not even seated on the base properly.
So, where is the lingam? Where is the cylindrical part that once sat on this base? It is sitting right here, you can see a part of the broken cylinder, this was the lingam which originally stood on the base.
And here is another Buddha, this Buddha is much smaller than the base, and you can see the full base of the lingam here, how a lingam would have been originally placed. The cylinder top represents Shiva, and it has been specifically destroyed, and a Buddha has been placed on top, even though it does not fit this base at all.
May be, this is true only for small Buddha statues, what about the Giant Buddha statues placed in Angkor Wat? Look at this one, this Buddha is more than 8 feet tall, has a huge 7 headed naga guarding him, while he is in deep meditation. This is such a fantastic statue that even as a visitor, you want to pay respect to this Buddha. But look at the base. It is obvious that it is not at all a part of the Buddha statue. And you can see this rectangular groove for water outlet. There was originally a lingam here, and when the civilizations changed, the lingams were destroyed, and these Buddha statues were just placed on top of them.
I have examined at least a dozen of these Buddhas, and it is a very interesting modification to watch, when the temple was taken over by a different religion, they just removed the cylinders, but they kept the bases and placed the newer Buddhas on top of these bases. But this is not a very well engineered modification, in almost all cases, the bases look completely different than the Buddhas.
Okay, so you have now seen the 108 lingams inside Angkor Wat temple, But these are not the lingams I wanted to show you, I want to show you the SECRET LINGAMS that have been hiding underground for many centuries.
In 2015, researchers used laser scanning equipment called Lidar attached to low-flying helicopters and scanned the Angkor Wat area. And they were shocked to find a large field full of cylindrical projections hidden around the temple complex. Archeologists are calling them 'Domes' because they are cylindrical structures with nice smooth tops, these are obviously lingams. But it is not just the buried lingams that have stunned scientists, it’s the sheer volume of them. They have found vast fields full of these lingams arranged in grid like fashion, forming a large matrix. Experts confirm that these ancient structures were built around the same time as Angkor Wat temple.
Why were hundreds of these lingams built all around Angkor Wat temple complex? Why did ancient builders build such a large number of lingams both inside and outside the temple walls? These lingams are debunking all mainstream theories. Experts have always argued that there is nothing special about Lingams, they are just statues people built, hoping that others will come and worship these lingams and give donations. But these lingams found by Lidar technology is proving this wrong, if lingams were built only for worship and donations, why would they make these hundreds of lingams in a grid like fashion and place them outside the walls of Angkor Wat? These lingams must have been used for a specific reason.
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We have seen all the life forms that dominated planet earth since millions of years. So what does the final dominant figure look like? Surprisingly, the final carving shows a very different life form that does not look human at all. You can see how the sculptor carved this figure with an elongated face and a pointed mouth.
Could this be a mistake? No, if you look at ancient carvings of this final God called Kalki, he does not have the resemblance of Human avatars like Krishna or Rama. Instead, he is shown with very different facial features.
And the sculptor left another important clue to show that Kalki is not human, but a completely different kind of being. Can you guess what it is? If you want, you can pause the video, and take another look at the entire pillar and try to find out for yourself. In normal Hindu carvings many figures are shown with multiple arms, but in this pillar the sculptor has shown all the human life forms strictly with 2 arms. And notice how in all the other species that are not human, he has shown them with multiple arms. This is a remarkable detail that has no exception in all these 10 life forms. The final figure is definitely not human because it is carved with multiple arms.
So, the final life form that would dominate planet earth and the human race would not be human at all. Do you think Gorillas or dolphins are going to subdue us? We can all agree that there is going to be no other species on earth than can subdue human beings, unless the real Gods descend from the sky. Scientists may call them Extraterrestrials and religious people may call them Gods, but the name does not matter. What really matters is that the ancient Hindu scriptures that were incredibly accurate about the past 9 life forms that dominated our planet is making the statement that beings from another world would be the final dominant force. So if the scriptures were right 9 times, what are the odds that they will be wrong the 10th time? I personally think that this prediction of Kalki’s arrival would also be 100% accurate.
So what would happen to human beings? What do the scriptures say about Kalki?
It is recorded that Kalki would be extremely virtuous and would quickly realize that most of the human beings are corrupt and dishonest. He would destroy the entire human race except a handful of honest people who show their complete devotion to him. Kalki would then take this handful of people and start a new civilization.
In a book called Srimad Bhagavatam, Kalki is portrayed as capable of changing the color of his skin at will. His skin can be yellow and sometimes it can become black. Kalki would have no flaws in his thoughts, and there would be no imperfections that human beings have. Scriptures say that he would arrive in a flying horse with a blazing sword that can kill a thousand people with one swipe. To the scientific community this refers to an advanced laser weapon, because normal swords are not blazing and cannot kill thousand people at one swing.
In ancient scriptures & sculptures, Kalki is accurately portrayed with an elongated face. However, this was modified by newer books in the last few centuries where he is shown as a human being.
Now, think about the marvel of documenting evolution 2500 years ago by the so called primitive men. How could ancient Indian scriptures write about all these life forms in perfect order? There is no way it can be a coincidence because it would be similar to an archer hitting the bullseye 10 times in a row. If they had made one change, for example if they put the turtle before the fish, the entire theory would fall apart.
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Hey guys, I am at Mahabalipuram in India and here is a large rock that is popularly called "the drinking rock" where locals gather and have some drinks at night. You can see that broken bottles have completely covered the rock. That's a broken lighter & it looks like somebody threw up last night, must have been a wild party. Now, why would I bitch about people having a good time on an isolated rock? Well, here is the catch: This is the top of a very ancient monument. Underneath the ground, is a large temple with valuable history. Right here, you can see the writings in an ancient language which was last used by Pallava kingdom, which ended around 900 A.D. So obviously the inscription on it is at least 1100 years old, although, I estimate it to be a much older structure and I'll explain that towards the end of the video.
You can see these writings have already been partially damaged, and I am yet to decode what these words mean, but why would I say there is an ancient temple underneath? Let me turn my camera and show you what's there a few hundred feet away. You can see a large boulder there. Let's take a closer look at what that big rock is all about.
In 2004, when Tsunami hit this place, this place was completely submerged under water. But the real surprise came, when the water receded, because it uncovered this temple. Look around, they have found a massive structure with brick work, granite and a lot of other material. Archeologists estimate this temple to be around 2000 years old. You see this line right here, before the Tsunami only what's above that line was visible and everything below it was buried under ground. People imagined that this was just another rock too. Now, look closely near the top of the boulder. You will see similar writings on top of this rock as well, just like the drinking rock. So before the Tsunami in 2004, this temple would have looked very similar to the drinking rock.
There are other similarities as well. You can see this line here that goes all the way from the top to the sides. Lines like these were cut in ancient times to get the rock marked for carvings. Now, let's get back to the drinking rock and you'll see a similar line here as well. It is a mystery, how they cut these fine lines without any wedges or chisel marks. Right next to the drinking rock, you can also see other rocks cut with wedge marks. The same wedge marks and rock cuttings are also found in the temple that was recently uncovered. I've shown you how the ancient people used water and wedges to cut rocks in a different video called ancient rock cutting technology.
Now what must have happened 1100 years ago? A massive tsunami would have hit this area and basically buried all these temples. Those who survived must have carved these writings to mark them as temples buried underneath. This theory makes a lot of sense because when the temples were in use, there is no reason to make these carvings on top of the temple. Because at that time, the ground level was there, not up here. And nobody would have been able see those carvings. So, if the writings were done after the temples went underground and if they were written in this ancient language, that pushes the age of the temples much farther than 1100 years. It is very likely that this temple is also 2000 years old, just like the one nearby.
So, it should be obvious that these writings, cuttings and wedge marks are not random coincidences and the drinking rock is an ancient temple, patiently waiting to be uncovered. I hope there is no need for another tsunami and if this video gets shared enough, archeologists might excavate it. At least they can put a fence around it, to prevent future damage.
I hope you enjoyed the secret of the drinking rock. I am Praveen Mohan, Please do share this video, leave your thoughts in the comments section. Thank you for watching and I'll talk to you soon.
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Hey guys, I am at the Darasuram Temple in India and wanted to show you something very interesting. As you can see there are lots of both local and foreign tourists that come to visit these temples and they often complain that there are no entrance or exit signs. So they get confused and don't know which way to get in and which way to get out because there are so many chambers and sub chambers in the temple.
Why don't Indian temples have entrance or exit signs? In fact, archeologists and religious experts will tell you that no such signboards or even writings have been found in ancient temples marking these doorways. This is mind boggling because Indians have been writing in languages like Tamil and Sanskrit for at least 2000 years and you can even see these writings in the very temple that I am currently researching on.
But I am gonna show you how intelligent the builders were many centuries ago. Let's say you are inside the sanctum and want to get out. Focus on the pillars and you will see the sculpture of this animal on all the pillars. Notice that the tails of all these animals are curved or twisted. All of them except one, which is straight. Just walk towards this pillar and that's the way you should get out. This is the ancient way of marking the exit sign.
Is this just a coincidence? No, because I am gonna show you the entrance sign as well. When you are outside and want to get in, you can see the front side of the same figure on all the pillars. Now you can see that the trunks of these figures are slightly curved and point up and even though you see the stairs right here, don't enter through this way because you haven't seen the entrance sign yet. Now, I am walking around and you can see that the trunks are all straight except one. This is the only sculpture with a twisted trunk. This is the way to properly enter this temple's chamber.
This is a classic example of how valuable ancient knowledge has been lost. In fact, I just rediscovered this after many centuries because I checked with the local priests and archeologists and they told me they had no idea about these signs.
Just think, the ancient builders who historians describe as unsophisticated people, have created these signs many centuries ago, this temple being at least 850 years old. And we, who are supposed to be modern and sophisticated people are actually not so perceptive and don't pay attention to these nuances.
Another remarkable feature is that there is no way you can see the exit sign from the outside because you don't need to see it as long as you are outside and it only becomes visible once you are inside and want to get out. And Vice Versa is also true. These sign boards if you will, need no maintenance and are immortal because they can't be destroyed. They are not just some external signs that can be removed and replaced, but they have been incorporated with the infrastructure of the temple.
Just remember, these little nuances have been lost in the last 500 years and modern temples don't have these carvings that mark entrance and exit signs. So if you ever visit an ancient Indian temple, do look for these sign boards.
Read the full story here: http://goo.gl/Q0ZK2c
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Hey guys, today we are not going to see a historic site, we are going to go to a pre-historic site. What's the difference? A Pre-historic site is a site which goes back to the time where there is no writing or any other form of historical records. So, we are going to a site that’s at least 5000 years old. Pre-historic sites are very old, very rare and are extremely hard to find. We are going to a deep forest area known as Javvadhu hills in South India, this forest is protected by the Government.
The Javvadhu hills are known for its lack of facilities. But even before I begun the journey, in the surrounding, there are no hotels or restaurants, but the village women cook delicious food, and sell them on the street and people are extremely friendly and helpful. Locals stories are always fascinating to hear.
When we enter the Javvadhu hills, we can see the difference, outside we see heavily populated villages, but this forest is almost completely uninhabited. Here you can see how it looks outside the reserve forest and you can see it how it looks inside the protected area. Why is such a large area protected by the Government? Is there some mystery hidden from us? The paved roads end after a certain a point, and there are only small dirt roads, they are too narrow for my car. So, I borrowed a motorcycle, because I need to use these roads for many miles before reaching the hill. Nobody is allowed to settle and build homes in this forest area, there are only a few hundred tribal people who live here on forest resources. For a casual visitor, it is nothing but trees and hills. Or is it? The bike will only take you so far and you must be prepared to walk for several miles, through the woods. The Javvadhu hills are known for its exotic herbs, people affected with lung diseases come here to breathe this herb filled air. I have been walking for more than 2 hours now, and our prehistoric site is at the very top of a hill. I am walking through rocky areas which have some crazy slopes, If I am careless, the fall from here can be deadly.
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Hey guys, I want to show you a unique carving in the Vittala temple at Hampi. It is very small, but it is a mind-boggling carving, do you know what this carving shows? I have shown you several unique features about this temple. I have shown you the Musical pillars in this temple, which give a variety of sounds when tapped on, this temple also has the stone chariot and how its wheels rotate like real wheels, but this tiny little carving is not even looked at by most visitors.
What is this? Why does it look so strange? Indian temples are known for their spectacular carvings with crystal clear details, but this one is totally different. It does not have any clear features although we can see some of the details. And it is a very mysterious carving.
If you look from the top angle, you might be able to see a frog. This looks very much like a frog and you can see its head, body and limbs. Interestingly, mostly kids, who have not reached their teenage yet, will see the frog. Adolescents and adults rarely see the frog.
If you are a teenager, whether you are a boy or a girl, you will tend to see a snake. Here you can see the snake's head, its curved body and its tail. So, in the same carving, you can see the frog, which is the prey and also the snake which is the predator. So why do kids see the frog, while teens observe the snake?
If you are an adult male, a man who is between the age of 20 and 50, you would probably see that there is a monkey grabbing a baby monkey from the floor, as though the bigger monkey is protecting its baby. If you are a man watching this video, and you belong to this age group, this is probably the first thing you noticed. Oh a monkey lifting its baby. Am I Right?
And an adult woman will look at it completely differently. She will notice a mother monkey breastfeeding a baby monkey, of course this is a fantastic sight to see, how a little monkey is drinking milk from its mother.
But what about people who are above 50, what do they tend to see? They would notice this: This is a flying monkey God, You can see his 2 legs in the air and you can even observe his tail if you look carefully. He is none other than Lord Hanuman who is trying to serve others faithfully. And then, if you renounce all your worldly desires, if you are ready to face death without any fear, if you become a monk or a sanyasi who seeks enlightenment, you will see something very different. You will see this: A cylindrical lingam, protected by a giant snake on top. This is only observed by the very wise or the very old. It is very interesting how such a carving was done many centuries ago in India.
But why do people with different age groups, different ****es, see different images in the same carving? Is this Spirituality or Science? For Ancient Hindus Spirituality was Science. Ancient builders always blended Spirituality and Science in a beautiful way.
Today, there is a specific type of art called Ambiguous Images - these are used by psychologists to learn about your mind and body. Let's take a look at this picture. What do you see? Believe it or not, the only thing a young kid will see, is a bunch of dolphins playing inside a giant bottle. The kid will not be able to see anything else and he will even point out that his observation is accurate, because even the tag on the bottle says Dolphins explicitly. On the other hand, adults will see something completely different and have to make a conscious effort to identify the dolphins. This image is used by psychiatrists to see if a child has hit puberty. Let me show you another classic one here: What about this one? What do you see? If you noticed the Skull first, you are reasonably aware of your surroundings and can spot dangers from a distance, but if you only saw the woman in the mirror, and did not see the skull at all, you are a hopeless romantic. But WHY is this happening? It is the same picture, but why do people see completely 2 different images? Because you are not really seeing with your eyes, you are seeing everything with your mind. And how your mind is conditioned, changes the information you see with your eyes. So you may think you are an objective person, but you are always processing all information with some filters, and these filters are based on your conditioning.
#India #Hinduism #PraveenMohan
Hey guys, we are at Coral Castle in Florida and let’s take a look at the Polaris telescope built by Edward Leedskalnin. The telescope is unique because it is the world’s only megalithic telescope, and this rock weighs a massive 23 tons and stands 25 feet tall. Now, imagine a 100 pound man with a 4th grade education single-handedly lifting 46,000 pounds. But what’s more unique , unlike most other rocks in the coral castle, it can be placed only at this specific location. Ed had to be extremely precise and one inch to the right or the left would make this telescope pointless. Let us use this telescope to understand how this works. Here is a triangular eyepiece with a hole drilled on it; all you have to do is line up the hole in the eyepiece and the hole in the telescope. But we don’t see anything because it is broad daylight. But on a clear night sky, you will see the North Star in one of the 4 quadrants. Polaris is simply another word for the North Star. You can not only see the North Star but you can also calculate the 4 seasons because the North Star will rotate among the quadrants depending on the seasons. During winter, you will the north star in the top right, it will move to the top left during spring, will descend to bottom left during summer and to the bottom right during fall. Is there a way to see the North Star even during daytime? It is possible to virtually see it if you use an app called Google Sky. All you have to do is download it on your smart phone and hold it before this eyepiece.
Now, remember I said, if Ed moved the large telescope even by an inch, it wouldn't work and some of you might think, this circle is large enough that such a small movement would not matter. But what is Ed really doing here? He did not care about the North Star; he did not care about the 4 seasons. All he cared about was the absolute true north. He has marked the true north at the dead center of the cross hairs, so he had to place this telescope exactly at this location and the set this eye piece here.
Remember, he did this in 1940, and he had no satellite GPS, fancy computers or lasers. This is a very unusual accomplishment for a 4th grader especially to do it without anyone’s help. After Ed’s death, people searched his belongings for astronomical devices like telescopes, advanced compasses, ****tants and found none whatsoever.
So how could he do it with his naked eye? When people asked him about this telescope, he would tell them that he knew what the builders of Giza pyramid knew. The strange thing about Giza Pyramid is that the sides of the square base are closely aligned to the four cardinal compass points (within four minutes of arc)[11] based on true north. And the ancient Egyptians could create this 4500 years ago, apparently without any modern equipment just like ED did.
Now, if that is not enough, I just realized that Coral Castle itself is perfectly aligned with the four compass points based on true north. Is it humanly possible to construct an entire castle which weighs more than 1100 tons without the help of other humans, pack animals or advanced technology? And the megalithic walls on all four sides accurately line up with the four directions just like many of the ancient structures. And what’s even more brilliant, is that if you draw a line from the Polaris telescope to the exact south it dissects the entire castle into two equal halves. In my past videos about Ed’s Sundial and the 9 ton door, I showed you some uncanny similarities to the Giza pyramid. Was Coral Castle modeled after the great pyramid of Giza? What do you think? Please do let me know your opinion, I am finding a lot of intriguing stuff like this, so please do subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.
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Hey guys, today I am going to show you a mysterious phenomenon that is happening in the Arunachalesvara temple in the town of Tiruvannamalai. This temple is very old, at least 1300 years old, The unusual thing about this temple is that there is a lingam in the main chamber, and it emits an enormous amount of heat. Nobody has been able to explain this until now. Like all Hindu temples, the main idol is situated in the central chamber inside this temple, but this lingam somehow radiates a lot of heat. As we approach the main chamber where the lingam is contained, you can feel the temperature rising. Notice how the entire stone walls have turned completely black because of constant radiation. You can see multiple fans placed all around, trying to cool the place down, but the place remains much hotter than the outside, all the time. It is extremely hot even during winter time inside the main chamber.
When I visited this temple, Initially, I thought no one felt the rise in temperature except me, but when I researched this, it has already been published in multiple newspapers and several websites. Many have wondered why this is happening.
The priests in the temple also confirm this, and told me that the lingam itself is very hot, it feels like touching a warm cup of coffee. So they actually use a simple cooling device from time to time, this cooling system is a vessel is placed on top of the lingam, which slowly drips cold water to cool the lingam down.
But why is this happening? A stone is capable of giving out heat energy for many centuries without any power source? This is impossible, there should be some explanation for this phenomenon. I mean how is this possible?
Locals and priests explain that this radiation is happening because it is a special type of lingam called the Agni Lingam. Now, what is an Agni Lingam? Agni Lingam is a stack of energy, a column of fire emitting heat and light. This unique type of energy is said to be created in the underground portion of the lingam. What we see here, is just the top of the structure, there is a large cylindrical column which proceeds underground, which is what creates the enormous amount of heat. Since the heat produced by the lingam is very real, is it possible that such a lingam, a cylindrical power source actually exists underground? If this is true, is it possible that the ancient builders also carved the entire Agni Lingam in this temple?
#AncientAliens #NikolaTesla #Hinduism
The Ancient Bayon Temple is one of the brilliant monuments of Cambodia. But who is the main God? Who does this face represent? Is it Buddha? NO!
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Hey guys, today I am gonna show you a very strange temple. No, this is not Angkor Wat, many people think this is part of the Angkor Wat temple, but this is a different temple in Cambodia known as the Bayon Temple, a very large temple with many intriguing features. I am sure you have seen pictures of these mysterious stone faces at least once, but here is the shocker: No documentaries have ever been made about this temple. This is very very odd, because such a fantastic ancient temple should have plenty of videos and tv programs made about it. But there is nothing, I could not even find a documentary on YouTube. And I found a shocking reason why no documentaries can be aired on any TV channel about this temple. So welcome to the first and the only documentary about Bayon Temple.
According to Historians, the Bayon Temple was built as a Buddhist temple, these mysterious faces represent Buddha and it was built around 800 years ago. Even before you enter the Bayon temple, when you are driving towards the gate, you see these giants figures lined up on both sides of the road. Who are they? On one side, there are Gods called devas and on the other side, there are demons called Asuras and look at what is in their hands, the body of a giant snake. What are they doing with this serpent? They are churning the sea of milk. But this event is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts, not Buddhist texts, in fact Buddhism shuns features like this. So why does a Buddhist temple have a Hindu depiction outside its gate?
When you enter the Bayon temple, you realize it has a very unique visual impact. It is built completely different from any other temple in the world. There are a total of 54 towers cramped together, and each tower has multiple smiling faces embedded on them. There are a total of 216 faces on these towers. The faces may look small from the ground level, but when you go to the top level, it is just breath taking. You will become speechless for a few seconds because the giant faces with that mysterious smile give off a strange vibe.
Who does this face belong to? Why did ancient builders construct this temple with so many towers with these strange faces embedded on all sides? Archeologists and Historians say that this face depicts Buddha, and also the King Jayavarman the 7th, and he wanted to glorify Buddha and he wanted people to remember himself forever. This is why he built this temple, to establish the glory of Buddha and Himself, to turn himself into a God King.
But this entire theory is completely WRONG. These faces do not depict Buddha or the king, these faces depict the Hindu God Brahma. Brahma is the God with 4 heads, not Buddha. This is why every tower is shown with 4 heads or faces, facing 4 different directions. Ancient Hindu texts clearly mention that Brahma should be shown with 4 heads facing 4 different directions, on the other hand Buddha is never shown with 4 faces.
Even more interesting, look at the ornaments, he is wearing a spectacular necklace, He wears very ornate Ear Drops and he is wearing more jewellery on his head. This is completely against Buddha, because Buddha never wears Jewellery, he believed in simplicity. Even more important is the giant crown, it is a large conical helmet like headdress with a crown or a diadem at the top. There is an ancient sanskrit text called Manasara-Silpasastra which clearly explains how Brahma should be carved, and the ancient builders have built Brahma exactly as per this text. Again, Buddha is never shown with a giant headdress and a crown, he is shown with simple hair do.
But there is another fascinating detail: Look how he is shown with a Third Eye. Most people think only Shiva has a third eye, but Brahma also has a third eye, this is also mentioned in ancient texts. This means that ancient Cambodian sculptors had thorough knowledge of ancient Hindu texts, and they followed all the details carefully. This is stunning because even ancient Indians omitted these details some times, but they have dutifully followed it thousand miles away from India.
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Hey guys, today I am exploring a hill called Tirumalai, and this is a very ancient site, the structures you are seeing are about a thousand years old. I will cover these temples in a different video, but the real reason why I am here is because I got an email about a strange diagram which exists in one of these caves. The builders have constructed brick structures around natural caves, this is why we see a combination of natural and artificial structures here. Why are the ceilings so low? because these are natural overhanging rocks and these chambers were used as a secret location for gatherings and events.
And here you can see the strange diagram, the blueprint that I wanted to see. Let's be honest, your immediate impression is that it resembles a technical diagram. Why do you feel this way? Because in ancient art, you would expect human or divine figures, flowers or cute designs, but it does not have any of them. If you look at it from different angles, it is clear that it is not a 2 dimensional structure. It must be a 3 dimensional structure, the diagram in fact shows the top view of an advanced machine. Look at this figure, this a 4 blade rotor or a fan, this is exactly how a rotor would look from the top. There is not one, but four of them positioned in the same line. And look, they are all connected using the same cable line, this is incredible.
But what is more interesting, is the name of this drawing itself: Locals call it Chakra Vimana, which literally means a flying saucer. The word Chakra means a rotating wheel and the word Vimana means a flying machine. Is this the top view of an actual UFO, a flying saucer? Look carefully, there are small circles in the middle, and there are wires which appear to connect them on all four sides, but they do not touch the circle, the wires are merely placed close to the circles. Such details on this diagram cannot be explained by anything else, this is definitely a sophisticated machine we are looking at. See how there are arcs, placed in certain points, today we call them crescent magnets and use them in various motors. Look at the color coding, just like a modern technical drawing, the inner circle is blue, the middle circle is black, and the outer circle has bands of brown and black. Upon careful observation, we can see that colors used in all the details have been done following strict rules. Is it possible that this diagram shows the blueprint of a UFO? Is it why this is called Chakra Vimana?
To understand this, we need to look at the history of this ancient site. There are several temples in this hill, but surprisingly, they do not belong to Hinduism, they belong a religion known as Jainism. Jainism is one of the oldest religions of India and contains many secrets about Vimanas, or flying machines. Let us go into the main chamber of this temple to understand more about this. The central figure here is called Mahavira, he looks eerily peaceful, he is one of the most important Gods in Jainism. But his origin is shrouded in mystery. According to ancient texts, he emerged from a spacecraft called Puspa-Uttara. In fact, every statue you see here came out of Vimanas, according to ancient Jain texts. They are collectively known as Vimana Vasins, meaning they are dwellers of Vimana. These deities have some distinct features, some are shown with wings to indicate flight and some are shown with reptilian features, the hood of snakes. Their purpose was to serve and protect the great God Mahavira. Is it possible that the diagram that is drawn here is a blue print of an ancient Vimana used by these deities? How else can we explain this drawing?
But there is another clue why this entire site may contain advanced scientific information. If we examine these chambers and caverns, we can see that many of the paintings and drawings have been deliberately erased. The paintings on the top of overhanging rocks have been intentionally destroyed. Locals claim that this deliberate act of vandalism was done in 1939, by British soldiers due to racism
#UFO #AncientAliens #Vimana
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Hey guys, today we are going to take a look at this ancient temple at Srirangam. This is the largest functioning Hindu temple in the world, it actually takes up an entire island, occupying about 156 acres of land. When you drive through these towers, you are entering the temple premises, but Inside the temple campus, there is an entire city with streets, shops and houses. But don't let the bustling modern crowd fool you, because this temple is at least 2000 years old and contains many ancient secrets inside.
The most intriguing feature of this temple, is the large number of mysterious carvings. The carvings in this temple literally debunk many of the stuff we read in history books. For example, these carvings show Chinese soldiers. This Chinese man is stabbing the back of an Indian, and this man is also being stabbed by another Chinese man behind him. The droopy mustache and the long, traditional Chinese dress with buttons called Changshan clearly prove that these are Chinese people, but according to Historians, Faxian was the first Chinese traveler to visit India around 400 A.D. But this temple was built at least 300 years before that. So, you can see how these ancient carvings show that History books need to be updated and Chinese were visiting India and were even fighting with Indians 2000 years ago. Similarly, you can see a camel carved here, you can see the long neck, the hump and notice the typical flat feet of camels. But camels are not native to India. According to experts, camels were brought into India only about a 1000 years ago, from Middle East. So, how were sculptors able to carve the camel 2000 years ago in this temple? While historians argue that 2000 years ago, people around the world were not connected, we can see that this ancient temple shows an advanced civilization which was connected to both east and west for many thousands of miles. We have seen evidence of even African connection in other Ancient temples.
The carvings in this temple not only give information like this, but are also extremely artistic. Here you can see this complicated animal with many, many bodies. What this actually shows is a monkey with 4 bodies, but just one head. If I cover the rest of the sides and show you the top, you can see a monkey hanging upside down. If I cover everything except the bottom, you can see the monkey in a sitting position. Of course, you can expose just the left side or right side, and you can see the other positions, of this monkey having fun. So, you can see how sculptors carved just one face, but put 4 bodies attached to the same face. And of course, if you look at it long enough, you begin to see what it actually shows. Lifecycle of monkeys and even human beings. The first stage is when you are young, and you spend it by playing. The second stage, you spend on ****. The third stage is when you spend it on raising your children. Notice the difference between the left and right position, they look similar but they are not the same. Look at the tail here, and how this young monkey is actually sitting on the back of its mother. The last stage, is of course you are old and you just wait for death to come. Is the lifecycle of monkeys very different from that of human beings? Tell me your opinion in the comments section.
And here you can see this weird animal. I have shown you a similar carving in a different temple before. If you cover one side, you see a bull. If you cover the other side, you can see an elephant. But this carving is more interesting. Apparently this guy has a weird body, look at the bottom part. But if I cover this part, You can see two people fighting with swords. Just imagine looking at a slideshow. This is the first scene. Now, if I cover the top part, this person has actually been killed and his upper body is falling on the ground, even though the legs are still standing. So, you can see how sculptors are able to use one panel like a motion picture.
#Search4Truth #Hinduism #India
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Let us take a look at the ancient rock cutting techniques of India, and how they were able to transform rocks into beautiful sculptures. Sometimes, they were also able to convert an entire mountain into beautifully carved temples by doing an extraordinary amount of rock cutting. Even though rock cutting started as early as 200 B.C, the height of rock cutting technology was reached around 600 A.D by Pallavas in South India. Even though there is a lot of evidence of ancient tools that were really advanced, in this video let us stick to the conventional theory of using chisels and hammers.
This is the first phase of rock cutting, where they carved a hole that is 1 inch wide and 2 inch deep. After making a hole like this, they would place a wooden wedge and hammer it in. Then, they would pour hot water into it and the wood would start expanding inside the rock. Now, this is not going to crack the rock open, but what happens when you make a series of such holes and place wedges into them?
Here you can see how a rock has been completely split into 2 halves and one of them is missing, which means it was transported to a temple and probably made into a beautiful sculpture. We are looking at the other half that was just not used. And this is granite by the way, one of the hardest rocks in the world. You can see how smooth the face of the split rock is.
Once the rock has been split like this, they would start the second phase. You can see how they made rectangular pattern on the smooth side of the rock. Measurements would be made, and the rock would be divided into rectangular parts, according to the size of the sculpture that would be created. Once this is done, the unwanted rectangles would be removed by chiseling them away. For example, if all the rectangles except the middle one were chiseled away, the middle rectangle would stand out as a raised platform.
The third phase is the careful carving of figures on this raised platform. This is the most important part as it would need a lot of meticulous work and precise artistic carving. The Pallavas of South India were able to create some amazing reliefs, sculptures and cave architecture. One example is the Kailasa temple of Ellora, where they carved an entire mountain and created a beautiful temple. It is estimated that over 400,000 tons of rock were carved out of this mountain to create this temple. Over ten thousand Pallava sculptors were transported from the south to North India to create this. Another example is the world's second largest relief that was created in Mahabalipuram.
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#India #Search4Truth #Ancienttechnology