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Es ist unfassbar und beschämend, wie im Nachhinein diese furchtbare Gewalttat so dermaßen verharmlost und heruntergespielt wird.
Das kann und darf nicht hingenommen werden!
Tim K.
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In der Sahara-Wüste sind immer noch viele Geheimnisse verborgen. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass die Wüste früher ein fruchtbares Land voller Leben war, so dass es sein kann, dass unter ihrem Sand mehr Konstruktionen verborgen sind, als wir uns vorstellen können.
Manchmal haben wir jedoch das Glück, einen Blick auf die Zeugnisse einer glorreichen Vergangenheit zu werfen, wie im Sudan, in der Gegend des Niltals, das als das alte Nubien bekannt ist.
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A Giant Hindu God is dancing on a tiny little mouse. A few strange carvings nearby reveal contradicting details - what is the meaning of these ancient carvings at Chennakeshava temple?
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00:00 - Snake Belt
00:33 - Vandalization
01:20 - Who is Lord Ganesha?
01:51 - Do You Understand?
You can see this Lord Ganesha here. Really interesting carving in Belur temple. Very interesting, Lord Ganesha who is a really hefty God, right? He has the face of an elephant and he has a pot belly, but look what he is standing on. A tiny little mouse. And look at his belt - It’s a snake! And he is dancing on a tiny mouse.
And here is where the most interesting thing is. Can you see that I can put my fingers inside? And on this side, they have broken this, they have vandalized this! It’s a shame, Because it looks so good. I am thinking that… if you touch here, its feels very very polished. I think they must have had a stone ball inside at one point in time, and may be another ball on this side as well. You can see here, you can see better here. I’m seeing the wear and tear because they have rotated the ball. But unfortunately, they have broken it, probably they tried to pull out the ball.
Ganesha is known as the Lord who never married and who is basically single all his life. You can see right next to him, you can see erotica. This is really interesting to me. You can see two people kissing, may be showing romance a little bit more, erotica. And then here on this side, you can see the result of this, you can see the result of that romance: which is basically Child Birth.
Right next to the God who is Bachelor Forever you can see this. I don’t understand the full meaning of this, but it is really quite interesting. You can see the balls, the stuff that is broken, the Bachelor God, the Romance, the Child Birth. Perhaps the real secret is here. What do you see? May be this holds the key to the meaning of life?
#Hinduism #PraveenMohan #Search4Truth
Academy of Algeth'ar - Shadow Priest Pov - World of Warcraft Dragonflight
In this video, we will explore the ultimate guide to Shadow Priest Pov in Academy of Algeth'ar for World of Warcraft Dragonflight. If you're looking for tips, tricks, and strategies to improve your gameplay and dominate the game, then this video is for you. Join me as I share my experience and insights into the world of Shadow Priest Pov in Academy of Algeth'ar. Don't miss out on this exciting journey of discovering the secrets to becoming a pro in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
#shadowpriestpov #academyofalgethar #worldofwarcraftdragonflight #wow #gaming #mmo #onlinegaming #videogames #strategyguide #gamers
Academy of Algeth'ar M+ 21 Tyrannical - just playing - WoW Dragonflight M+
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Halls of Valor M+ 22 Fortified - Shadow Priest PoV - World of Warcraft Dragonflight
Temple of the Jade Serpent M+ 21 Tyrannical - Shadowpriest PoV - World of Warcraft Dragonflight