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Hey guys, I appeared on Ancient Aliens TV show in History channel a few weeks ago. This episode was called "Shiva the Destroyer" episode 15, season 11. In this show, we talk about the Hindu God Shiva and specifically the Lingam which people think of as a ****ual symbol in the western world. People think that the cylinder represents the male ****ual organ and the groove to be the female ****ual organ. But in this show, you can see how Shiva could be a symbol of unlimited energy. I also talk about how Kailasa Temple could have been built with devices mentioned in Hindu texts.
And I apologize for not letting you guys know, I didn't even know about this until this Tuesday . This was filmed in April and I did not know the exact air date. I totally missed the bus on this, because I have been researching in very remote areas of India where there is absolutely no internet, most of the times even the cell phones don't work. These caves have never been visited before, It is almost impossible to get there. And I have been roaming around in this valley for a few weeks now, finding lots of interesting information and I have been experimenting on ancient Indian chanting techniques inside these caves and recording the effects. There seems to be some strange connection between these sounds and the moon phases, So I had to be here on certain dates. So, again I apologize for not letting you guys know about this on time. I specifically wanna thank everybody who subscribed to me, and loved me, because you guys have encouraged me to publish a book, to travel into totally new areas, and now appear on TV. So, thanks a lot for everything, and if you are new to this channel, I am Praveen Mohan and I will talk to you soon. Bye. Follow Me on:
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#Ancientaliens #India #Historychannel
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Hey guys, this is the ancient iron pillar of India. It has many baffling features which have not been explained till date. One of the strangest features is that it has not rusted for more than a thousand years, although we can see some rusting in the recent years. Archeologists confirm that this was created at least 1600 years ago, but it could be much older than that. An iron pillar made such a long time ago should have rusted and completely disintegrated. How was such a pillar made, 1600 years ago, at a time when Historians claim there was no advanced technology?
In 2002, scientists studied the iron pillar and realized that it has a strange way of reacting to the atmosphere. Normally, Iron reacts with moisture in the atmosphere or rain and produces Iron oxide, which is called Rust (Fe2O3). This rust is very powerful, it will deteriorate the iron, and eventually destroy the entire structure. For example, if you look at this Nandu bridge in China which is less than 80 years old, it has been completely taken over by rust, making the bridge unusable. But the iron pillar does something very strange. When it comes in contact with moisture or rain, it produces a strange material called Misawite = y-FeOOH) which has not been seen anywhere before. This material actually forms a protective coating over the iron pillar and shields it from damage, and also increases its magnetic property.
Now, why does the iron pillar create Misawite instead of Rust or Iron Oxide? What makes this Iron pillar produce such a strange compound that is not seen anywhere else?
The iron pillar is actually made of 98% Iron, 1% Phosphorous and the remaining 1% is made of an ancient concoction called Vajra-sanghata. This concoction is clearly explained in ancient Indian texts. The Vajra-sanghata is created by mixing 8 parts of lead, 2 parts of bell metal and 2 parts of calx of brass. So, if you look at the total composition of the iron pillar, it is made of a complex alloy, created in ancient times.
Instead of rusting which is Iron Oxide, the phosphorous and Vajra-sanghata make water vapor which is H2O, to convert into Misawite, a compound of Iron, Oxygen and Hydrogen (y-FeOOH). This layer actually protects the pillar from rusting. So, the pillar would accumulate this protective coating over the course of many centuries, making it even more stronger.
Now remember I showed you Surang Tila, the temple that withstood a massive earthquake. The stones of this temple were also bound by ancient binding materials, making it last forever. So, you can see that the ancient Indian technology was really advanced in creating structures that stand the test of time.
The other intriguing question is this: Who created this pillar? Now, there is an ancient inscription in Sanskrit on this pillar, which only hints at who could have created this structure.
The inscription refers to a King called Chandra and mentions that his empire basically extended beyond all the borders of today's India. It also explicitly mentions that his empire covered the southern ocean of India, which refers to the Indian Ocean. All experts think this refers to the King Chandragupta Maurya who lived around 300 B.C. The problem is, that even the most exaggerated versions agree that Chandragupta never reached the Indian ocean, his empire did not touch the southern tip of India. But experts don't know of any other King with the name of Chandra who ruled the entire Indian subcontinent.
But there is another King described in ancient texts who is not being considered. He is none other than Rama, the hero of the Indian epic Ramayana. Rama was explicitly mentioned with the suffix Chandra in ancient texts and referred to as Rama'Chandra'. Rama did cross the Indian Ocean in the southernmost point to defeat the King of Srilanka. But there is another startling evidence in the inscription. All experts agree that what you see on the screen is the most accurate, literal translation of the Sanskrit inscription.
" He, as if wearied, has abandoned this world, and resorted in actual form to the other world – a place won by the merit of his deeds – (and although) he has departed, he remains on earth through (the memory of his) fame (kīrti)."
This inscription clearly mentions that the King who installed the iron pillar, left to another world in actual form, which means he left physically to another world. These words are completely ignored by modern day historians, because they argue that all ancient civilizations were primitive, and could not posses advanced technology like spacecraft.
#Ancienttechnology #India #Search4Truth
We are in the forbidden part of Ellora caves. People are not allowed to go into these areas, so I had to give a nice tip to the guard to get into this part of the cave. You might remember that we found a hidden chamber in Cave 33. This is cave 32, and inside one of the rooms we can find a lot of paintings done over 1200 years ago. These paintings are hidden in the remote areas of the cave. It is common to see carvings that have colors on them, but these are wall paintings without any carvings.
In this painting, you can see how a man and woman are dancing on the right side, and there is a teacher on the left who is overseeing their performance. It is also interesting to see that they barely have any clothes on, but do have jewels on them. And the man who is dancing must have been a king because he is wearing a crown. This gives us great insight into how the King would have spent his pastime 1200 years ago.
I am sorry about the lighting and the shaky camera, guys. It is pitch black in here and I am using a flash light to show you these paintings.
In this painting, you can see a lot of men sitting and praying. And the king in the center has his hands over his head with palms pressed together. If you notice carefully each person is painted with a different color. The King is painted red and you can see the adviser sitting behind him is wearing a blue turban.
On the opposite wall you can see a bunch of women in the praying position as well. The woman in the center is playing a stringed instrument, I am not sure if she is the queen. It is interesting to see that they all have flowers on their heads, which is still a common practice among Indian women.
Who are all these men and women praying to? In the center wall, you can see the painting of Mahavira. He has 2 other deities on either side, it looks like they are putting flowers on him. At the bottom, you can see how the painting has completely disintegrated. It is sad that these hidden paintings are not preserved and may not last another century.
In this painting, there are three women, and the one on the left looks like she is taking a bath.
And In this painting, you can see 2 couples dancing. Note that there are different colors like Red, brown and green.
On the ceiling you can see a lot of designs. At the corner, there is a flower, and see how the painting blends into the carvings.
This is a very detailed painting, you can see lots of faces here. It must be a very interesting scene from the past. Unfortunately, the painting has worn out and there is no way we can find out what it means.
This is a cool painting where there is a man riding a horse, and there is a woman on top of him, and there is a boy sitting on the woman's shoulders. They are chasing a man who is riding a bull. It could be some kind of an ancient game.
0:32 King dancing with a girl
1:10 King and his men praying
1:32 Women praying, and playing stringed instrument
1:54 Painting of Jain God Mahavira
2:21 Two couples dancing
2:41 Painting with lots of details, but worn out
2:58 An ancient game, similar to rodeo
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