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A l'occasion de son 20° Anniversaire, le 18 novembre 2012, Le Cercle Culturel de Dunes avait invité La Compagnie LEINUA de Saint-Pierre d'Irube.
Ces différentes danses ont été exécutées remarquablement par les jeunes danseurs. Elles sont extraites de la deuxième partie de leur spectacle.
Mein hochgeschätzter Kollege Helge Lindh von der SPD, Sawsan Chebli und meine Wenigkeit bekommen sie tagtäglich.
Morddrohungen. Unerträglich und verabscheuungswürdig!
Die eine hat 4 Mann LKA-Personenschutz und der andere keinen.
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Eine wichtige deutsche politische Hoffnung hat das Flüchtlingscamp Moria besucht und musste in Lebensgefahr dort wieder fliehen!
Quelle: YouTube - WDR aktuell - Laschet muss Besuch im Flüchtlingslager Moria abbrechen
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Es gibt immer noch unzählige ungelöste Rätsel auf der ganzen Welt, da es viele ungeklärte Orte gibt, deren Ursprung unbekannt ist. In diesem Video zeigen wir euch faszinierende antike Orte, die den Experten derzeit noch Rätsel aufgeben und die womöglich noch viel älter sind, als von der offiziellen Geschichte angegeben.
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Music from the gigantic epic day after tomorrow, epic intro 2018
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Im Ägyptischen Museum in Turin finden wir einen jener unbequemen Texte, die die Historiker nicht anerkennen wollen.
Es handelt sich um den „Königlichen Kanon von Turin“, auch „Turiner Königsliste“ oder „Liste der Könige von Turin“ genannt. Ein Dokument von unschätzbarem historischem Wert.
Dieser Text stammt aus der Zeit des Pharaos Ramses II. und nennt die Namen der Pharaonen aus der ägyptischen Genealogie, die nach den mystischen Göttern und Halbgötter, welche vor der pharaonischen Ära regierten.
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Music from: Tabuk - Kevin MacLeod (
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Die Terrakotta-Krieger sind wieder in den Nachrichten, da weitere Figuren und Objekte ausgegraben wurden, die mehr Informationen über diese unglaubliche Armee liefern.
Diese lebensgroßen Figuren wurden mit dem Ziel angefertigt, den Kaiser Qin Shi Huang auf seiner Reise in die andere Welt zu begleiten, er wollte sein ganzes Königreich mitnehmen.
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Musik: "Desert City" Kevin MacLeod (
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Die Hunnen erschienen erstmalig im vierten Jahrhundert in Europa und werden von dem römisch-gotischen Geschichtsschreiber Jordanes aus dem 6. Jahrhundert in seinem Werk Getica erwähnt. Er behauptet, dass es sich bei den Hunnen, um ein teuflisches Volk handelt, welches von Hexen und Dämonen abstammt.Man sagt, dass Attila – der König der Hunnen, ein magisches Schwert besaß. Dieses diente ihm jedoch nicht nur als militärische Waffe.Der große Eroberer glaubte nämlich, dass jenes Schwert vom Kriegsgott Mars stammte. Er war davon überzeugt, dass er der Auserwählte war und damit alle Schlachten gewinnen konnte.
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Musik: Skye Cuillin - Kevin MacLeod (
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Bildmaterial: Wikimedia
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In a Deep, Dark Chamber of an ancient temple, there are two fearsome statues. However, the real mystery begins only when you realize they have holes in specific parts of their bodies.
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00:00 - Forbidden Statues
01:05 - The Strange Holes
02:32 - Ancient Medical Technology?
05:53 - A Hidden Hole
06:38 - Advanced Ancient Technology?
08:04 - Conclusion
Hey guys, today, I am going to show you just two, very strange ancient statues, and why these statues are so important to understand.
This is the first one, take a careful look. I found this in a very ancient Indian temple. As you can see, it looks quite scary. I can go into a lot of details like what he is, why he looks like this. Why his hair is looking like this, why his tongue is sticking out, if he is human or if he is something else, etcetera. But I am not going to describe these details now, because there is something much more important I would like to show you today.
Right opposite to this statue, there is the 2nd statue. The hairdo is a little bit different, the eyes are popping out, again it looks quite scary, these statues are definitely not for the faint of heart.
But this is not the shocking part. The shocking part is this hole on his stomach, on his abdomen. As you can see, this is a large hole, it is large enough for me to put a finger into this. My finger is freely going inside. Why would someone make these scary statues in a Hindu temple, I mean surely these are not put for worshipping, right? On top of that, why would they drill a hole on his abdomen? But this could be a coincidence, may be an ancient sculptor was just bored and testing out his drilling skills, right?
Let us go back to the opposite statue and take a look. Again, the same hole, the same size, in the same spot, on the right side of his abdomen.
Why? I am going to tell you why in this video, but the standard answer from Historians and Archeologists is very shallow. According them, these are meaningless holes, these are demons and demons have holes in their bodies, etc. They come up with elaborate names for these statues like Vetal, Booth, etc. But when it comes to these holes, nobody can give a good answer.
Now, it is very interesting to me that today, doctors put holes exactly in this place on human bodies. Because that is precisely where your liver is. If you ask your doctor: he will tell you that the liver is located at the upper right portion of your abdomen, just below your ribs. And this is not a coincidence. Because both these statues show the exact same detail, the upper right portion of the abdomen.
Biliary Drainage:
Now why would a doctor, a surgeon put a hole here, right? This procedure is called a Biliary drainage procedure. When the liver is not able to function well, and its fluid is not driining well, you can manually drain it by putting a hole, right here. The liver secretes a fluid called Bile, that’s why this procedure is called Biliary Drainage, I am not going to bore you with more medical details. And of course, why would your liver not function well? Yes, correct, liver problems start mostly if you are drinking too much alcohol.
And here is the strange part of this, look at these figures at the bottom of this statue. All these four figures have something in common. They appear to be drinking, here it is clear that he is drinking from a tall glass or cup. The guy on top has a smaller, shallow cup. On the other side, this guy is clearly licking the side of a cup, it must remind you of tequila shots, right? On top again, this guy is holding a smaller cup, I think he is offering alcohol to the main guy. Very strange depiction. These 4 guys only seem to reinforce the theory that yes, he is in alcoholic that hole was in fact done for biliary drainage.
Of course we have to talk about these figures, I mean what do they represent? Do they represent demons, fallen angels, Goblins, aliens? Or are they actually mocking humans, are they representing alcoholics? Wikipedia confirms that, these figures are called Vetala or Vetal . The term actually means evil spirits...They are known to be more active at night and trouble normal humans. They are known to be extremely weak and they walk shakily and are known for their rage and meaningless talk. This guy has cut someone’s head off and he is gonna eat his brain. That’s a universal expression, even in English. So is Vetal just a metaphor for an Alcoholic? But there is something even more strange. Watch carefully. These are the scary eyes popping out, but right behind this eye socket, in the skull, there is another hole.
#Hinduism #PraveenMohan #Ancienttechnology
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Hey guys, today we're going to see the world's largest religious structure. When people ask: "What is the largest religious structure in the world?" People generally think it would be a church or a mosque. but no, it is a Hindu Temple, but it's not located in India it's located in Cambodia. And this is not a recent structure either, it was built many many centuries ago. And this is very big, so let us go take a look and see how it looks.
I am at the temple's parking lot and I am leaving my bike here, this is very strange because I don't see any temple towers at all. I have visited a lot of temples, and when I usually park my car or bike, I will see the temple towers, but I don't see the towers of Angkor Wat temple. I am confused about this. Why is this happening? The authorities tell me that I have to walk for nearly 10 minutes before I start seeing the temple towers. First, I have to cross this massive lake, you see this lake, it is huge, I cannot even see the land on the other side, and it is in the way of the temple. I walk for nearly 5 minutes, and then I observe something very strange. I look on the banks of the lake, and I am shocked. Even though the banks are completely covered with bushes and trees, I can see neatly cut, giant rectangular stone blocks, aligned all around the bank. This is NOT a natural lake. This is an artificial water body called moat, created by ancient builders. I mean this is extraordinary, how were they able to create such a large moat, which almost looks like a lake? See this is why I had to park my bike outside the moat, the moat completely surrounds the temple on all four sides. And how big is this moat? Normally, when we talk about manmade structures, we use units like feet or meters, but this is the largest structure in the world, these units are too small, we have to use Kilometers and miles for this one. The moat stretches for 1.3 kilometers from South to North, and 1.5 Kilometers from East to West. So it is approximately 1 mile each way and it completely surrounds the temple on all four sides with a perimeter of a whopping Five and a half kilometers, that is about three and a half miles.
My first thought is, how could they dig such a moat with human hands? According to historians, this was created at least 900 years ago with no more than digging sticks, spades and shovels. And experts claim it was built in just a few years. How is this possible? May be this moat was possible because it is only one or two feet deep, this would have reduced the amount of manual work. It looks like lake because we see it from the land, but maybe it is only 1 or 2 feet deep, we can't see the depth of it from the outside.
I am very curious to find the depth of the moat, so I walk around the moat to see if I could find more evidence. Most people you see are tourists, so I need to find Cambodians who work here, so they can give me authentic information about its depth.
And then, I see something crazy. People are using boats in this moat! These people are working in Angkor Wat temple complex and they actually have several boats which go around the moat every day, and they clean out unwanted plants. They take a long stick and keep swirling it in the water, and watch how many plants comes out of the water. They tell me that the moat is 12 to 25 feet deep, this is an astounding depth, and to dig a moat of this magnitude, with such depth is just insane.
Imagine digging an artificial lake which stretches for one mile each way that is 12 to 25 feet deep, 900 years ago. And some experts will argue that ancient people of Cambodia were barbarians, so they captured millions of slaves, and they forced them to dig this moat with brute force. But this moat was not constructed crudely or hastily, it was built with perfection in mind, the workers must have been talented artisans, not unskilled slaves. How did they construct such a giant structure, which still fools most of the tourists into believing that they are looking at a beautiful natural lake? How did they arrange giant stone blocks all around the moat, both on the outer side, and on the inner side, creating a perfect architecture. If we look carefully, we can see the stone steps going into the water, as far as we can see. How deep do these stone steps go?
#AncientTechnology #Cambodia #PraveenMohan
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Hey guys, this is the ancient iron pillar of India. It has many baffling features which have not been explained till date. One of the strangest features is that it has not rusted for more than a thousand years, although we can see some rusting in the recent years. Archeologists confirm that this was created at least 1600 years ago, but it could be much older than that. An iron pillar made such a long time ago should have rusted and completely disintegrated. How was such a pillar made, 1600 years ago, at a time when Historians claim there was no advanced technology?
In 2002, scientists studied the iron pillar and realized that it has a strange way of reacting to the atmosphere. Normally, Iron reacts with moisture in the atmosphere or rain and produces Iron oxide, which is called Rust (Fe2O3). This rust is very powerful, it will deteriorate the iron, and eventually destroy the entire structure. For example, if you look at this Nandu bridge in China which is less than 80 years old, it has been completely taken over by rust, making the bridge unusable. But the iron pillar does something very strange. When it comes in contact with moisture or rain, it produces a strange material called Misawite = y-FeOOH) which has not been seen anywhere before. This material actually forms a protective coating over the iron pillar and shields it from damage, and also increases its magnetic property.
Now, why does the iron pillar create Misawite instead of Rust or Iron Oxide? What makes this Iron pillar produce such a strange compound that is not seen anywhere else?
The iron pillar is actually made of 98% Iron, 1% Phosphorous and the remaining 1% is made of an ancient concoction called Vajra-sanghata. This concoction is clearly explained in ancient Indian texts. The Vajra-sanghata is created by mixing 8 parts of lead, 2 parts of bell metal and 2 parts of calx of brass. So, if you look at the total composition of the iron pillar, it is made of a complex alloy, created in ancient times.
Instead of rusting which is Iron Oxide, the phosphorous and Vajra-sanghata make water vapor which is H2O, to convert into Misawite, a compound of Iron, Oxygen and Hydrogen (y-FeOOH). This layer actually protects the pillar from rusting. So, the pillar would accumulate this protective coating over the course of many centuries, making it even more stronger.
Now remember I showed you Surang Tila, the temple that withstood a massive earthquake. The stones of this temple were also bound by ancient binding materials, making it last forever. So, you can see that the ancient Indian technology was really advanced in creating structures that stand the test of time.
The other intriguing question is this: Who created this pillar? Now, there is an ancient inscription in Sanskrit on this pillar, which only hints at who could have created this structure.
The inscription refers to a King called Chandra and mentions that his empire basically extended beyond all the borders of today's India. It also explicitly mentions that his empire covered the southern ocean of India, which refers to the Indian Ocean. All experts think this refers to the King Chandragupta Maurya who lived around 300 B.C. The problem is, that even the most exaggerated versions agree that Chandragupta never reached the Indian ocean, his empire did not touch the southern tip of India. But experts don't know of any other King with the name of Chandra who ruled the entire Indian subcontinent.
But there is another King described in ancient texts who is not being considered. He is none other than Rama, the hero of the Indian epic Ramayana. Rama was explicitly mentioned with the suffix Chandra in ancient texts and referred to as Rama'Chandra'. Rama did cross the Indian Ocean in the southernmost point to defeat the King of Srilanka. But there is another startling evidence in the inscription. All experts agree that what you see on the screen is the most accurate, literal translation of the Sanskrit inscription.
" He, as if wearied, has abandoned this world, and resorted in actual form to the other world – a place won by the merit of his deeds – (and although) he has departed, he remains on earth through (the memory of his) fame (kīrti)."
This inscription clearly mentions that the King who installed the iron pillar, left to another world in actual form, which means he left physically to another world. These words are completely ignored by modern day historians, because they argue that all ancient civilizations were primitive, and could not posses advanced technology like spacecraft.
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Welcome to my guide on dominating Brackenhide Hollow M+19 Fortified as a Shadow Priest in World of Warcraft Dragonflight Season 2. In this video, I'll share the strategies and techniques I use to maximize my DPS and overcome the challenges of this dungeon. Whether you're a seasoned Shadow Priest or a newcomer to the class, you'll find valuable insights and tips to help you succeed in this challenging dungeon during Season 2 of WoW Dragonflight. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of Shadow Priest gameplay!
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