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Überall auf der Welt gibt es heilige Gebiete verschiedener Kulturen, Orte, die den Menschen nicht nur mit den Lebewesen des Planeten, sondern auch mit dem Kosmos verbinden.
Bereiche, in denen die Lebensenergie der Erde intensiver fließt.
Einer dieser Orte befindet sich im Norden Kolumbiens, im höchsten Küstengebirge der Welt, der Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, deren höchster Gipfel 5700 m über dem Meeresspiegel liegt.
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traveler by Alexander Nakarada
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Der Bundespräsident der Herzen glänzte durch eine tolle Performance!
Währenddessen verblasste die Kanzlerin der Herzen.
War sie angewidert?
Und wo waren die deutschen Fahnen und die Hymne?
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Tim K.
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Und wenn man denkt es geht nicht mehr, kommt von irgendwo die Bundesregierung erneut daher.
Freut Euch auf den 2. Teil der Durchhalte-Saga "Besondere Helden"!
Mehr geht nicht!
Die Republik spielt verrückt!
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Tim K.
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Erich von Däniken - Um 1450 wurde die Stadt Machu Picchu im südlichen Zentralperu erbaut. Ihre Ruinen sollen auf den Fundamenten einer viel früher gegründeten Megalithenstadt stehen. Diese und das versunkene Buritaca im heutigen Kolumbien veranlassen Erich von Däniken, nach den Astronomie-Kenntnissen der alten Baumeister zu forschen.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Wie Erich von Daniken in Peru zwei Landsleuten die Hochzeitsreise rettet.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Däniken, one of the best-selling authors of all time and regarded by many as the father of the ancient alien theory, continues his mission to uncover Earth's ancient past. There is much to explain about our past, Erich looks at everything from Sumeria to Ancient Egypt and explains in detail what the clues are telling us.
Extraterrestrial visitors left their unmistakable traces on our planet thousands of years ago and luckily we have someone here who can help us understand exactly what happened.
Mounting evidence is becoming more difficult to ignore and refute. It is little wonder that this genre has become more prolific.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Wie konnten ganze Zivilisationen über Nacht verschwinden?
Eine große Anzahl von Völkern, Kulturen verschwanden in relativ kurzer Zeit ohne offensichtliche Erklärung und hinterließen als einzige Spur ihrer Existenz lediglich nur Ruinen als ihr kulturelles Erbe.
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Music from https://filmmusic - desert night by Sascha Ende (
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"the sky of our ancestors, heavy heart, intrepid" Kevin MacLeod (
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Wer waren die Etrusker, wo kamen sie her und wie sind sie verschwunden?
Es gibt verschiedene sowohl alte als auch modernere Theorien, die versucht haben, das Geheimnis dieses Volkes, das vor etwa 900 v. Chr. aufkam, zu lösen.
Das Gebiet von Etrurien erstreckte sich über einen großen Teil der heutigen Toskana (Italien) und war in verschiedene Städte aufgeteilt. Es gab keine politische Union, ihre Kultur ähnelte aber einer solchen.
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Music: Temple of the manes von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.
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2018 wurde in der Savanne von Caatinga, einer Landschaft im Nord-Osten Brasiliens, eine gigantische, 4.000 Jahre alte monumentale Siedlung der besonderen Art entdeckt. Sie erstreckt sich über ein riesiges Gebiet, das der Fläche von Großbritanniens entspricht, welches sogar aus Satelliten-Perspektive erkennbar ist. Die Forscher gehen von etwa 200 Millionen nahezu baugleichen Termitenhügeln, die sich über 230'000 Quadratkilometer erstrecken, aus.
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Die US-amerikanische Schriftstellerin und Politikerin Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins schrieb 1882 ein Buch mit dem Titel „Leben unter den Paiute“ - „Life Among the Paiutes“. Die Kultur der Paiute bewahrt für sich noch immer die Fähigkeit Tiere zu verzaubern, obwohl nur wenige über eben dieses Wissen verfügten, wie zum Beispiel ihr Vater, der Häuptling der Paiute „Old Winnemucca“ sowie ihr Bruder.
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Musik: The Pyre, Heros`s Theme - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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In ferner Vergangenheit bewohnte eine hoch entwickelte Zivilisation die Erde, welche in der Lage war, kolossale Werke mit riesigen Steinen zu bauen.
Diese Bauten fordern noch heute die Wissenschaft heraus. Doch dank Ihnen haben wir Aufzeichnungen sehr alter Kulturen, die weitaus älter sind als 10.000 Jahre. So wie bei einigen in Afrika gemachten Entdeckungen, deren Ursprung ein Rätsel bleibt.
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Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
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Nur 25 Meteoriten treffen jährlich auf festen Boden und nur extrem wenige von diesen schlagen in der Nähe besiedelter Gebiete ein.
Daher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit ein solches Ereignis mit eigenen Augen zu sehen ziemlich unwahrscheinlich.
Aus diesem Grund dachte man in der Vergangenheit, wenn man einen Meteoriten am Himmel sah und vielleicht sogar den Einschlag mitbekam, dass es ein übernatürliches Ereignis ist. Das Werk einer unbekannten großen Macht. So könnte die Verehrung der „Himmelsfelsen“ einiger Religionen, Kulte und Völker entstanden sein.
Manchmal werden sie als eigenständige Götter angesehen und andere Male als Zeichen eines guten oder schlechten Omens gedeutet.
In diesem Video werden wir über verschiedene dieser Ereignisse, die sich auf der ganzen Welt ereignet haben, berichten.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Musik: Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
In der Geschichte finden wir Rätsel, die uns zum Erstaunen bringen und für die wir bis heuet keine Lösung gefunden haben, und das sind einige von ihnen ...
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
"The Other Side of the Door" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Effekte: footage island
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Ein Ungleichgewicht im Hormonhaushalt kann uns Frauen während der Wechseljahre so einige Sorgen bereiten und uns in unserem normalen Alltag deutlich behindern. Gereiztheit, Nervosität, Depression, Erschöpfung und Schlafstörungen sind häufig anzutreffende Beschwerden, die das Leben so richtig mies machen können. In diesem Podcast geht es um Möglichkeiten der Prävention und Linderung dieser Symptome.
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Hinweis: Die in diesem Podcast gegebenen Informationen und Empfehlungen ersetzen keine ärztliche oder therapeutische Behandlung.
Hey guys, I appeared on Ancient Aliens TV show in History channel a few weeks ago. This episode was called "Shiva the Destroyer" episode 15, season 11. In this show, we talk about the Hindu God Shiva and specifically the Lingam which people think of as a ****ual symbol in the western world. People think that the cylinder represents the male ****ual organ and the groove to be the female ****ual organ. But in this show, you can see how Shiva could be a symbol of unlimited energy. I also talk about how Kailasa Temple could have been built with devices mentioned in Hindu texts.
And I apologize for not letting you guys know, I didn't even know about this until this Tuesday . This was filmed in April and I did not know the exact air date. I totally missed the bus on this, because I have been researching in very remote areas of India where there is absolutely no internet, most of the times even the cell phones don't work. These caves have never been visited before, It is almost impossible to get there. And I have been roaming around in this valley for a few weeks now, finding lots of interesting information and I have been experimenting on ancient Indian chanting techniques inside these caves and recording the effects. There seems to be some strange connection between these sounds and the moon phases, So I had to be here on certain dates. So, again I apologize for not letting you guys know about this on time. I specifically wanna thank everybody who subscribed to me, and loved me, because you guys have encouraged me to publish a book, to travel into totally new areas, and now appear on TV. So, thanks a lot for everything, and if you are new to this channel, I am Praveen Mohan and I will talk to you soon. Bye. Follow Me on:
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#Ancientaliens #India #Historychannel
We are in the forbidden part of Ellora caves. People are not allowed to go into these areas, so I had to give a nice tip to the guard to get into this part of the cave. You might remember that we found a hidden chamber in Cave 33. This is cave 32, and inside one of the rooms we can find a lot of paintings done over 1200 years ago. These paintings are hidden in the remote areas of the cave. It is common to see carvings that have colors on them, but these are wall paintings without any carvings.
In this painting, you can see how a man and woman are dancing on the right side, and there is a teacher on the left who is overseeing their performance. It is also interesting to see that they barely have any clothes on, but do have jewels on them. And the man who is dancing must have been a king because he is wearing a crown. This gives us great insight into how the King would have spent his pastime 1200 years ago.
I am sorry about the lighting and the shaky camera, guys. It is pitch black in here and I am using a flash light to show you these paintings.
In this painting, you can see a lot of men sitting and praying. And the king in the center has his hands over his head with palms pressed together. If you notice carefully each person is painted with a different color. The King is painted red and you can see the adviser sitting behind him is wearing a blue turban.
On the opposite wall you can see a bunch of women in the praying position as well. The woman in the center is playing a stringed instrument, I am not sure if she is the queen. It is interesting to see that they all have flowers on their heads, which is still a common practice among Indian women.
Who are all these men and women praying to? In the center wall, you can see the painting of Mahavira. He has 2 other deities on either side, it looks like they are putting flowers on him. At the bottom, you can see how the painting has completely disintegrated. It is sad that these hidden paintings are not preserved and may not last another century.
In this painting, there are three women, and the one on the left looks like she is taking a bath.
And In this painting, you can see 2 couples dancing. Note that there are different colors like Red, brown and green.
On the ceiling you can see a lot of designs. At the corner, there is a flower, and see how the painting blends into the carvings.
This is a very detailed painting, you can see lots of faces here. It must be a very interesting scene from the past. Unfortunately, the painting has worn out and there is no way we can find out what it means.
This is a cool painting where there is a man riding a horse, and there is a woman on top of him, and there is a boy sitting on the woman's shoulders. They are chasing a man who is riding a bull. It could be some kind of an ancient game.
0:32 King dancing with a girl
1:10 King and his men praying
1:32 Women praying, and playing stringed instrument
1:54 Painting of Jain God Mahavira
2:21 Two couples dancing
2:41 Painting with lots of details, but worn out
2:58 An ancient game, similar to rodeo
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This is the strangest cave in Ellora cave complex, commonly called "The Evil Cave" by locals. In the first part of the video, we'll take a look at how both archaeologists and historians are completely wrong, and in the second part I'll show you some shocking evidence that confirms some horrifying stories of abduction and even torture that are told by the locals about this cave.
This is cave number 1 and the official story told by archaeologists and historians is that this is a Buddhist cave, but there is one small problem. It is not a Buddhist cave at all. For a place to be a Buddhist temple or a monastery, it has to have either a statue of Buddha or a stupa and this cave has no sculptures or symbols whatsoever. In fact, this is the only cave out of 34 caves in Ellora, that does not have any Deities carved at all. Archaeologists think that this could be one of the first caves carved in this area, but are baffled because they don't know the actual purpose of this cave.
The second reason why this cannot be a Buddhist cave is because, they found this sacrificial altar in the middle of this cave's hallway. This large stone is used for animal or even human sacrifices, where you would basically place someone's head and chop it off as an offering. These sacrificial stones called Bali Peetam are still found in many places in India. I think we can all agree that there is no way that Buddhist monks would kill animals and human beings as offerings to Buddha.
And it is not just me saying that this is not a Buddhist cave. You can see a lot of Buddhist monks who visit these caves from all over the world, and they just shake their heads because it looks nothing like a Buddhist shrine or a monastery. I have seen plenty of Buddhist pilgrims bombarding the tour guide with questions that he simply can't answer.
Archaeologists understand that they are on shaky grounds, so they have put up a plaque like this. It basically says that it is possible that it was built as a home for stone-cutters, but was later used by Buddhist monks. I am not going to question the logic behind building a home that could have taken half a century to make. I am not even going to ask how more than 1200 stone cutters were accommodated in these 8 small cells. But let's take a look at the floor inside one of these homes used by stone cutters. As you can see, the floor is so bad that it would be impossible to sleep inside this small chamber. Some people might argue that these monks and stone cutters were primitive people who lived 1500 years ago. They probably could have managed to sleep on these floors.
This is an actual sleeping place used by Buddhist monks and stone cutters, which is found in another cave nearby. They didn't just make a smooth bed out of a rock, but they also made a pillow to go with it that would last for 1500 years. Even today, all you need is warm blanket and you will fall asleep on this bed. So, if this cave was not built as a Buddhist temple and if it wasn't used as a residence by anybody, what could be the real purpose of this cave?
So I began asking the local people about this mysterious cave. They refer to it as "Dush Kuha" which means "an evil cave" and believe that people and animals that enter this cave at night are abducted into a different world. They also claim that many of their ancestors were tortured and subjected to some kind of strange experiments by these other world creatures in this cave. Of course, it just seems like a baseless, vicious rumor but I'll show some interesting evidence that confirms these strange stories.
Now, you can see a lot of strange holes carved on this wall. But if you take a closer look, these are not just holes but are clamps made out of solid rock. I could put a rope through this and tie anything or anyone to the wall. Were these clamps used to tie human beings up? This accurately matches with what the locals claim. In fact, one of them told me that people were tied upside down from these walls. This is also possible, because some of these clamps are situated at 12 feet from the floor. What else could be the purpose of these strange clamps located at such heights?
Was this cave used for experiments, torture and murder? What do you think? I hope you liked this video and please do let me know your opinion. Also, I am finding a lot of intriguing places like this, so please subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.
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#Ancientaliens #India #Caves
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Hey guys, today we are not going to see a historic site, we are going to go to a pre-historic site. What's the difference? A Pre-historic site is a site which goes back to the time where there is no writing or any other form of historical records. So, we are going to a site that’s at least 5000 years old. Pre-historic sites are very old, very rare and are extremely hard to find. We are going to a deep forest area known as Javvadhu hills in South India, this forest is protected by the Government.
The Javvadhu hills are known for its lack of facilities. But even before I begun the journey, in the surrounding, there are no hotels or restaurants, but the village women cook delicious food, and sell them on the street and people are extremely friendly and helpful. Locals stories are always fascinating to hear.
When we enter the Javvadhu hills, we can see the difference, outside we see heavily populated villages, but this forest is almost completely uninhabited. Here you can see how it looks outside the reserve forest and you can see it how it looks inside the protected area. Why is such a large area protected by the Government? Is there some mystery hidden from us? The paved roads end after a certain a point, and there are only small dirt roads, they are too narrow for my car. So, I borrowed a motorcycle, because I need to use these roads for many miles before reaching the hill. Nobody is allowed to settle and build homes in this forest area, there are only a few hundred tribal people who live here on forest resources. For a casual visitor, it is nothing but trees and hills. Or is it? The bike will only take you so far and you must be prepared to walk for several miles, through the woods. The Javvadhu hills are known for its exotic herbs, people affected with lung diseases come here to breathe this herb filled air. I have been walking for more than 2 hours now, and our prehistoric site is at the very top of a hill. I am walking through rocky areas which have some crazy slopes, If I am careless, the fall from here can be deadly.
#AncientAliens #India #Aliens