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Überall auf der Welt gibt es Bauwerke, deren Ursprung und Konstruktion Experten nicht erklären können. Sie können weder erklären wie, wann, noch zu welchem Zweck sie entstanden.
Einige Bauwerke sind so alt, dass ihr Bau mit den damaligen Mitteln unmöglich erscheint.
Diese verblüffenden Konstruktionen sind auf der ganzen Welt verstreut, und auch Japan ist keine Ausnahme.
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Musik: - On The Shore, Living Voyage - Kevin MacLeod (
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Videobeschreibung desierto-Nabateos
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Music from: Vopna, Now We Feast by Alexander Nakarada
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Um diesen von Geheimnissen umhüllten Ort, ranken sich zahlreiche Legenden. Wir sprechen von Stonehenge, dem großen megalithischen Kreis in England. Vor kurzer Zeit haben Forscher entdeckt, dass Stonehenge keine isolierte Konstruktion ist. Dank neuer Scantechniken und magnetischen Bildern konnte man feststellen, dass dieser Ort das Zentrum eines komplexen Netzwerkes von Strukturen ist, welches ungefähr 12 Quadratkilometer umfasst.
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Musik:"floating cities" Kevin MacLeod (
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Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Der exzentrische Schauspieler Jim Carrey wurde bei der Harper’s Bazar Party in New York von der E! News‘ Journalistin Catty Sadler angesprochen. Jim Carrey gab ein bizarres Interview.
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Musik: The Descent" Kevin MacLeod (
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In der Hauptstadt Indiens, in Neu-Delhi, gibt es ein Jahrtausend altes Rätsel, dessen Ursprung unter den bekannten, älteren Legenden fast in Vergessenheit geraten ist. Legenden, die aber bis heute fortbestehen und den Gesetzen der Natur widersprechen.
Unter den Ruinen der ersten islamischen Stadt Indiens überlebte eine eiserne Säule, der auch der Zahn der Zeit oder die Feuchtigkeit des Monsuns nichts anhaben konnte.
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Music: Ibn Al-Noor von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
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Am 24. Januar 1894 machte eine Gruppe von Goldschürfern in dem heute überfluteten Shigir-Moor - nördlich der russischen Stadt Jekaterinburg - den faszinierenden archäologischen Fund einer rätselhaften Holzfigur.
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Bis heute wurden an verschiedenen Orten entlang der Golfküste von Mexiko 17 kolossale Steinköpfe entdeckt, deren Erbauung der alten olmekischen Zivilisation zugeschrieben wird. Es gibt jedoch einen Kopf, der sich von den anderen Skulpturen der Olmeken unterscheidet. Doch von ihm ist nur ein einziges Bild übergeblieben.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Musik: "Intuit" Kevin MacLeod (
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"Shamanistic" Kevin MacLeod (
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Diejenigen, die die wahre Geschichte der Menschheit verbergen, sind auch dafür verantwortlich, dass die Überreste von riesenhaften Wesen der Antike nicht mehr existent sind. Obwohl es heutzutage keine Riesen mehr gibt, sind ihre mysteriösen Steinwerke immer noch Teil einer geheimnisvollen Vergangenheit der Erde.
Dies hier sind einige der Schöpfungen, die der alten Rasse der Riesen zugeschrieben werden, die einst unsere Welt bewohnten.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios OcultosTV" ins Deutsche übersetzt.
"Shamanistic" Kevin MacLeod (
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Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Eine Gruppe von Forschern hat in Tabasco, Mexiko, nahe der nordwestlichen Grenze Guatemalas, ein gigantisches Bauwerk der Maya entdeckt.
Unter der Oberfläche des Gebietes von Aguada Fenix, befindet sich die bisher älteste und größte Monumentanlage der Maya-Region.
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Musik: temple of heaven- by Rafael Krux
Link: of heaven
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Schon in den alten Kulturen galt das Fasten als etwas, um den Körper zu entgiften und für ein gesundes und langes Leben.
Zweifellos birgt das Fasten viele Vorteile für unseren Körper, einer davon ist die Gewichtsabnahme.
Deshalb kann intermittierendes bzw. Intervall- Fasten die Lösung sein, d.h. das man Zeiten des Fastens mit Zeiten der Nahrungszufuhr auf geplante Weise abwechselt.
Codex Humanus
Medizinskandal Übersäuerung
Medizinskandal Adipositas
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Der Nahe Osten ist einer der geschichtsträchtigsten Orte der Welt, wie die ersten menschlichen Aufzeichnungen belegen. Für viele Streitmächte ist diese Region von großer Bedeutung und wollten somit die Herrschaft über diese Länder erlangen. Nicht nur in unserer Zeit, sondern auch in ferner Vergangenheit.
Ein Beweis dafür finden wir in dem Libanon.
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Music: Desert City von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Man kennt viele Geschichten über Teleportationen. Menschen, die an einem Ort verschwinden und aus unerklärlichen Gründe an einem kilometerentfernten anderen Ort wieder auftauchen.
Viele solcher Ereignisse wurden auch in der Vergangenheit erzählt, zu einer Zeit, als das Wort Teleportation noch nicht bekannt war.
Allerdings sind nur wenige dieser Geschichten so gut dokumentiert, wie diese hier.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Musik: "Curse of the Scarab" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Wäre es möglich, dass die Geschichte Amerikas nicht so war, wie sie uns immer erzählt wird? Welche Geheimnisse verbirgt die Vergangenheit der Menschheit? Einige der umstrittensten Gegenstände werden aufgezeigt, die der offiziellen Geschichte Amerikas widersprochen haben.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Musik: "The Descent" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
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Hey guys, today let's take a look at why Taj Mahal is loved so much by everyone. In this video, I am going to show you a series of tricks and illusions used by the architects to make you fall in love with this amazing structure.
The very first time you look at Taj Mahal, it will simply blow your mind. This is because the builders use an optical illusion to trick your mind. When you first enter through the main entrance, you see the Taj Mahal through an arch and everything else is dark around it. This makes your eyes focus fully on Taj Mahal, and the beauty of Taj Mahal completely engulfs you. But the illusion gets even better, if you walk towards the Taj Mahal, it will become smaller and smaller. And if you step back and walk away from the Taj Mahal, it will appear to get bigger and bigger. This is a fascinating illusion, but this is just the beginning.
Let's take a closer look at the Taj Mahal and you begin to see columns which are made of many sides. Let's examine this column - you can see that it has a total of 6 sides with zigzag lines painted all over it. But does it really consist of 6 sides? If you examine this closely you will figure out that these are not 2 sides, but one, this is a flat piece. The entire column consists of just 4 sides, but the lines are painted in such a way that it appears to have more sides. An actual optical illusion, to trick your brain into thinking that the structure is more complex that it actually is. Even if you zoom in completely, and look at it for several minutes, you don't understand this unless you feel the sides, this is not easy to understand.
But look at these lines carefully and you can see something very interesting. These are not painted, they are stones embedded on top of white marble. In fact, there is not even a trace of paint on Taj Mahal, all these designs, these flowers and even the writings all over the walls are made of made of precious and semi-precious stones which are carefully glued on top of white marble.
And these stones have a weird property. They gleam when light shines on it. If you take a flash light, and shine it on these stones, they will glow like light bulbs. I have shown you the secret view into the bathroom of Queen Mumtaj, which uses mirrors instead of stones and the visual effect is amazing. The Taj Mahal employs stones of various colors and this creates a gleaming effect on these designs, during sunlight and even moonlight. This makes visitors wonder why certain paintings are glowing on Taj Mahal which is made completely out of white marble.
But is the Taj Mahal made completely out of white marble? Actually it is not, if you look at the aerial view, it shows that red sandstone has been used on the top. But this is not visible for anyone who is on the ground. The Taj Mahal doesn't look that impressive when you see it from the air, because of the red sandstone which is native to the land, but the architects knew that people who view the taj mahal from the ground level cannot see this. A clever architectural trick, which makes you think that the Taj Mahal is made completely out of white marble.
The white marble structure has some peculiar properties. Like a Chameleon, it changes color according to the time of the day. It looks slightly pinkish in the morning, and takes on a weird transparent shade on foggy days, appears white throughout the day, and looks golden in moon light. This is one of the reasons why Taj Mahal is revisited by many tourists, it gets more than 7 million visitors every year.
Now, let's take a look at the stone inlays here - Here you can see this yellow branch going under the dark green one and coming out on top. These are individual yellow stones placed around the dark green stone. Everything is set at the same level on white marble, nothing goes underneath or over anything. Not just the flowers, leaves and fruits, but even these curvy stems are semi-precious stones, cut and placed, with such precision that you don't see any joints at all. This is the Brilliance behind this artwork to makes it look realistic.
Let me zoom in here, and if you observe carefully, you can see something depressing. There are 2 flowers missing here. These were originally made of diamonds, and were plucked out by British soldiers in 1857. The rest of the stones are semi-precious, this is why they haven't touched them. Even today, people attempt to steal what's left over from Taj Mahal and other such monuments. Here you can see that people have recently taken these red stones out. But there are designs made completely out of white marble, which are also mind boggling.
#TajMahal #Mystery #India
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This is the Konark Sun Temple in India, and I am going to show you a sculpture that flies in the face of mainstream history. Historians claim that Africa had no connection with India until Vasco Da Gama reached India in 1498.
But look at this carving, it clearly shows a Giraffe on the left side and all its legs, body and long neck are shown with remarkable accuracy. Notice how even its face, the ears and even its long tail are carved perfectly depicting a real giraffe. This is incredible, because Giraffes are found only in Africa, and this temple was built no later than 1250 A.D. And Giraffes are not found in Egypt, where we know advanced civilization existed, but are found far down south in the African continent. According to historians Vasco Da Gama was the first person to ever visit India from Africa. They claim that he had briefly explored Africa, before reaching India in 1498. How is an African Giraffe accurately carved at least two hundred and fifty years before Vasco Da Gama's arrival to India?
Let us to take a good look at the entire carving. It clearly shows an Indian King sitting on an Elephant on the left side. You can even see another person sitting in front of him who controls the elephant. On the right side, you can side several people wearing long skirts standing on the ground. The clothing and the faces are carved distinctly different from other Indian sculptures, to show that they are African people. It also looks like they are lifting a few other people who are giving something to the Indian King. On the far right you can see the Giraffe, and a young boy sitting on it, while there is bystander watching this entire scene. All this happens under a tree that has very large flowers, almost the size of an elephant's head.
Did this meeting happen while an Indian King was traveling to Africa? It's less likely because the sculptor who carved this, would have not have seen it. It's much more likely that African travelers visited India way before Vasco Da Gama, which is not mentioned in anywhere in History. And whether this journey took place through land or water, it is truly a remarkable feat to bring a Giraffe alive through such a long trip.
So, now we know that India was connected to Africa, centuries before what the history claims. It also proves that ancient Africans had a very advanced civilization that was capable of making journeys to other continents. Is it possible that ancient Africans and Indians had established trade routes between continents? Thanks to the Indian sculptor for carving such an accurate scene, because without this we would just be depending on mainstream historians.
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#Ancientcivilizations #India #History
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Hey guys, I am at the Darasuram Temple in India and wanted to show you something very interesting. As you can see there are lots of both local and foreign tourists that come to visit these temples and they often complain that there are no entrance or exit signs. So they get confused and don't know which way to get in and which way to get out because there are so many chambers and sub chambers in the temple.
Why don't Indian temples have entrance or exit signs? In fact, archeologists and religious experts will tell you that no such signboards or even writings have been found in ancient temples marking these doorways. This is mind boggling because Indians have been writing in languages like Tamil and Sanskrit for at least 2000 years and you can even see these writings in the very temple that I am currently researching on.
But I am gonna show you how intelligent the builders were many centuries ago. Let's say you are inside the sanctum and want to get out. Focus on the pillars and you will see the sculpture of this animal on all the pillars. Notice that the tails of all these animals are curved or twisted. All of them except one, which is straight. Just walk towards this pillar and that's the way you should get out. This is the ancient way of marking the exit sign.
Is this just a coincidence? No, because I am gonna show you the entrance sign as well. When you are outside and want to get in, you can see the front side of the same figure on all the pillars. Now you can see that the trunks of these figures are slightly curved and point up and even though you see the stairs right here, don't enter through this way because you haven't seen the entrance sign yet. Now, I am walking around and you can see that the trunks are all straight except one. This is the only sculpture with a twisted trunk. This is the way to properly enter this temple's chamber.
This is a classic example of how valuable ancient knowledge has been lost. In fact, I just rediscovered this after many centuries because I checked with the local priests and archeologists and they told me they had no idea about these signs.
Just think, the ancient builders who historians describe as unsophisticated people, have created these signs many centuries ago, this temple being at least 850 years old. And we, who are supposed to be modern and sophisticated people are actually not so perceptive and don't pay attention to these nuances.
Another remarkable feature is that there is no way you can see the exit sign from the outside because you don't need to see it as long as you are outside and it only becomes visible once you are inside and want to get out. And Vice Versa is also true. These sign boards if you will, need no maintenance and are immortal because they can't be destroyed. They are not just some external signs that can be removed and replaced, but they have been incorporated with the infrastructure of the temple.
Just remember, these little nuances have been lost in the last 500 years and modern temples don't have these carvings that mark entrance and exit signs. So if you ever visit an ancient Indian temple, do look for these sign boards.
Read the full story here:
#India #Hinduism #Ancientcivilizations
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Court of Stars M+ 24 Fortified | Shadow Priest PoV | World of Warcraft Dragonflight
In this video, I will be showcasing my Shadow Priest PoV as I take on the challenging Court of Stars M+ 24 Fortified dungeon in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Watch as I provide tips and tricks on how to handle the mechanics of this dungeon and share my expert strategies on how to conquer it as a Shadow Priest PoV. Whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, this guide will help you navigate through Court of Stars M+ 24 Fortified. So, join me in this epic adventure in World of Warcraft Dragonflight.
#CourtofStars #ShadowPriestPoV #WorldofWarcraft #Mplus24 #Fortified #Gaming #MMORPG #DungeonChallenge #WoW #Dragonflight