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Ist es möglich, dass die Eigenschaften von Infraschall bereits vor 10.000 Jahren bekannt waren?
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Musik: Desert City von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.
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Viele Erfinder haben geniale Alternativen zu fossil betriebene Motoren entwickelt.
Aber warum lassen solche revolutionären Erfindungen so lange auf sich warten?
Vielleicht ist der Fall von Stanley Allen Meyer eines der besten Beispiele dafür, was passiert, wenn eine Erfindung, die nicht in das System passt, veröffentlicht wird.
In den Nachrichten eines örtlichen TV Senders aus Ohio, USA, zeigte Meyer ein Fahrzeug, das in der Lage war, sich nur mit Wasser fortzubewegen. Das heißt, es brauchte kein Benzin oder irgendeine andere komplexe Quelle, außer einfaches Leitungswasser.
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Musik: "Floating Cities" Kevin MacLeod (
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Das berühmte Grab Tutanchamuns ist bekanntermaßen eines der größten archäologischen Schätze Ägyptens. Anscheinend könnte es jedoch noch viele weitere Überraschungen verbergen, denn vor kurzem wurde hinter der Grabkammer ein neuer, bislang unbekannter Raum entdeckt.
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Musik: Desert Conflict by Rafael Krux
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Videobeschreibung Größte entdeckung Ägypten
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Musik: Tabuk von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz "Creative Commons Attribution" ( lizenziert.
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Auf manchen Gletschern kann man tausende seltsame Moosbälle finden, die unerklärlicherweise das Eis durchstreifen und sich wie eine Herde bewegen, und zwar mit einer unglaublichen Synchronität. Die hellgrünen Kugeln aus Moos sind an nichts gebunden und liegen einfach auf dem Eis, ein starker Kontrast zur sonst weißen Landschaft.
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Die peruanische Kulturministerin Patricia Balbuena hat die neuesten Erkenntnisse zu einer Entdeckung in einer der Zitadellen von Chan Chan veröffentlicht.
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Wie kann es möglich sein, dass ein so gesundheitsfördernder Stoff aus der Antike heute zu einem der Ungesündesten geworden ist?
Ursprünglich hatte das Salz 84 Elemente.
Heutzutage wird von der Industrie das Salz raffiniert und mit Chemikalien zugesetzt.
Einigen raffinierten Salzen wird auch künstliches Jod und Fluorid beigemischt. Beide Stoffe sind aber giftig.
Aber Fakt ist, dass unser Organismus keine künstlichen Jodide oder Fluoride verstoffwechseln kann.
Gesundheit ist ein großes Geschäft geworden.
Wir sollten darauf achten, dass wir nur unverarbeitete, natürlich gewonnene Salze ohne die chemischen Zusätze kaufen.
Codex Humanus
Hier kannst du gute und günstige Natursalze kaufen:
unraffiniertes Meersalz
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Música: Willow and the Lightr - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
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Der heutige Fokus zum Thema "Lästige Infekte vermeiden" liegt auf Bewegung und Abhärtung. Unser Körper benötigt ein spezielles "Training" um robust und abwehrstark zu sein. Sehr gut erforscht und bewährt ist die Methode von Sebastian Kneipp, die Körper und Geist in Einklang mit den natürlichen Vorgängen in uns und ums uns herum bringt.
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Hinweis: Die in diesem Podcast gegebenen Informationen und Empfehlungen ersetzen keine ärztliche oder therapeutische Behandlung.
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It is nearly impossible to understand or explain the carvings of ancient Chennakeshava Temple in Belur, Karnataka. Here are the top 10 Unexplained Facts
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00:00 - Majestic Tower
00:35 - Peculiar Design
01:35 - Miniature of the Main Structure
02:45 - Buddha = Vishnu?
03:35 - Ancient Balcony
04:07 - Musical Archer?
05:42 - American Macaw?
06:21 - Ancient Gold Mining
07:19 - Weird Carvings
08:29 - Stone Chain?
08:52 - Conclusion
Hey guys, today I am going to show you a special temple called Chennakesava temple in Belur. This temple is known for many strange carvings and engineering feats and the first thing that strikes you is this beautiful giant tower. Now if you zoom in at the top, the 2 ends are actually designed to look like the horns of a cow, and they say this is why they call this tower Gopuram. The word Go means Cow in Sanskrit language.
Now, if you climb this tower and stand on this tower and you look at the temple, you can see that it is designed in a very peculiar way. I don’t think there is a word to explain the shape of this main structure, it is very odd, and it is also not evenly shaped, because the back has another unique flower shaped design. There are 32 corners in this temple and you can see that the entire temple is built on a raised platform that has 3 different entrances. There is a very strange pattern on the top, like an insect with 6 legs. That marks the position of the main statue, in other words, exactly underneath that marking, you will find the 9 foot tall statue of Chennakesava, inside the main chamber.
Right next to it, you can see another smaller structure designed with the same shape as the main structure. From the top view, they look identical in shape. What is it? When you look at it from the ground, you realize that it was first built as a smaller, primitive model before the main structure was built. Archaeologists confirm that yes, it was built as a model and this is why this structure does not have much carvings on its walls.
And the main structure is completely adorned with carvings. There are more than 10,000 carvings found on this structure. Mainstream archaeologists claim that it took more than a hundred years to complete this temple, and more than a thousand people worked on it at any given time. And even though this temple is 900 years old, it is still a fully functional and active temple, meaning that Hindu rituals are performed here every day.
But even though this is a Hindu temple, there is a very strange secret hiding in the very entrance. Just above the entrance is a brilliant carving with plenty of Hindu Gods. There are 10 small carvings showing 10 avatars of Lord Vishnu, however, if you look at the 9th avatar, this is Lord Buddha. And this is very surprising because today, we think Buddhism is a completely separate religion from Hinduism. However, we can see that 900 years ago, Buddha was incorporated into this Hindu Temple, and Buddha was considered as one of the avatars of Lord Vishnu.
The temple not only shows Gods, but also shows how ancient human beings lived. Here we can see that ancient people must have had balconies or decks in their houses. The carvings clearly show multistoried buildings with every floor having a balcony where you can sit out and relax, just like what we do today.
There are some carvings which have been deliberately destroyed for unknown reasons. You can see this figure has gone through some considerable destruction, as though someone took a hammer and kept pounding on the carving, we can see huge dents all over the carving. Who is he? And why was he destroyed? He is Arjuna, a master archer and he is shooting on a revolving target that is shaped like a fish, while looking at its reflection on a bowl of oil on the ground. You can see a similar statue in other temples, so there is no doubt that this is Arjuna. Locals say that originally, the string on his bow, produced 7 musical notes when tapped on. It sounds fascinating to imagine a stone string, that can produce various notes. We cannot confirm this, but locals say that it was destroyed because people kept hitting on this carving with smaller stones, which is why everything got destroyed and it has severe dents.
#Hinduism #AncientIndia #PraveenMohan
An unknown temple in South India called Doddagaddavalli temple has become a target for vandals. However, there seems to be an ulterior motive to this planned destruction. WHO is destroying this ancient temple and WHY?
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00:00 - Who Broke This?
01:05 - Planned Destruction
03:18 - Spine Tingling Carvings
08:42 - Very First Hindu Temple?
09:15 - Lathe Turned Pillars
10:02 - Mysterious Ancient Builder
11:44 - Conclusion
Hey guys, somebody tried to destroy this ancient temple. As you can see this ancient statue is lying on the floor. This is the statue of Kaali, a fierce Goddess and on November 20, 2020, it is said that locals heard strange noises during night time, and when the authorities came in the morning, they found out that the statue was in this position. They have tried to dismiss it as a mere accident. Police say that nothing was stolen, so why did someone come to a very remote village in India, and break this statue. They have claimed that it fell naturally, but that is impossible because stone statues don’t naturally fall by themselves, and two, people have tried to destroy this temple for more than 900 years.
As soon as I entered the temple, I noticed something very odd. All the carvings in the front have been deliberately removed. They have methodically destroyed and have completely defaced these carvings. Why?
Let us go inside one of the shrines. Here you can see a fantastic stone structure, it looks amazing. But the lingam, the main cylinder that was supposed to be in the middle, is gone. It has been carefully removed. Why? Who would do such a thing?
Even on the ceilings, the destroyers have carefully planned and disfigured the carvings. It is done with such attention that we cannot recognize the original carving, so we are not able to decode the ancient information.
But let us investigate why people have repeatedly tried to destroy this temple. This is one of the entrances to the main chamber. On top, the rectangle which had a carving has been completely defaced. And at the bottom, you can see this figure, which is also hacked. We cannot see the details clearly, and on the other side, this carving is also completely destroyed. And then these 4 stone blocks as well, they are completely defaced. Some experts have claimed that Islamic invaders destroyed this temple because they don’t believe in idol worship and are not allowed to see images, but this cannot be true. Because on both sides, you can see 2 guardians, they are completely untouched. If these carvings were destroyed by Muslim kings, why would they leave these 2 carvings?
Whoever destroyed and is still destroying these carvings are doing it because they don’t like the information in these carvings. And the carvings in this temple are hiding some insane details.
For example, what do you see? Your natural instinct is to look in the middle where people have destroyed a beautiful lingam. But no, see here:
At first sight, you think this man is pulling a rope. But no, that’s his intestines. He has cut open his belly with his sword, and is removing his own intestines, which looks like a twisted rope. His face is deliberately disfigured to make sure we cannot identify him. Right next to him, you can see a woman. I am not exactly sure what they are trying to show here, but her legs are tied using a snake, symbolizing a venomous virgin or Vishaykanya. In case, you don’t believe my theory that this guy was cutting up his own stomach, it’s ok, because I also did not believe that in the beginning.
Look at the other side, this giant figure, is cutting off his own head with a sword. His hair looks quite fancy and he is holding his hair firmly with one hand, while decapitating himself. There are three very strange details here: Inspite of killing himself, he is also in the process of killing someone else, because he is standing on the face of this man. The victim is not dead yet, because you can see his hands in the Namaste pose, begging for mercy. On the other side, you can see a mysterious figure, fully clothed from top to bottom, calmly looking away. The third detail is the most important, you can see a coin here. This means locals are still worshiping this figure. I am not able to identify the figure, but if I talk to the locals, I could find more information and unravel the story.
Why are these 2 self destructive figures posted as guardians of this lingam? Who destroyed their faces? And Who removed the cylinder out of its base?
On top, you can see another strange figure called Vetala. Its hair looks like spaghetti...
#Hinduism #PraveenMohan #Search4Truth
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Hey guys, today let's take a look at why Lord Shiva is portrayed as smoking weed and drinking alcohol. In fact, we have a temple called Kaal Bhairav temple in which Lord Shiva is fed alcohol every day. There is a mouth carved in the lingam, and alcohol is poured through it as a ritual. Every year, on Shivarathri, which is the night dedicated to Shiva, his devotees smoke weed before praying to him. Why is Lord Shiva depicted as an alcohol drinker and a smoker of Marijuana? This is very confusing to the common man, who thinks that Gods should not indulge in these evil acts.
To understand this, let's go back in time many thousand years ago and assume that human beings were primitive. We have about 400,000 species of plants. How did we find out which plants can be used as food, and which plants are poisonous? Which plants make you sick and which plants heal sickness? The ancient Indian system of medicine called Siddha documents more than 100,000 plants and their medical uses. How were these documented? In fact, their documentation is so accurate that even today, they are being absorbed into modern allopathic medicine. For example, in the year 2000, a medicine called Virohep was launched to treat Hepatitis B. The manufacturers of this medicine, have openly stated that they extracted the chemical from the herb mentioned in ancient Indian texts, and made them into pills. It is now available all around the world and is accepted by doctors as a very effective medicine.
So, how were such advanced medicines documented at least 2000 years ago in India? According to traditional Siddha medicine, Shiva comes from a planet called Shivalokha, and begins experimenting and documenting the properties of all the plants on earth. These experimental techniques and results were then passed on to 18 saints who documented the rest of the plants. Of course, historians and other experts will tell us that this is nonsense, and ancient Indians found out these properties of plants by trial and error or by accident. But we have solid evidence that ancient Indians tested these plants just like modern day scientists. In the ancient Hoysaleswara temple, we can see this strange carving. What does it show? It shows an alcoholic drink called toddy being extracted from palm trees, and collected into a container on the ground. But you can something extraordinary - the saint is watching two animals - a bird and a snake drinking from the container. It actually shows they were testing the effect of alcohol on animals first, before beginning to use it on human beings. This is exactly what scientists do today, they test it on animals first before giving it to humans. Right next to the carving of animal testing, watch how a man gives a similar container full of toddy to a woman, and the woman is clearly refusing it, look at the hand gesture.
But why make alcohol at all, isn't it evil to drink alcohol? Why are these things even carved on a temple? Indian traditional medicine explains alcohol and other intoxicants as absolutely necessary for performing surgeries. Take the simple case of tooth extraction. How can we do this without sedating someone? After all, ancient Indian texts explain complex surgeries such as eye operations, amputations and even plastic surgeries. The ancient text called Sushruta Samhita clearly explains how alcohol must be given to patients before surgery.
But what about Weed? Why is Lord Shiva shown smoking pot? Today Marijuana is thought of as a drug, but it was considered a sacred medicinal plant in India. Lord Shiva, who is the father of traditional Siddha medicine was the first to test Marijuana on animals, and on himself, before giving it out to human beings. Popularly known in India as Ganja or Bhang, it is was used to relieve anxiety and pain since 2000 BC, which is 4000 years ago. Ancient Indian traditions recommends using marijuana once a year to maintain good mental and physical health. This is why weed is smoked in India and Nepal by devotees on the night dedicated to Shiva.
#Hinduism #India #Shiva
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