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In Rom existiert ein scheinbar auf natürliche Weise entstandener Hügel namens Monte Testaccio (dt. "Scherbenhügel"). Es handelt sich hierbei jedoch um einen künstlichen Berg, der zwischen dem 1. und 4. Jahrhundert während des römischen Handels als Halde benutzt wurde. Er besteht vollständig aus Ton-Scherben antiker Amphoren.
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Musik: Lord of the Land - Kevin MacLeod (
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In den Tiefen der Ozeane finden wir Spuren unserer Vergangenheit, da viele Städte in Folge verschiedener Kataklysmen überflutet wurden.
Manchmal lassen sie uns die seltsamsten Strukturen erahnen, zu denen wir keine Erklärung finden. Eine Untersuchung des Meeresbodens ist sehr schwierig und teilweise unmöglich.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
The Great Unknown von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Im alten Ägypten fanden wir Ooparts ( out of place artifact) und andere Beweise zur Nutzung unmöglicher Technologien zu dieser Zeit.
Dieses Land ist einer der Orte mit den größten archäologischen Funden auf ganzen der Welt.
Ein Erbe, dass mehr Fragen aufwirft als Antworten liefert, aber das macht diesen „Ort" so mysteriös mit all seiner ganzen Magie.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos TV" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Music: Kevin MacLeod ~ Tabuk
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
Sind Fernsehen und Kino wirklich harmlose Unterhaltung?
Das glauben die meisten Menschen, aber das ist eine gefährliche falsche Einschätzung. In Wirklichkeit haben Kinofilme und Fernsehsendungen große Auswirkungen auf unser Denken und Handeln. Durch diese Medien werden wir in allen Aspekten manipuliert. Es ist ein Werkzeug, mit dem wir leicht in eine bestimmte Richtung gelenkt werden.
Die Quantenphysik sagt uns, dass wir unsere Realität verändern können, und dass alles Energie ist. Energie ist Schwingung und unsere Gedanken sind es auch. Wenn wir die Gedanken ändern, ändern wir die Schwingungen.
Wenn du an etwas glaubst, veränderst du das Quantenfeld und ziehst es an.
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Dieses Video wurde mit der Genehmigung des Urhebers von "Misterios Ocultos" ins Deutsche übersetzt
Música: Jellyfish in Space von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Attribution license ( lizenziert.
Kategorie : Menschen & Blogs
Lizenz : Standard-YouTube-Lizenz
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#Schweden ist das erste Land mit einem #Update. Siehe selbst, ob das Land mit den nachgemeldeten #Sterbezahlen jetzt kippt!
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Hey guys, we are at Coral Castle in Florida and let’s take a look at the Polaris telescope built by Edward Leedskalnin. The telescope is unique because it is the world’s only megalithic telescope, and this rock weighs a massive 23 tons and stands 25 feet tall. Now, imagine a 100 pound man with a 4th grade education single-handedly lifting 46,000 pounds. But what’s more unique , unlike most other rocks in the coral castle, it can be placed only at this specific location. Ed had to be extremely precise and one inch to the right or the left would make this telescope pointless. Let us use this telescope to understand how this works. Here is a triangular eyepiece with a hole drilled on it; all you have to do is line up the hole in the eyepiece and the hole in the telescope. But we don’t see anything because it is broad daylight. But on a clear night sky, you will see the North Star in one of the 4 quadrants. Polaris is simply another word for the North Star. You can not only see the North Star but you can also calculate the 4 seasons because the North Star will rotate among the quadrants depending on the seasons. During winter, you will the north star in the top right, it will move to the top left during spring, will descend to bottom left during summer and to the bottom right during fall. Is there a way to see the North Star even during daytime? It is possible to virtually see it if you use an app called Google Sky. All you have to do is download it on your smart phone and hold it before this eyepiece.
Now, remember I said, if Ed moved the large telescope even by an inch, it wouldn't work and some of you might think, this circle is large enough that such a small movement would not matter. But what is Ed really doing here? He did not care about the North Star; he did not care about the 4 seasons. All he cared about was the absolute true north. He has marked the true north at the dead center of the cross hairs, so he had to place this telescope exactly at this location and the set this eye piece here.
Remember, he did this in 1940, and he had no satellite GPS, fancy computers or lasers. This is a very unusual accomplishment for a 4th grader especially to do it without anyone’s help. After Ed’s death, people searched his belongings for astronomical devices like telescopes, advanced compasses, ****tants and found none whatsoever.
So how could he do it with his naked eye? When people asked him about this telescope, he would tell them that he knew what the builders of Giza pyramid knew. The strange thing about Giza Pyramid is that the sides of the square base are closely aligned to the four cardinal compass points (within four minutes of arc)[11] based on true north. And the ancient Egyptians could create this 4500 years ago, apparently without any modern equipment just like ED did.
Now, if that is not enough, I just realized that Coral Castle itself is perfectly aligned with the four compass points based on true north. Is it humanly possible to construct an entire castle which weighs more than 1100 tons without the help of other humans, pack animals or advanced technology? And the megalithic walls on all four sides accurately line up with the four directions just like many of the ancient structures. And what’s even more brilliant, is that if you draw a line from the Polaris telescope to the exact south it dissects the entire castle into two equal halves. In my past videos about Ed’s Sundial and the 9 ton door, I showed you some uncanny similarities to the Giza pyramid. Was Coral Castle modeled after the great pyramid of Giza? What do you think? Please do let me know your opinion, I am finding a lot of intriguing stuff like this, so please do subscribe to my channel. Thank you for watching and talk to you soon.
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Hey guys, today I am going to show you the secret Lingams of Angkor Wat Temple, nobody has posted this information anywhere, this is not on YouTube, and this is not even in any book, these lingams have never been observed before.
When you walk around these passages they have a lot of Buddha statues placed all around. Some Buddhas are huge, and some Buddhas are small, and some of them have even been destroyed, and it is said that 108 Buddhas were placed originally all around like this, in this temple. But this is strange because Angkor Wat was originally built as a Hindu temple, and 108 is a sacred number of Hindus, so why would the original builders place 108 Buddha statues here?
Let us examine this mystery, and here you can see this Buddha statue, its head is broken. Now, Buddha is already seated on a Naga, a snake, and he is placed on a pedestal or a base. To a casual observer, there is nothing wrong, but there is something very weird about the base, it does not fit the Buddha at all. You can see that the base is square, and there is a groove, an outlet for the water. "THIS IS THE BASE OF A LINGAM FOR THE WATER." This is the base of a lingam for the water to flow. I have shown you a lot of lingams like this, and how they have these spouts or outlets for water. And look, the Buddha statue is completely separate and it is not even seated on the base properly.
So, where is the lingam? Where is the cylindrical part that once sat on this base? It is sitting right here, you can see a part of the broken cylinder, this was the lingam which originally stood on the base.
And here is another Buddha, this Buddha is much smaller than the base, and you can see the full base of the lingam here, how a lingam would have been originally placed. The cylinder top represents Shiva, and it has been specifically destroyed, and a Buddha has been placed on top, even though it does not fit this base at all.
May be, this is true only for small Buddha statues, what about the Giant Buddha statues placed in Angkor Wat? Look at this one, this Buddha is more than 8 feet tall, has a huge 7 headed naga guarding him, while he is in deep meditation. This is such a fantastic statue that even as a visitor, you want to pay respect to this Buddha. But look at the base. It is obvious that it is not at all a part of the Buddha statue. And you can see this rectangular groove for water outlet. There was originally a lingam here, and when the civilizations changed, the lingams were destroyed, and these Buddha statues were just placed on top of them.
I have examined at least a dozen of these Buddhas, and it is a very interesting modification to watch, when the temple was taken over by a different religion, they just removed the cylinders, but they kept the bases and placed the newer Buddhas on top of these bases. But this is not a very well engineered modification, in almost all cases, the bases look completely different than the Buddhas.
Okay, so you have now seen the 108 lingams inside Angkor Wat temple, But these are not the lingams I wanted to show you, I want to show you the SECRET LINGAMS that have been hiding underground for many centuries.
In 2015, researchers used laser scanning equipment called Lidar attached to low-flying helicopters and scanned the Angkor Wat area. And they were shocked to find a large field full of cylindrical projections hidden around the temple complex. Archeologists are calling them 'Domes' because they are cylindrical structures with nice smooth tops, these are obviously lingams. But it is not just the buried lingams that have stunned scientists, it’s the sheer volume of them. They have found vast fields full of these lingams arranged in grid like fashion, forming a large matrix. Experts confirm that these ancient structures were built around the same time as Angkor Wat temple.
Why were hundreds of these lingams built all around Angkor Wat temple complex? Why did ancient builders build such a large number of lingams both inside and outside the temple walls? These lingams are debunking all mainstream theories. Experts have always argued that there is nothing special about Lingams, they are just statues people built, hoping that others will come and worship these lingams and give donations. But these lingams found by Lidar technology is proving this wrong, if lingams were built only for worship and donations, why would they make these hundreds of lingams in a grid like fashion and place them outside the walls of Angkor Wat? These lingams must have been used for a specific reason.
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