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The Mediarebell
19 Ansichten · 4 Jahre .

In der Region Kaiserslautern leben rund 50.000 US-Soldaten mit ihren Familien. Statistisch werden die US-Amerikaner nicht als Einwohner gezählt – aber deren Positivtestung fließt in den vom RKI berechneten Inzidenzwert. Ähnlich ist die Situation bei Asylbewerbern. Dies führt zu einer Verzerrung des Inzidenzwertes mit teilweise gravierenden Folgen. Mehr auf unserer Webseite:

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The Mediarebell
19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Peter Weber im Gespräch mit Maurice Janich, Pädagoge und Visualisierungstherapeut

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣In der dritten Folge des Themas Meditation wird es weitere Tipps und Informationen für das Erlernen dieser Technik geben. Außerdem könnt ihr wieder einer geführten Meditation lauschen, die euch diesmal an einen wunderschönen Sandstrand verweilen lässt.

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Kraft Deiner Gedanken - Maurice Janich
19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Meist ist ein negatives Erlebnis der Auslöser für Schulangst. Vielleicht wurde euer Kind in der Klasse geärgert (Mobbing) oder hatte ein - dem eigenen Empfinden nach - peinliches Erlebnis. Auch die Angst zu versagen, kann zu Schulangst führen. Wenn im Elternhaus viel Druck auf gute Noten aufgebaut wird, dann können Kinder schnell Versagensängste entwickeln. Seit Beginn der Coronakrise aber führt der durch die Maßnahmen erzeugte Druck viele Kinder in die Verzweiflung und sie entwickeln eine Schulangst, weil sie keinen anderen Ausweg mehr sehen. Visualisierung ist hier ein effektives und nachhaltiges Werkzeug.

Eine Schulangst tritt in den meisten Fällen zunächst ohne körperliche Symptome auf, die mit der Entwicklung der Angst entstehen.
Typische körperliche (bzw. psychosomatische) Anzeichen sind Bauchschmerzen, Übelkeit, Durchfall am Morgen des Prüfungstages, Kopfschmerzen, Schweißausbrüche, Zittern, Harndrang, Schlaf- und Konzentrationsstörungen. Häufige Verhaltensanzeichen sind sozialer Rückzug und Vermeidungsverhalten, Aufmerksamkeits- und Wahrnehmungsfehler, Tagträumen, Trödeln.

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#Schulangst #Ängste #Kinder #Eltern

Kraft Deiner Gedanken - Maurice Janich
19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Eine Panikattacke ist eine kurze Phase extremen Leids, extremer Angst oder Furcht, welche plötzlich einsetzt und von körperlichen und/oder emotionalen Symptomen begleitet wird.

Panikattacken sind relativ häufig und kommen pro Jahr bei mindestens 11 Prozent der Erwachsenen vor. Die meisten Menschen erholen sich von Panikattacken ohne Behandlung, doch einige entwickeln eine Panikstörung.

Panikstörungen sind, wenn die Betroffenen sich sorgen, dass sie mehr Panikattacken haben und/oder ihr Verhalten ändern, um diese Attacken zu vermeiden. Panikstörungen kommen pro Jahr bei 2 bis 3 Prozent der Bevölkerung vor. Bei Frauen ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Panikstörungen doppelt so hoch wie bei Männern. Panikstörungen beginnen in der Regel im späten Jugend- oder frühen Erwachsenenalter

Symptome können sein:
* Schmerzen oder Beschwerden in der Brust
* Ein Gefühl des Erstickens
* Schwindel, Schwanken oder Ohnmacht
* Angst zu sterben
* Angst, verrückt zu werden oder die Kontrolle zu verlieren
* Derealisations- oder Depersonalisationsgefühle, Gefühl der Entfremdung von der Umgebung
* Hitzewallungen oder Schüttelfrost
* Übelkeit, Bauchschmerzen oder Durchfall
* Taubheitsgefühle oder Kribbeln
* Herzklopfen oder erhöhte Herzfrequenz
* Atemnot oder das Gefühl, erstickt zu werden
* Schwitzen
* Zittern oder Schütteln

Visualisierung ist hier ein effektives Werkzeug, um die hinter der Panikattacke verborgene Angst finden und auflösen zu können.

Faustregel für die Auflösung von Ängsten, Phobien etc.: Je früher, desto besser!

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► Auch die Entwicklungsstätte ist eine tolle Unterstützung für die Entwicklung deines Kindes:

19 Ansichten · 2 Jahre .

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

There are many strange carvings in Ancient Indian Temples. What do they mean? How do we explain these things? Ancient technology? Or mere imagination? 🙄

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Hey guys, today I am gonna show you some ancient carvings in Hindu temples which are truly mindboggling.
Here is an ancient statue, he looks very strange with an unusually long moustache, but that is not the important part. The important feature is that, if you put a thin stick through one ear, it will come through the other ear. The hole is just a few millimetres wide, and only very thin twigs or metal wires can go through this hole. And this statue is made of solid rock, so how did ancient builders make such a long hole through this statue? It would be quite difficult to do it even today, with modern drill bits. So how did ancient builders do this a thousand years ago?
While historians argue that Hindu temples were built one or two thousand years ago, evidences indicate that they could have been built at a much older time. Here is a carving that clearly shows a very strange animal. It has powerful legs, a large body, a long neck and a small head. What animal is this? This is called Paraceratherium, the largest known mammal, and it is an exact match to the carving. But this animal became extinct roughly 20 million years ago. So, it is very strange to see a prehistoric animal carved in an ancient temple, because the timelines don’t add up .How did a sculptor who lived one thousand or two thousand years ago see this animal and sculpt an accurate carving? Either the temple is millions of years old, or the animal must have been roaming around here two thousand years ago.
Ok moving on, here are 2 female statues, can you tell what is strange about them? Yes, their eyes look strange, they have their hands on two kids who are standing nearby, but look at their chest level. Yes, they are having small stands on which babies are resting comfortably. I wish they sent me a high-quality picture but yes, these are clearly babies resting on those stands. Very interesting to see.
Here is a woman, what is she doing? It appears that she is holding a telescope like device and looking at the sky? Or is she doing something else? Look at her other hand, she is holding a similar device in the other hand also? Who can explain what is going on here?
In ancient times, Indian women enjoyed a lot of freedom, they are often portrayed as having fun, look at this woman, she is putting mascara on her eyes, although mascara was discovered in 1872 in France. This statue is many many centuries older than that by the way.
This one is from Vietnam and it is an ancient lingam and you can tell right away that it looks quite different. Of course, it has several protruding faces on it, but the person who sent this picture claims that these heads are magnetic and they have opposite poles from its neighbour, so if this head is North Pole, the next one is South Pole, again North, and that would be south. I don’t know if it is true, but I will verify this soon, but the entire set up actually reminds me of a rotor we use, the bottom has so many serrations and protrusions reminding me of ball bearings type fittings we use today.
More and more footage is coming out showing Temples have secret rotating parts, you guys are sending me hundreds of emails on a daily basis, so I will try to sort through them in the future. I think ancient builders were using some type of advanced rotating machines and there are many symbolic representations of them, and we are not able to fully understand them.
Here you can see 2 guys intertwined like snakes. Look at their legs, the legs are interlocked, their hands are also interlocked and they are also holding each other’s hair. Is it hair or their hats? But the most important question is, why are they doing this and what is the meaning of this? The only motion they can probably do is rotate indefinitely. I am not sure if it is symbolic of a rotating device.
Here is the final carving of this video, this is more than 800 years old. What is going on here? What is the seated figure doing to the standing guy? Why does the standing guy have that expression? What do you see underneath?

#India #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, this is an ancient temple at Lepakshi and here we can see this strange carving that shows a very unique deity. You can see that it has a reptilian face, looking like a lizard and the hand gesture shows a blessing posture. When I asked the locals, who this God is, they told me it is called AnuNaga. It sounds very similar to Anunnaki, the Gods well known around the Mesopotamian region, which is in modern day Iraq. Anunnaki was worshiped by ancient cultures like Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Now, is it just a coincidence that these names sound similar, or is Anunnaki being worshiped in this temple as AnuNaga? By the end of this video, you can decide if Anunnaki is being worshiped in India.

You can see that the carving is covered with saffron powder, which is considered sacred in Hinduism. This is because, a group of locals, still worship this deity and perform monthly rituals on it. I contacted them and they explained to me that AnuNaga means "those who look like snakes" - the name describing its reptilian features. The prefix Anu means "similar to" and Naga means Serpent in ancient Indian language. These people claim that this is the original form of Naga, the popular snake gods of India, who were later depicted with hooded snake heads. The carving shows legs which are not sturdy, but seem boneless and curved, which were later exaggerated as snake bodies. They also insist that all Naga deities must be referred to as Anunaga.

The Sumerian term Anunnaki means "Those who from heaven came down to earth" clearly describing their extraterrestrial origin. Nagas in Indian mythology also come from a different planet, and they prefer to live underground, building vast cities underneath the earth. This is identical to the portrayal of Anunnaki, who are the Gods of the Underworld.

In ancient Mesopotamian texts, like the Epic of Gilgamesh, there are only seven Anunnaki, ruling the Underworld. What's really fascinating is that, in the same temple we have the world's largest Nagas carved out of a single rock, and it also shows a total of seven anuNagas or snakes. Are these similarities just coincidences? Is it possible that Anunaga and Anunnaki, are really the same Gods?

According to Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki was able to genetically modify the human race, which is possible only by altering our DNA. This genetic manipulation is depicted in ancient civilizations by intertwined serpents, which represent the DNA strands. The pillars of Lepakshi temple show a variety of these intertwined snakes, and each carving is different from the other. Is it possible that these pillars show the same genetic experiments done by AnuNaki, which resulted in the creation of mankind. All ancient Naga temples also show these DNA patterns and some even show the emergence of human beings from these DNA strands. Are these mere coincidences or are we looking at remnants of a distant past when Anunnaki or Anunaga landed on earth, and created these ancient civilizations?
Now, If the Anunnaki really came from a different planet, what kind of spacecraft did they use? In the same temple, we can see these massive carvings of circular spacecraft, which have baffled archeologists. You can see large circles, which have smaller circles around the circumference. What's really fascinating is that we can see the exact same figures as cave paintings, about 200 miles away. Considered the oldest cave paintings in India, these not only show the spacecraft, but also show extraterrestrials sitting inside the craft. You can click on the top right corner of the video to see it.
Were these extraterrestrials, Anunnakis who came in flying saucers? More importantly, are Anunnakis and Anunagas one and the same Gods? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. I am Praveen Mohan, Thanks a lot for watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Like and share this video with your friends, and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

#Anunnaki #Ancientaliens #India

19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Bodenständige Vogelperspektive
19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Dickie Jordan ist ein intelligenter und neugieriger Jugendlicher. Er und seine Familie leben in einer dystopischen Zukunft. An seinem zwölften Geburtstag wird Dickie per Gesetz zu einem Intelligenztest verpflichtet. Während Dickie seinen Eltern fröhlich erzählt, wie ihm ein älterer Freund gesagt hat, dass der Test einfach ist und er ihn sicher bestehen wird, wirken seine Eltern gestresst und weichen seinen Fragen aus. Als es soweit ist, bringen sie ihn zu einer staatlichen Testeinrichtung. Dort wird ihm ein Serum verabreicht, um sicherzustellen, dass er die Wahrheit sagt, und es werden ihm eine Reihe von Fragen zur Intelligenzbewertung gestellt.

Nach Abschluss des Tests werden Dickies Eltern von der Regierung kontaktiert und darüber informiert, dass Dickies Intelligenz über dem gesetzlichen Grenzwert liegt. Die Eltern brechen in Tränen aus, als die Prüfer der Regierung sie fragen, wie sie mit den sterblichen Überresten ihres Sohnes umgehen wollen.

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