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138 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣‼ Dr. Fauci und Kollegen wussten, dass das Virus aus dem Labor stammt

Jim Jordan sagt, Dr. Fauci „vertusche Informationen“ über Covid-19, die aus dem Wuhan-Labor stammen:
„Dieses Ding sieht konstruiert aus, stimmt nicht mit der Evolutionstheorie überein, hätte in der Natur nicht passieren können, wäre im Labor einfach zu machen gewesen. Die beiden, die diese Dinge sagten (Dr. Anderson & Dr. Garry) wurden 3 Monate später von Dr. Fauci mit einem "Stipendium" in Höhe von 8,9Mio $ belohnt.“

Alles bereits durch Militärdokumente bestätigt

16 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, today we are going to look at a strange temple which can foretell the end of the world. Recently some people have claimed that the Mayan Calendar actually indicates that the world will end tomorrow, on June 21st. Will the world end tomorrow? What does Hinduism say about this?
There is an ancient place called HarishChandraGad, which has many ancient temples and some of the structures are permanently submerged in water. You can see steps going in but you cannot see what is underneath. But the highlight is ,there is a very old cave temple here called Kedareshwar temple. Inside this temple there is a huge lingam which is almost always surrounded by water. This lingam looks small, but it is about 5 feet tall, and the water is waist deep.
But there is something truly miraculous. There are 4 pillars originally built around the lingam, and you can see 3 pillars are broken and are hanging in mid air, these are clearly hanging without any support. How can a pillar hang in mid-air without any support? How is this possible? If you look closely, it appears that the structure is made out of one solid rock, and all the pillars have been carved out of a single rock, perhaps this is why they are still able to hang even though the bottoms have been destroyed.
But how were the 3 pillars destroyed? According to Locals these were not destroyed by human beings, or even nature. Only one pillar will collapse every many thousands of years, due to divine intervention. They claim that every time a pillar collapses a Yuga will end. Now what is a Yuga? A Yuga is an Era in Hinduism and there are 4 Yugas mentioned in ancient texts. And we are in the last Yuga now, very near to the end of the world. In the past, every time one of the pillars collapsed, it marked the end of a Yuga. So if this last pillar also collapses, this last Yuga will also end, and the entire world will be destroyed. Now, how will the world end? A God known as Kalki will arrive from the sky and will destroy our already corrupted world.
Of course, modern historians do not agree with this theory at all, and say this structure itself was built only in the 7th century, and claim this is just 1300 years old. But archeologists have found something shocking, they have found Microlithic artifacts in this area. Now, what is a Microlith? A Microlith is a very small stone tool made by prehistoric people and archeologists now say this place was inhabited by human beings even as far as 35,000 years ago. Their findings prove that Harishchanragad is definitely a very ancient and even prehistoric site, but locals say that this temple is even older than all these dates. And more evidence of even older structures can be found in the nearby hilltop called Kaal Bhairav Pinnacle. Kaal Bhairav itself means The Eternal Time Keeper, I have shown you Kaala or Time, playing a very important part in Hinduism. Perhaps he can tell us when the our time will end.
Will the world really end tomorrow, so we can stop social distancing today? Even if you do believe in the end of the world concept, this pillar is still standing as of today, it has not fallen down. So, the world will go on, but there is a similar belief about a structure in Sri Lanka also, which I will show you tomorrow. That might give us a clue if the world will end soon. I hope you liked this video, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Please give it a thumbs up and do share it with your friends and I will talk to you soon. Bye!

#India #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

6 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, I am at the Darasuram Temple in India and wanted to show you something very interesting. As you can see there are lots of both local and foreign tourists that come to visit these temples and they often complain that there are no entrance or exit signs. So they get confused and don't know which way to get in and which way to get out because there are so many chambers and sub chambers in the temple.

Why don't Indian temples have entrance or exit signs? In fact, archeologists and religious experts will tell you that no such signboards or even writings have been found in ancient temples marking these doorways. This is mind boggling because Indians have been writing in languages like Tamil and Sanskrit for at least 2000 years and you can even see these writings in the very temple that I am currently researching on.

But I am gonna show you how intelligent the builders were many centuries ago. Let's say you are inside the sanctum and want to get out. Focus on the pillars and you will see the sculpture of this animal on all the pillars. Notice that the tails of all these animals are curved or twisted. All of them except one, which is straight. Just walk towards this pillar and that's the way you should get out. This is the ancient way of marking the exit sign.

Is this just a coincidence? No, because I am gonna show you the entrance sign as well. When you are outside and want to get in, you can see the front side of the same figure on all the pillars. Now you can see that the trunks of these figures are slightly curved and point up and even though you see the stairs right here, don't enter through this way because you haven't seen the entrance sign yet. Now, I am walking around and you can see that the trunks are all straight except one. This is the only sculpture with a twisted trunk. This is the way to properly enter this temple's chamber.

This is a classic example of how valuable ancient knowledge has been lost. In fact, I just rediscovered this after many centuries because I checked with the local priests and archeologists and they told me they had no idea about these signs.

Just think, the ancient builders who historians describe as unsophisticated people, have created these signs many centuries ago, this temple being at least 850 years old. And we, who are supposed to be modern and sophisticated people are actually not so perceptive and don't pay attention to these nuances.

Another remarkable feature is that there is no way you can see the exit sign from the outside because you don't need to see it as long as you are outside and it only becomes visible once you are inside and want to get out. And Vice Versa is also true. These sign boards if you will, need no maintenance and are immortal because they can't be destroyed. They are not just some external signs that can be removed and replaced, but they have been incorporated with the infrastructure of the temple.

Just remember, these little nuances have been lost in the last 500 years and modern temples don't have these carvings that mark entrance and exit signs. So if you ever visit an ancient Indian temple, do look for these sign boards.

Read the full story here:

#India #Hinduism #Ancientcivilizations

53 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Danke Stefan Lanka 🙏🏻
Herr Bilz hat in - das Neue Naturheilverfahren aus dem Jahre 1910 Band 4, damals bereits geschrieben, daß Robert Koch und Pasteur große Lügner sind!
Stefan Lanka hat den wissenschaftlichen Nachweis erbracht, dass kein Virologe jemals den SARS-COV-2-Virus isoliert und sein Genom sequenziert hat. Und das ist noch nicht alles..

73 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

⁣Biologin und Mikrobiologin Dr. So⁣ña Peková erforschte die SARS-CoV-2-Mutationen. Die einzelnen Covid-Wellen sind keine Mutationen, denn sie unterscheiden sich dafür zu sehr, solche Genetischen Unterschiede kommen auf natürlicher weise nie vor. Die Genetik der zweiten Welle ist nicht mit der ersten Wellen verwandt und die Genetik der dritten Welle ist nicht mit der zweiten Welle verwandt. Es sind alle zu unterschiedliche Varianten aus dem Labor.
Prof. Christian Drosten hat auf sehr hellseherischer weise schon gewusst welche Varianten kommen werden und in seinen PCR-Test eingebaut um sehr viele positive Testergebnisse zu erzielen.

128 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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