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Erich von Däniken Raumfahrt im Altertum
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Erich von Däniken, one of the best-selling authors of all time and regarded by many as the father of the ancient alien theory, continues his mission to uncover Earth's ancient past. There is much to explain about our past, Erich looks at everything from Sumeria to Ancient Egypt and explains in detail what the clues are telling us.
Extraterrestrial visitors left their unmistakable traces on our planet thousands of years ago and luckily we have someone here who can help us understand exactly what happened.
Mounting evidence is becoming more difficult to ignore and refute. It is little wonder that this genre has become more prolific.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Daniken.The most incredible thing here is that Erich von Däniken's has proof that we are the descendants of galactic pioneers—which he reveals with archaeological discoveries. Von Daniken is a master storyteller weaving his theories with facts from around the world. The Pyramids- how were they really built? the Temple of the Sun and the etchings in the walls. Easter Island- where did the statues come from. It's the questions which are fascinating, and it's the questions which, more often than not, continue to stand the test of time. How did ancient civilizations query and transport boulders so massive they would challenge even modern machinery? There are many questions that will be answered here.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
"Chariot of the Gods" was written over 50 years ago and was one of the first books to discuss the possibility of visits to Earth by extraterrestrials. Erich's writing style, observations, and analysis of the evidence used by mainstream science anchor theology to explain the presence of artifacts, writings and other materials, coupled with his alternative explanations and proofs are not only plausible, but also down right convincing. He provides the facts and asks the viewer to draw their own conclusions. To say this book was controversial in the late 1960s and early 1970s is an understatement! The amazing thing is that many of his early conclusions have gained wide acceptance with millions of people. Ancient Astronaut Theory is no longer fringe science and we have Erich to thank for it!!
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Daniken - These discoveries raise many questions that cannot be explained with our current knowledge base. They should be explored in more depth by the best minds we have at our disposal in all scientific areas around the world, but instead, they are ignored. Here Erich offers a possible solution where the experts, scientists, historians failed. It is ridiculous to believe we are the only intelligent creatures in the Universe. Von Daniken very passionately believes ancient aliens were an extremely important part in our past. The video will take you through ancient Egypt and look at the oddities. Everything from ancient buildings to religious stories, to the origins of humans, is discussed. If you are not a believer in aliens, this presentation might change your mind. The facts are astonishing and eye-opening.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Chariots of the Gods? bestselling author, Ancient Aliens co-star and popular ancient mysteries researcher Erich von Däniken on whether the gods of antiquity were in fact astronauts. This is what happened: Extra-terrestrials visited our Earth many millennia ago. They behaved similar to how current ethnologists behave today. They studied a few languages, visited different tribes, gave suggestions and disappeared sometime - however, with the promise to return in the distant future. Our Stone Age ancestors could not grasp what happened back then. They wrongfully believed that the extra-terrestrials were gods. The supposed then wandered into our mythology and became the founders of many religions.
With special thanks to Nexus Magazine.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Something is wrong with our past. There exist structures that could not have been created by technologically-untrained Stone Age peoples. There are global petroglyphs and religious rituals that are all related to each other. There are writings of ancient historians reporting on cultures and data about which the official archaeology field wants to know nothing. Erich Von Daniken explores the latest discoveries in the fields of prehistory, mythology, lost civilizations, and the mystical wisdom of ancient cultures from the Egyptians to and beyond.
With special thanks to Edgar Cayce Foundation.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Daniken is a master storyteller weaving his theories with facts from around the world. The Pyramids may hold the clues we have been looking for, join us as we take a peak at the secret passageways inside the Great Pyramid. How did ancient civilizations query and transport boulders so massive they would challenge even modern machinery? For what purpose were giant structures and drawings that could only be viewed from space? Why did religions spanning the physical earth, and without regular contact with one another, share such similar stories of origin? How did ancient cartographers gain knowledge of seemingly "undiscovered" lands and ancient astronomers of planets and galaxies only recently observed with modern optics?
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Daniken's presents his seminal work, which offers a version of (human history/origin) events that adhere to ancient testament and modern archeological findings. Evidence of ancient aliens can be found all over the world, from Egypt to Peru, Thailand to Bolivia the phenomena was worldwide. It's intriguing to hear an alternative theory for much of ancient history that are currently left unexplained or simply vaguely explained with improbable, yet currently accepted, theories. Daniken made sure never to tell you what to think, but rather he asked the right questions.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Däniken spricht in seinem neuesten Video über schlagkräftige Beweise für den Besuch von Ausserirdischen in grauer Vorzeit. Er spricht über sein neustes Buch-Manuskript und die kommende Reise nach Malta.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
A fantastic interview with Erich von Daniken. Enjoy!!!
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
NEW - Erich von Daniken Portugal Event 2020
with special thanks to: Ivan Dias, the organiser of the event, Portugal
& Erich von Daniken Foundation, Switzerland
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich von Däniken
Seit Menschengedenken bewahren ägyptische Bauwerke Geheimnisse, über welche in der klassischen Ägyptologie nicht gesprochen wird.
So wurde der Tempel von Abydos ursprünglich gebaut, weil dort der Kopf des Gottes Osiris begraben sei. Wer ist dieser Osiris? Woher kam er? Mit eindrücklichen Bildern beweist Erich von Däniken (EvD), dass der gewaltige Unterbau des heutigen Tempels mit einer unbekannten Technik errichtet wurde - und 5000 Jahre in die Vergangenheit zurückreicht.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Erich Von Däniken. Humorvoll und scharfsinnit entführt Erich von Däniken an verschiedene Punkte unseres Globus, auf denen rätselhafte Relikte einer mysteriösen, fremden Technologie zu bestaunen sind. Erich von Däniken zeigt eine antike Landkarte auf der die Küstenlinie der Antarktis exakt eingezeichnet ist. Wer kartographierte vor Jahrtausenden eine eisfreie Antarktis? Oeder die „Maschine von Antikythera“ – ein Mini-Planetarium aus der Steinzeit. EvD besucht die absolut unverständlichen Ruinen im Hochland von Peru, und fliegt mit seinen Zuschauern über die rätselhafte Wüste von Nazca (Peru).
Hält die grosse Pyramide von Gizeh immer noch Geheimnisse bereit? Erich von Däniken zeigt die Roboterfahrten im Innern der Pyramide und zitiert alt-ägyptische Quellen, in denen über den Bau der Pyramide vor der Flut gesprochen wird.
Was eigentlich beschrieb der biblische Prophet Hesekiel im Alten Testament? Mit den verblüffenden Rekonstruktionen der NASA und modernster Computeranimation belegt EvD: Hesekiel war Augenzeuge einer Raumschifflandung.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2019, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
Bestselling author and father of the Ancient Alien Theory Erich von Däniken explores what drove ancient humans to build city-sized places underground around the world and its connection to conflicts in the sky.
War of the Gods examines ancient scriptures from India, Siberia, Tahiti, and many other regions of the world independently on reports of battles in the stars. Weapons of unimaginable destructive power were used in the battle. Use of one of these weapons destroyed a planet completely.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Erich von Däniken sieht in den Himmelsfahrzeugen auf altindischen Kultbildern hochentwickelte "Raumfahrzeuge prähistorischer Astronauten".
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Erich von Däniken wurde vom Hangar18b-Team interviewt und erklärt seine Sicht zu vielen hochinteressanten Themen, wie: - den Zeitgeist - UFOs - Kornkreise - Klimawandel/CO2 - Edgar Mitchell (6. Mann auf dem Mond) - die Wissenschaft - Journalismus - Mars/Ceres- Mischwesen - Geheime Höhlen - Puma Punku - und vieles mehr. Eine spannende Mischung
With Special Thanks to HANGER 18b YouTube Channel -
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
EvD spricht am One-Day-Meeting der A.A.S. in Hannover 2019 über das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt Nazca III, welches über eine Crowfunding-Kampagne der Erich von Däniken-Stiftung realisiert wurde. Er behandelt die Kritik der offiziellen Wissenschaften zu seinem Thema und erklärt die Untersuchungen von Prof. Dr. John Mack, welcher Implantate von angeblichen Entführungs-Opfern naturwissenschaftlich analysierte.
With special thanks to HANGAR 18B Official YouTube Channel
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York
Ein exklusives und persönliches Video in welchem Erich über seine Arbeit, Nazka, Evolution, Lamech, Henoch, AAS und sein neues Buch spricht.
Happy Birthday lieber Erich!
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Global Group, UK
The Great Pyramid of Giza is perhaps the most significant, complex construction on our planet and is closely guarded by the Egyptian government. Researchers like Erich von Daniken is aware that there is still much to be discovered within the Great Pyramid such as secret entrances, mysterious shafts and blocked off rooms. Whatever lies within may have incredible historical importance.
EVD Foundation, Media Invest Entertainment 2020, All Rights Reserved.
Channel Managing Agent Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, New York