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6 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys! In the previous episode, the tribes in the forest told me I could learn more about the Nagas or Valaiyar if I could find a giant split rock within a 100 mile radius. They had heard about the split rock from their ancestors, from their previous generations, but they had no idea where this is actually located. I could find several giant split rocks around the world, when I performed a google search but I could not find anything online, within the 100 miles radius from Javvadhu hills. So I am going to have to start searching, by physically exploring the 100 mile radius.
The search is taking me far and wide, I am exploring some of the very remote parts of the world, where there is nothing, no trees, no buildings and no human population. Will I find this giant split rock somewhere here? I see no trace of any rock nearby. I have been searching for many days and then I stumbled on something very interesting. Remember the tribes referred to the beings as Valaiyar? There are places named after the Valaiyar, there are 2 villages called Kilvaalai and Melvaalai, and people claim that the Gods, the Valaiyar began their first contact and communication with humans here, and set up these 2 villages.
This is the village of Kilvalai, and locals say that the split rock is located somewhere here in this rocky area. They refer to the split rock as Rathakal which means 'Blood Stone' in Tamil Language and tell me a strange story which I will tell you in a minute. And then suddenly, in a distance, I see a gigantic rock cut in half, split as though by divine intervention. There is no doubt that this is the rock the tribes were talking about . More importantly, we can see a metal fence in the middle of nowhere at the base of the rock. This is a good sign. Something important must be there, this is why they have put a large fence around it.
Of course, geologists will claim the rock split by natural means, but is it really a natural occurrence? Or are we simply convincing ourselves that it is natural because it is impossible for human beings to do this? Was it split using some kind of advanced technology, by the Valaiyar or Nagas? If we look at it from the top, it looks like a clean cut, as though somebody cut a loaf of bread into 2 halves, it must have been so easy to do this. The cut looks so smooth, it is unlikely the split happened by natural means. It is a very unique experience to walk in between these giant split rocks, I can't explain it with words. From the ground, the rock looks truly gigantic, it can be used as a shelter, a place to rest or sleep. I feel like an ant stuck between 2 slices of bread. Was it some kind a safe keeping place to hide from others or for doing secretive things?
This whole structure is about 50 feet tall and 60 feet wide, the 2 pieces look like wings of a large bird. The villagers have strange stories about them. They call this blood stone, because they claim there is a secret opening at the top of the rock, which is covered by a rock lid and blood oozes out of this opening from time to time.
If we observe the rock closely, we can see that it does seem to have traces of reddish liquid, it almost looks like engine oil. Rocks do hold water and sometimes release the water along with other particles, which is probably why locals think it is blood and call it blood stone. But what is surprising is that, there is something on top which looks like a lid covering an opening. The problem is, there is no way villagers could have climbed this and seen what is on top. I am able to show you this because I use a drone. How do the locals know about this lid even though they have never seen it? More importantly, how do the tribes who live in Javvadhu hills, who have never come out of the forest know about the split rock?

#AncientAliens #India #RockArt

9 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, today let's take a look at why Lord Shiva is portrayed as smoking weed and drinking alcohol. In fact, we have a temple called Kaal Bhairav temple in which Lord Shiva is fed alcohol every day. There is a mouth carved in the lingam, and alcohol is poured through it as a ritual. Every year, on Shivarathri, which is the night dedicated to Shiva, his devotees smoke weed before praying to him. Why is Lord Shiva depicted as an alcohol drinker and a smoker of Marijuana? This is very confusing to the common man, who thinks that Gods should not indulge in these evil acts.
To understand this, let's go back in time many thousand years ago and assume that human beings were primitive. We have about 400,000 species of plants. How did we find out which plants can be used as food, and which plants are poisonous? Which plants make you sick and which plants heal sickness? The ancient Indian system of medicine called Siddha documents more than 100,000 plants and their medical uses. How were these documented? In fact, their documentation is so accurate that even today, they are being absorbed into modern allopathic medicine. For example, in the year 2000, a medicine called Virohep was launched to treat Hepatitis B. The manufacturers of this medicine, have openly stated that they extracted the chemical from the herb mentioned in ancient Indian texts, and made them into pills. It is now available all around the world and is accepted by doctors as a very effective medicine.
So, how were such advanced medicines documented at least 2000 years ago in India? According to traditional Siddha medicine, Shiva comes from a planet called Shivalokha, and begins experimenting and documenting the properties of all the plants on earth. These experimental techniques and results were then passed on to 18 saints who documented the rest of the plants. Of course, historians and other experts will tell us that this is nonsense, and ancient Indians found out these properties of plants by trial and error or by accident. But we have solid evidence that ancient Indians tested these plants just like modern day scientists. In the ancient Hoysaleswara temple, we can see this strange carving. What does it show? It shows an alcoholic drink called toddy being extracted from palm trees, and collected into a container on the ground. But you can something extraordinary - the saint is watching two animals - a bird and a snake drinking from the container. It actually shows they were testing the effect of alcohol on animals first, before beginning to use it on human beings. This is exactly what scientists do today, they test it on animals first before giving it to humans. Right next to the carving of animal testing, watch how a man gives a similar container full of toddy to a woman, and the woman is clearly refusing it, look at the hand gesture.
But why make alcohol at all, isn't it evil to drink alcohol? Why are these things even carved on a temple? Indian traditional medicine explains alcohol and other intoxicants as absolutely necessary for performing surgeries. Take the simple case of tooth extraction. How can we do this without sedating someone? After all, ancient Indian texts explain complex surgeries such as eye operations, amputations and even plastic surgeries. The ancient text called Sushruta Samhita clearly explains how alcohol must be given to patients before surgery.

But what about Weed? Why is Lord Shiva shown smoking pot? Today Marijuana is thought of as a drug, but it was considered a sacred medicinal plant in India. Lord Shiva, who is the father of traditional Siddha medicine was the first to test Marijuana on animals, and on himself, before giving it out to human beings. Popularly known in India as Ganja or Bhang, it is was used to relieve anxiety and pain since 2000 BC, which is 4000 years ago. Ancient Indian traditions recommends using marijuana once a year to maintain good mental and physical health. This is why weed is smoked in India and Nepal by devotees on the night dedicated to Shiva.

#Hinduism #India #Shiva

6 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, today let's take a look at why Taj Mahal is loved so much by everyone. In this video, I am going to show you a series of tricks and illusions used by the architects to make you fall in love with this amazing structure.
The very first time you look at Taj Mahal, it will simply blow your mind. This is because the builders use an optical illusion to trick your mind. When you first enter through the main entrance, you see the Taj Mahal through an arch and everything else is dark around it. This makes your eyes focus fully on Taj Mahal, and the beauty of Taj Mahal completely engulfs you. But the illusion gets even better, if you walk towards the Taj Mahal, it will become smaller and smaller. And if you step back and walk away from the Taj Mahal, it will appear to get bigger and bigger. This is a fascinating illusion, but this is just the beginning.
Let's take a closer look at the Taj Mahal and you begin to see columns which are made of many sides. Let's examine this column - you can see that it has a total of 6 sides with zigzag lines painted all over it. But does it really consist of 6 sides? If you examine this closely you will figure out that these are not 2 sides, but one, this is a flat piece. The entire column consists of just 4 sides, but the lines are painted in such a way that it appears to have more sides. An actual optical illusion, to trick your brain into thinking that the structure is more complex that it actually is. Even if you zoom in completely, and look at it for several minutes, you don't understand this unless you feel the sides, this is not easy to understand.
But look at these lines carefully and you can see something very interesting. These are not painted, they are stones embedded on top of white marble. In fact, there is not even a trace of paint on Taj Mahal, all these designs, these flowers and even the writings all over the walls are made of made of precious and semi-precious stones which are carefully glued on top of white marble.
And these stones have a weird property. They gleam when light shines on it. If you take a flash light, and shine it on these stones, they will glow like light bulbs. I have shown you the secret view into the bathroom of Queen Mumtaj, which uses mirrors instead of stones and the visual effect is amazing. The Taj Mahal employs stones of various colors and this creates a gleaming effect on these designs, during sunlight and even moonlight. This makes visitors wonder why certain paintings are glowing on Taj Mahal which is made completely out of white marble.
But is the Taj Mahal made completely out of white marble? Actually it is not, if you look at the aerial view, it shows that red sandstone has been used on the top. But this is not visible for anyone who is on the ground. The Taj Mahal doesn't look that impressive when you see it from the air, because of the red sandstone which is native to the land, but the architects knew that people who view the taj mahal from the ground level cannot see this. A clever architectural trick, which makes you think that the Taj Mahal is made completely out of white marble.
The white marble structure has some peculiar properties. Like a Chameleon, it changes color according to the time of the day. It looks slightly pinkish in the morning, and takes on a weird transparent shade on foggy days, appears white throughout the day, and looks golden in moon light. This is one of the reasons why Taj Mahal is revisited by many tourists, it gets more than 7 million visitors every year.
Now, let's take a look at the stone inlays here - Here you can see this yellow branch going under the dark green one and coming out on top. These are individual yellow stones placed around the dark green stone. Everything is set at the same level on white marble, nothing goes underneath or over anything. Not just the flowers, leaves and fruits, but even these curvy stems are semi-precious stones, cut and placed, with such precision that you don't see any joints at all. This is the Brilliance behind this artwork to makes it look realistic.
Let me zoom in here, and if you observe carefully, you can see something depressing. There are 2 flowers missing here. These were originally made of diamonds, and were plucked out by British soldiers in 1857. The rest of the stones are semi-precious, this is why they haven't touched them. Even today, people attempt to steal what's left over from Taj Mahal and other such monuments. Here you can see that people have recently taken these red stones out. But there are designs made completely out of white marble, which are also mind boggling.

#TajMahal #Mystery #India

16 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, today we are going to look at a strange temple which can foretell the end of the world. Recently some people have claimed that the Mayan Calendar actually indicates that the world will end tomorrow, on June 21st. Will the world end tomorrow? What does Hinduism say about this?
There is an ancient place called HarishChandraGad, which has many ancient temples and some of the structures are permanently submerged in water. You can see steps going in but you cannot see what is underneath. But the highlight is ,there is a very old cave temple here called Kedareshwar temple. Inside this temple there is a huge lingam which is almost always surrounded by water. This lingam looks small, but it is about 5 feet tall, and the water is waist deep.
But there is something truly miraculous. There are 4 pillars originally built around the lingam, and you can see 3 pillars are broken and are hanging in mid air, these are clearly hanging without any support. How can a pillar hang in mid-air without any support? How is this possible? If you look closely, it appears that the structure is made out of one solid rock, and all the pillars have been carved out of a single rock, perhaps this is why they are still able to hang even though the bottoms have been destroyed.
But how were the 3 pillars destroyed? According to Locals these were not destroyed by human beings, or even nature. Only one pillar will collapse every many thousands of years, due to divine intervention. They claim that every time a pillar collapses a Yuga will end. Now what is a Yuga? A Yuga is an Era in Hinduism and there are 4 Yugas mentioned in ancient texts. And we are in the last Yuga now, very near to the end of the world. In the past, every time one of the pillars collapsed, it marked the end of a Yuga. So if this last pillar also collapses, this last Yuga will also end, and the entire world will be destroyed. Now, how will the world end? A God known as Kalki will arrive from the sky and will destroy our already corrupted world.
Of course, modern historians do not agree with this theory at all, and say this structure itself was built only in the 7th century, and claim this is just 1300 years old. But archeologists have found something shocking, they have found Microlithic artifacts in this area. Now, what is a Microlith? A Microlith is a very small stone tool made by prehistoric people and archeologists now say this place was inhabited by human beings even as far as 35,000 years ago. Their findings prove that Harishchanragad is definitely a very ancient and even prehistoric site, but locals say that this temple is even older than all these dates. And more evidence of even older structures can be found in the nearby hilltop called Kaal Bhairav Pinnacle. Kaal Bhairav itself means The Eternal Time Keeper, I have shown you Kaala or Time, playing a very important part in Hinduism. Perhaps he can tell us when the our time will end.
Will the world really end tomorrow, so we can stop social distancing today? Even if you do believe in the end of the world concept, this pillar is still standing as of today, it has not fallen down. So, the world will go on, but there is a similar belief about a structure in Sri Lanka also, which I will show you tomorrow. That might give us a clue if the world will end soon. I hope you liked this video, I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching, don't forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Please give it a thumbs up and do share it with your friends and I will talk to you soon. Bye!

#India #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

14 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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This is the Thanjavur Brahadeeswarar temple in India which was built between 1004 and 1009 A.D. So it was built over a 1000 years ago. Found some amazing drilling technology with precision holes less than 3 millimeters wide. These holes are so small that nobody has noticed them and has been a secret for 1000 years.

These rocks look like mere decoration, but if you look closely, there are very small holes cut into them. I will put a small twig to show you how small the hole is. I tried to put my pen through the hole and it would not go through.

Another fascinating thing about these holes is that it is not even straight drilling, but is done at an angle. I put the twig on top and it comes out almost at a right angle.

The temple walls are completely made of granite, one of the hardest materials on earth. In modern days, we use diamond tipped tools to make these kind of holes. How did the people carve such minute holes on these granite rocks a thousand years ago?

This technology is older than other ancient cultures like Mayas and Incas. The hole is also much smaller than any other ancient drills I have seen. It is also interesting to think about What were these holes used for? Whatever went inside must have been very thin and flexible because of the size and angle. Why would they need such minute holes anyway?

#Search4Truth #India #Ancienttechnology

11 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

A strange carving in Angkor Wat temple shows a weird animal used in a chariot. Is this even possible? Did ancient people possess superior knowledge? Or was it ancient aliens? 👽👽
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Hey guys, today I am going to show you some strange things I found in Angkor Wat temple. "Here you see something very very fascinating. Look at this chariot, right? Look at this chariot and this man is using an arrow standing on top of the chariot. Look what animal is tied to the chariot? This is a Rhino! Look at the head and there is a horn in front of that face and that ears. This is a rhino, so humans were domesticating rhinoceros and they were using them for war. I mean this is fascinating to see I don't think I have seen this kind of information anywhere. Human beings using Rhinoceros and putting them to work in Chariots and using them in war, I mean this is amazing. "
It is shown with a thick skin with many flaps, rhinos always have multiple flaps in their skin, and this one is also heavily ornate and armored, because well that's what happens when you become a warrior. The rhino looks fearless, rhinos never shy away from a fight, even though this guy is trying to kill it.
This is quite fascinating because if you talk to biologists today they will tell you it is not difficult, but it is actually humanly impossible to domesticate Rhinos. Why? Because animals like Rhinoceros fit into a classification called Ornery. They are just too inconvenient and too wild to tame. Think about it, we ride horses, but why don't we ride zebras? Because zebra is also classified as an ornery animal, it is just too difficult for humans to tame these animals. And some of you may think, that's not true, Sheena the queen of Jungle, rode a zebra. This is actually a painted horse, they tried to get an actual zebra but it is impossible tame ornery animals.

But this carving is proving us wrong. Ancient Builders of Cambodia actually have domesticated Rhinos, many many centuries ago. And it makes you wonder, we are not able to tame them today, how did they do it at least 900 years ago?

And I think a lot of smart people have wondered about this. In the movie avatar, the characters tame wild animals and the animals help them and participate in the war. This is the Direhorse, it is just a modified zebra. James Cameron is telling us that they were not tamed by force, but these people knew how to connect their mind with its mind and then it starts to do what you want it to do. Right now, we are working on this technology, ok?. We can use your brain to move someone else's hand by just thinking about it. Elon Musk has recently introduced Neuralink technology, a tiny implant on your brain and you can do plenty of things with that. They have already done these implants on pigs.

So it is possible that the ancient builders had some type of esoteric knowledge to domesticate all animals and this knowledge has been lost now. This is why they were able to domesticate Rhinos and other wild animals.

Remember I showed the you the hell in Angkor Wat, the hell according to Hinduism where you can see all the strange punishments. One of the punishments is torture by animals. And again here you can see a Rhino is using its horns to impale a sinner. See how decorated this Rhino is, its entire skin is covered with dots.

Nearby you can see this guy, is being eaten alive by a lion. I don't know if you understand how crazy this is. Not only this, there are gigantic, majestic stone lions greeting you when you enter Angkor Wat. I am completely blown away by these Lions while thousands of visitors will just walk by without giving them a second look. They will be like "nice looking lions", right? So plot twist: There are no lions in Cambodia, there are no lions in South East Asia at all, not today, not ever. All experts agree on that, what is in red is the historical distribution of Lions. Lions existed historically only in Africa, middle east and India, and today of course they have diminished even further, which is shown in blue. But all experts agree that Lions never existed in Cambodia which is like a thousand mile away from India. So how did ancient builders who existed in Cambodia carve these Lions, without ever seeing one?

#Hinduism #Cambodia #PraveenMohan

8 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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This is Ellora caves in India, which is a collection of 34 caves. These caves were built approximately 750 A.D, so these carvings are over 1200 years ago. This is cave 33. Generally, people are not expected to step inside the main Altar or Sanctum.

Inside the altar, is the Jain god Mahavira. Cave 33 was not built by Hindus, but by Jains, and they have quite a few Gods in their religion.Their Gods are usually enlightened human beings. You can see the main God at the center, and there are 2 other deities on either side. You can see the faded colors on them. These colors must have been put on when they were carved and you can imagine how fresh and colorful the images would have been.

What's more interesting is that you can see a small, secret chamber on the right side. Let us take a look inside and see how big it is. It is about 5 feet wide and 6 feet long. And the inside is polished really well which makes me think that it was used by humans as a hiding place.

If it was just for storage, the inside may not have been polished. So, I am guessing that this would have been a great hideaway or a shelter. Now note that the doorway is almost a perfect rectangle. If I put a rectangular stone slab to cover this doorway, the chamber would not be visible at all. And not to mention that it is very dark inside, making it an invisible room. Follow Me on:


4 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

We are in the forbidden part of Ellora caves. People are not allowed to go into these areas, so I had to give a nice tip to the guard to get into this part of the cave. You might remember that we found a hidden chamber in Cave 33. This is cave 32, and inside one of the rooms we can find a lot of paintings done over 1200 years ago. These paintings are hidden in the remote areas of the cave. It is common to see carvings that have colors on them, but these are wall paintings without any carvings.

In this painting, you can see how a man and woman are dancing on the right side, and there is a teacher on the left who is overseeing their performance. It is also interesting to see that they barely have any clothes on, but do have jewels on them. And the man who is dancing must have been a king because he is wearing a crown. This gives us great insight into how the King would have spent his pastime 1200 years ago.

I am sorry about the lighting and the shaky camera, guys. It is pitch black in here and I am using a flash light to show you these paintings.

In this painting, you can see a lot of men sitting and praying. And the king in the center has his hands over his head with palms pressed together. If you notice carefully each person is painted with a different color. The King is painted red and you can see the adviser sitting behind him is wearing a blue turban.

On the opposite wall you can see a bunch of women in the praying position as well. The woman in the center is playing a stringed instrument, I am not sure if she is the queen. It is interesting to see that they all have flowers on their heads, which is still a common practice among Indian women.

Who are all these men and women praying to? In the center wall, you can see the painting of Mahavira. He has 2 other deities on either side, it looks like they are putting flowers on him. At the bottom, you can see how the painting has completely disintegrated. It is sad that these hidden paintings are not preserved and may not last another century.

In this painting, there are three women, and the one on the left looks like she is taking a bath.

And In this painting, you can see 2 couples dancing. Note that there are different colors like Red, brown and green.

On the ceiling you can see a lot of designs. At the corner, there is a flower, and see how the painting blends into the carvings.

This is a very detailed painting, you can see lots of faces here. It must be a very interesting scene from the past. Unfortunately, the painting has worn out and there is no way we can find out what it means.

This is a cool painting where there is a man riding a horse, and there is a woman on top of him, and there is a boy sitting on the woman's shoulders. They are chasing a man who is riding a bull. It could be some kind of an ancient game.

0:32 King dancing with a girl
1:10 King and his men praying
1:32 Women praying, and playing stringed instrument
1:54 Painting of Jain God Mahavira
2:21 Two couples dancing
2:41 Painting with lots of details, but worn out
2:58 An ancient game, similar to rodeo

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19 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

When was Gravity discovered? Did ancient people understand gravity? Did they understand Anti Gravity and Levitation? A Giant ancient pillar might have the answer to all these questions.

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0:00 - Mysterious Event
1:15 - Anti-Gravity Pillar
3:55 - Secret of Mohini
6:06 - Ancient Science of Gravity
8:07 - Gurutva Mohini
10:13 - Gravitational Pull
12:23 - Not Human, Just a Force
13:27 - Purpose of the Pillar
15:17 - Rotating Parts
16:14 - Ancient Seismograph?
18:09 - Praveen MOHA...

Hey guys, just two month ago, on September 17, something very strange happened in the ancient Chennakesava temple at Belur. In Late- afternoon about 5:30 PM, a small stone ball, fell down from the top of this pillar. Only a very few people noticed this, and most people do not even know such an event happened. What could be so special about that particular day and time, why would a ball magically drop from this ancient pillar? In a few minutes, it became clear that an earthquake had hit the entire area, it was a mild earthquake with a 2.3 magnitude on a richter scale, but pillars don’t magically release balls, in fact, pillars should actually fall down during an earthquake. And this pillar probably did not fall down, because it is firmly buried inside this large base, right?
But when we take a look closer, we are completely shocked by this. This pillar is not buried in the base at all, it is not even attached to the base. It is just made to stand there with no support at the bottom, or at the top. This is a completely free standing pillar, they have simply placed it with no support, no binding material, no foundation, and not even a little bit of mortar or cement to attach it to the floor.
This is impossible, imagine making a long cylinder like a pencil, stand on a table. It is very hard, but now turn on the fan and make the wind blow on it, to mimic the wind blowing in the temple. And then shake the table to mimic the earthquake. Will the pencil still be standing?
Even worse, this pillar is not standing on all 4 corners, it is standing on just 3 legs, one of the corners is not even resting on the floor. Authorities say you can pass a thin cloth or paper through this space and prove that it is not resting, and they used to do it before, but now people are forbidden from going near the pillar. But let me zoom in, and you can clearly see that one of the corners is just hanging in the air.
And this pillar is huge, archeologists say this is monolithic, a single giant block of granite, standing 42 feet tall, about three and a half feet wide, and must weigh about 45 tons. Archeologists confirm that it is not a recent structure, it is in fact ancient.
How was it erected, how was it made to just balance like this with no support, and most importantly, how is it still standing after so many centuries?
To make it balance like this, the builders must have had an insane ability to precisely calculate the center of gravity. There is no way they can create such a miracle without a scientific understanding of the center of gravity. But is there any evidence in this temple itself, to prove that ancient builders understood gravity?
There is something very strange and secretive about this temple. In 1926, not only did Indian leaders like Gandhi and Nehru visited this temple, but Pakistan’s first prime Minister Mohammed Ali Jinnah also visited this temple. Why would a muslim who does not believe in idol worship, visit this temple? He did not come to worship, but he was interested in watching a strange scientific phenomenon associated with this carving.
This particular idol called Mohini was removed from the top and brought down for a strange demonstration to these leaders. You can immediately see that her posture is different, she seems to be standing like a puppet, connected to an invisible string. Her both hands hint this. But there is no string, in fact she is letting a drop of water drip from a finger on her top hand. An actual drop of water was used in front of the leaders while keeping this statue erect. The drop fell from the finger of her right hand, exactly between her brows, touched the nose, touched her left nipple, fell exactly between her legs and touched the extended toe on her left leg before falling on the ground. It is said all the three politicians instinctly stood up and gave a standing ovation when they saw this demonstration. How could an ancient builder carve such an idol without understanding gravity?

#Hinduism #Ancienttechnology #PraveenMohan

13 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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We are in Brihadeeswara Temple in India, and I am going to show some solid evidence that ancient Indians were well connected to the rest of the world. This temple was built in 1010 A.D, so it's just over a thousand years old. You can see plenty of Gods and saints carved on the temple tower, but here you can see a European carved on the temple. This is really surprising because Historians will tell us the first European to reach South India was Vasco Da Gama in 1498, but this temple was built 500 years before his arrival.

Does this carving really show a European? To understand this, let's take a look at this carving in the same temple which shows how ancient Indians looked and dressed. You can see how they wore a lot of jewelry, but usually did not wear shirts because South India is a very hot place. Notice the hairdo where they pulled up the hair to the side. This is confirmed by another carving which shows a similar hairdo, and it also shows a broad nose.

Going back to this figure, you'll see the exact opposite. He wears a top hat, but no jewelry. His shirt is shown with long sleeves and a collar because it is usually cold in Europe. His nose is carved sharp, and he even has a beard, as opposed to Indians who were clean shaven. His hair is let loose to the sides, and if you look at his hands and his face, it is almost looking like he is posing for the sculptor who made it.
If you compare this carving with Robert II, the King of France during the same period, it is almost an accurate match. Notice that the beard and the hair of the King matches with the carving. Even the long sleeves and collar are consistent. The only difference is that the King is shown with a crown in Europe, and here he is shown with a hat.

It is very likely that this carving shows King Robert II of France because only Gods, Kings and Saints are usually carved on Hindu temple towers. How is such an accurate carving possible? Were the world leaders connected 1000 years ago, just like they are connected today? Are there any other carvings in this temple that show people from other countries as well?

Here is another carving in the same temple that is also quite incredible. This clearly shows a Chinese man with a long beard and a long mustache. Here is a painting of an ancient King who ruled China. Look how, he too has a long beard and a long mustache. Remarkably, he wears a similar headdress in the painting, just like the carving shows. History tells us that the world was not connected before 1500s, but these carvings clearly show that the Indian King Raja Raja had international connections on both sides of the world. How were these international communications possible without advanced technology?

#Ancientcivilizations #India #Disclosure

3 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, this is the ancient iron pillar of India. It has many baffling features which have not been explained till date. One of the strangest features is that it has not rusted for more than a thousand years, although we can see some rusting in the recent years. Archeologists confirm that this was created at least 1600 years ago, but it could be much older than that. An iron pillar made such a long time ago should have rusted and completely disintegrated. How was such a pillar made, 1600 years ago, at a time when Historians claim there was no advanced technology?
In 2002, scientists studied the iron pillar and realized that it has a strange way of reacting to the atmosphere. Normally, Iron reacts with moisture in the atmosphere or rain and produces Iron oxide, which is called Rust (Fe2O3). This rust is very powerful, it will deteriorate the iron, and eventually destroy the entire structure. For example, if you look at this Nandu bridge in China which is less than 80 years old, it has been completely taken over by rust, making the bridge unusable. But the iron pillar does something very strange. When it comes in contact with moisture or rain, it produces a strange material called Misawite = y-FeOOH) which has not been seen anywhere before. This material actually forms a protective coating over the iron pillar and shields it from damage, and also increases its magnetic property.
Now, why does the iron pillar create Misawite instead of Rust or Iron Oxide? What makes this Iron pillar produce such a strange compound that is not seen anywhere else?
The iron pillar is actually made of 98% Iron, 1% Phosphorous and the remaining 1% is made of an ancient concoction called Vajra-sanghata. This concoction is clearly explained in ancient Indian texts. The Vajra-sanghata is created by mixing 8 parts of lead, 2 parts of bell metal and 2 parts of calx of brass. So, if you look at the total composition of the iron pillar, it is made of a complex alloy, created in ancient times.

Instead of rusting which is Iron Oxide, the phosphorous and Vajra-sanghata make water vapor which is H2O, to convert into Misawite, a compound of Iron, Oxygen and Hydrogen (y-FeOOH). This layer actually protects the pillar from rusting. So, the pillar would accumulate this protective coating over the course of many centuries, making it even more stronger.
Now remember I showed you Surang Tila, the temple that withstood a massive earthquake. The stones of this temple were also bound by ancient binding materials, making it last forever. So, you can see that the ancient Indian technology was really advanced in creating structures that stand the test of time.
The other intriguing question is this: Who created this pillar? Now, there is an ancient inscription in Sanskrit on this pillar, which only hints at who could have created this structure.

The inscription refers to a King called Chandra and mentions that his empire basically extended beyond all the borders of today's India. It also explicitly mentions that his empire covered the southern ocean of India, which refers to the Indian Ocean. All experts think this refers to the King Chandragupta Maurya who lived around 300 B.C. The problem is, that even the most exaggerated versions agree that Chandragupta never reached the Indian ocean, his empire did not touch the southern tip of India. But experts don't know of any other King with the name of Chandra who ruled the entire Indian subcontinent.
But there is another King described in ancient texts who is not being considered. He is none other than Rama, the hero of the Indian epic Ramayana. Rama was explicitly mentioned with the suffix Chandra in ancient texts and referred to as Rama'Chandra'. Rama did cross the Indian Ocean in the southernmost point to defeat the King of Srilanka. But there is another startling evidence in the inscription. All experts agree that what you see on the screen is the most accurate, literal translation of the Sanskrit inscription.
" He, as if wearied, has abandoned this world, and resorted in actual form to the other world – a place won by the merit of his deeds – (and although) he has departed, he remains on earth through (the memory of his) fame (kīrti)."
This inscription clearly mentions that the King who installed the iron pillar, left to another world in actual form, which means he left physically to another world. These words are completely ignored by modern day historians, because they argue that all ancient civilizations were primitive, and could not posses advanced technology like spacecraft.

#Ancienttechnology #India #Search4Truth

12 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Let's take a look at ancient Indian sculptures that show the theory of Evolution with remarkable accuracy. By the end of this video, I hope you will agree with me that Evolution was understood and documented 2000 years before Darwin ever came up with the idea.
To understand this, let’s take a look at this structure called Rayar Gopuram in Mahabalipuram. This was built around 7th century A.D, so it is over 1400 years old. The reason why this entire structure was left unfinished is because a sculptor made a simple mistake in carving this pillar. This pillar was carved based on the Hindu concept called Dashavatara and these 10 life forms were first documented in the scripture called Bhagavad Gita written around 500 B.C. At the top, you can see that he carved a figure with a farmer’s plough below a figure carved with a bow and arrow but it should have been the other way around. This mistake was so serious, that the sculptors stopped carving and abandoned the entire structure. Why was the order of these figures so important? I mean, these are all Gods so how does the order of their appearance matter so much that the ancient Hindus could abandon years of work put into this amazing structure? If we study this pillar carefully, we can understand why the order of these figures matter so much. It matters because it shows evolution with incredible accuracy.
1. The first figure shows a Fish, which dominated the planet 535 Million years ago. This is called Matsya in India, and in modern Evolution theory, fishes are regarded as the first large animals that swarmed all over the planet. In some Indian temples, this form is shown simply as a fish and some carvings even show fish evolving into other creatures. For example, in this sculpture in Bhitargaon Temple, you'll see that the fins are changing into legs and the mouth is evolving into a different shape.
2. The second figure shows a turtle called Kurma in Sanskrit, and signifies that aquatic animals evolved into amphibians. This is confirmed by Darwin, who shows that animals from the sea became amphibians and were capable of living in both land and water. Again, in many Hindu temples, you can see the turtle carved completely as a turtle. In this sculpture, you can see how a turtle emerges out of water while surrounded by other fishes.
3. The third figure is called Varaha, which shows the emergence of rodents and wild boars. Note that we have now entered the age of mammals, because all Rodents are mammals. Also, it is interesting to realize that we are looking at animals that completely live in land, and not water anymore. This is also confirmed by modern evolution theory.
4. The fourth figure called Narasimha, shows a very large lion which is the Smilodon or a similar species which is now extinct. Paleontologists agree that these big cats dominated the planet and hunted mammoths and other giant animals. Incredibly, this scene is accurately portrayed in this 12th century sculpture which shows a lion as big as the elephant itself. In other temples, Narasimha is shown as Half Lion and Half man, which shows a hybrid, hominid like creature.
5. The fifth figure shows Vamana, who is always portrayed as a dwarf. Now, we know that the Neanderthals were never more than 5 feet tall. Other early human like species like Homo floresiensis were only three and a half feet tall. Notice how Vamana is portrayed with tools, but not any weapons. This indicates how the Neanderthals and other human like species were starting to make use of objects like sticks and stones to survive.

#Ancientaliens #India #Hinduism

2 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

A Giant Hindu God is dancing on a tiny little mouse. A few strange carvings nearby reveal contradicting details - what is the meaning of these ancient carvings at Chennakeshava temple?

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00:00 - Snake Belt
00:33 - Vandalization
01:20 - Who is Lord Ganesha?
01:51 - Do You Understand?

You can see this Lord Ganesha here. Really interesting carving in Belur temple. Very interesting, Lord Ganesha who is a really hefty God, right? He has the face of an elephant and he has a pot belly, but look what he is standing on. A tiny little mouse. And look at his belt - It’s a snake! And he is dancing on a tiny mouse.
And here is where the most interesting thing is. Can you see that I can put my fingers inside? And on this side, they have broken this, they have vandalized this! It’s a shame, Because it looks so good. I am thinking that… if you touch here, its feels very very polished. I think they must have had a stone ball inside at one point in time, and may be another ball on this side as well. You can see here, you can see better here. I’m seeing the wear and tear because they have rotated the ball. But unfortunately, they have broken it, probably they tried to pull out the ball.
Ganesha is known as the Lord who never married and who is basically single all his life. You can see right next to him, you can see erotica. This is really interesting to me. You can see two people kissing, may be showing romance a little bit more, erotica. And then here on this side, you can see the result of this, you can see the result of that romance: which is basically Child Birth.
Right next to the God who is Bachelor Forever you can see this. I don’t understand the full meaning of this, but it is really quite interesting. You can see the balls, the stuff that is broken, the Bachelor God, the Romance, the Child Birth. Perhaps the real secret is here. What do you see? May be this holds the key to the meaning of life?

#Hinduism #PraveenMohan #Search4Truth

5 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .


A few videos back I showed you the ancient drilling technology in Thanjavur with minute holes that were just 3 millimeters wide. Today, we are in Mahabalipuram in India, and I am going to show you some ancient drilling that's even stranger. How about drilling a giant hole that is 8 feet wide on a granite rock?

As we know Granite is one of the hardest rocks in the world and today we use diamond tipped tools and laser to make drills in it. How could they drill a humongous hole like this 1300 years ago?

With a diameter of 8 feet, you can see how perfect it looks. The circumference is a perfect circle. And the hole is 5 feet deep. Academics think that this was carved with chisels and hammers. Think about this, this drill was done at least 1300 years ago, when the value of PI was not even invented. According to conventional history, People did not use any complex tools. But how can a perfect circle that is 8 feet wide be carved on a rock. If they had to use chisels and hammers, where would you even start the carving?

If it was true, at one point, there must have been a dozen people sitting inside this chiseling away to make it a perfect circle. This would have taken years. Let me show you the walls, and you can see that there are no imperfections at all. It looks so smooth and looks like it is made with a modern machine.

Now, here is a bigger question. Why would they need to create a perfect cylinder out of a rock? If you wanted a well for water, you can dig one with much less manual labor. If you wanted to create a water tank, you can just use pots or metal vessels. Why would you need to create something like this out of a granite rock?

And what is the reason behind making it a perfect circle? I mean even water wells or tanks don't need this much of effort. Was it used to fit something that was a perfect cylinder? I have asked several people here and nobody knows the reason behind this giant hole drilled out of this rock. I would really appreciate if you can tell me why such a thing would be needed.

#AncientAliens #India #Search4Truth

8 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Did Ancient Indians try Genetic Modification? Do these Carvings show evidences of DNA manipulation? How else can we explain these mysterious figures?

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00:00 - Frog Man
00:48 - Goat Woman
01:59 - Naga Corner
03:56 - Horse Man
05:31 - Human-Ape Hybrid
08:35 - Predator
09:54 - Mermaid
10:19 - Conclusion

Hey guys, today I am gonna show you carvings like this, yes it looks like a Human-Frog or a FrogMan. All these carvings I am showing you today are from the 900 year old Chennakeshava temple. So you can understand why I am calling this the FrogMan because of how it is sitting, right? And its eyes are quite big, like that of a frog. But other than that, it is clearly wearing shoes and clothes, which makes me wonder was it a genetically modified human like spiderman? Did ancient people experiment with Genetic Modification?

Here is another strange one, hiding in an inaccessible location. The body is definitely human, but what about the face? What animal is it? It clearly looks like a sheep or a goat, but the hairdo is very similar to the hairdo of the women shown in other carvings of this temple. By looking at the body we can clearly understand that it is a female, and she is holding some strange pointy things in both of her hands.
So why did ancient Builders carve these strange figures in this ancient temple? Most historians agree that sculptors carved what they saw? When they look at a beautiful carving like this, they say “oh the sculptor must have seen a woman in this dancing posture, that is why he carved it”. So, did the sculptors also see these genetically modified figures in ancient times? Did ancient builders know about genetic engineering?

In this temple, unlike any other temple, there is a big corner dedicated to the Nagas, the Serpentine Gods. This whole area is full of Naga carvings, In the center, there is a giant female Naga, with a seven headed snake guarding her from the top. Locals are still worshiping her, with flowers and saffron powder. Why? Because Naga is a symbol of fertility. Women without children come and worship the Nagas, and hope the Naga will bless them with babies. And what is really interesting is that, the entire wall is full of carvings reminding us of DNA strands. because these intertwined Nagas look very similar to the double helix structure of the DNA strands. And here you can see a bunch of sperms swimming, racing to fertilize the ovum, to create more life. Is this all just a coincidence, or did ancient builders experiment with genetic modification?

Here is a Naga Figure, holding a human in her lap. No, she is not holding a baby, she is holding a grown woman, look at the fully grown breasts on that human, and the Naga with her hood behind her head is shown much larger, holding the woman in her lap. Does it have anything to do with Aliens interbreeding with humans?

Behind this carving is another very strange carving. A man with a horse face is interacting with a woman. This sounds really interesting, because so far we saw the frog man and goat woman just being alone, but now we can see this horse-faced man with a human female. Sorry about my shaky video, these weird figures are mostly carved in inaccessible locations, so I am struggling to show them to you.
Now this is not the only horse faced figure, there is a female with a horse face, standing close to a man. It is safe to say that they are not just friends. And this carving is in a much more accessible location, so you cannot miss it, so if you visit this place, the tour guide will tell you that this carving was made to show you that love is blind, and when you are young, even a girl with a horse face will look attractive to you, but this theory is wrong,
first because look at her genitalia, it does not look like a woman’s, it looks quite different from normal female genitalia and two, because there are many statues which are standing alone, even horse faced statues standing alone. The tour guides are spinning these theories because they don’t know what is going on.
Now here is a figure that is much more human like, but it is not fully human. Looks like a messed up genetic experiment, between a human and some other ape like a gorilla. I say this because its arms are very long, it extends beyond its knees. It’s head is kind of deformed, with no hair on the head. And it has a very big, strong chest like a gorilla. And we know that in the last 100 years, many countries have secretly tested human-ape hybrids.

#Hinduism #PraveenMohan #Search4Truth

3 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

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Hey guys, today we're going to see the world's largest religious structure. When people ask: "What is the largest religious structure in the world?" People generally think it would be a church or a mosque. but no, it is a Hindu Temple, but it's not located in India it's located in Cambodia. And this is not a recent structure either, it was built many many centuries ago. And this is very big, so let us go take a look and see how it looks.

I am at the temple's parking lot and I am leaving my bike here, this is very strange because I don't see any temple towers at all. I have visited a lot of temples, and when I usually park my car or bike, I will see the temple towers, but I don't see the towers of Angkor Wat temple. I am confused about this. Why is this happening? The authorities tell me that I have to walk for nearly 10 minutes before I start seeing the temple towers. First, I have to cross this massive lake, you see this lake, it is huge, I cannot even see the land on the other side, and it is in the way of the temple. I walk for nearly 5 minutes, and then I observe something very strange. I look on the banks of the lake, and I am shocked. Even though the banks are completely covered with bushes and trees, I can see neatly cut, giant rectangular stone blocks, aligned all around the bank. This is NOT a natural lake. This is an artificial water body called moat, created by ancient builders. I mean this is extraordinary, how were they able to create such a large moat, which almost looks like a lake? See this is why I had to park my bike outside the moat, the moat completely surrounds the temple on all four sides. And how big is this moat? Normally, when we talk about manmade structures, we use units like feet or meters, but this is the largest structure in the world, these units are too small, we have to use Kilometers and miles for this one. The moat stretches for 1.3 kilometers from South to North, and 1.5 Kilometers from East to West. So it is approximately 1 mile each way and it completely surrounds the temple on all four sides with a perimeter of a whopping Five and a half kilometers, that is about three and a half miles.
My first thought is, how could they dig such a moat with human hands? According to historians, this was created at least 900 years ago with no more than digging sticks, spades and shovels. And experts claim it was built in just a few years. How is this possible? May be this moat was possible because it is only one or two feet deep, this would have reduced the amount of manual work. It looks like lake because we see it from the land, but maybe it is only 1 or 2 feet deep, we can't see the depth of it from the outside.
I am very curious to find the depth of the moat, so I walk around the moat to see if I could find more evidence. Most people you see are tourists, so I need to find Cambodians who work here, so they can give me authentic information about its depth.

And then, I see something crazy. People are using boats in this moat! These people are working in Angkor Wat temple complex and they actually have several boats which go around the moat every day, and they clean out unwanted plants. They take a long stick and keep swirling it in the water, and watch how many plants comes out of the water. They tell me that the moat is 12 to 25 feet deep, this is an astounding depth, and to dig a moat of this magnitude, with such depth is just insane.
Imagine digging an artificial lake which stretches for one mile each way that is 12 to 25 feet deep, 900 years ago. And some experts will argue that ancient people of Cambodia were barbarians, so they captured millions of slaves, and they forced them to dig this moat with brute force. But this moat was not constructed crudely or hastily, it was built with perfection in mind, the workers must have been talented artisans, not unskilled slaves. How did they construct such a giant structure, which still fools most of the tourists into believing that they are looking at a beautiful natural lake? How did they arrange giant stone blocks all around the moat, both on the outer side, and on the inner side, creating a perfect architecture. If we look carefully, we can see the stone steps going into the water, as far as we can see. How deep do these stone steps go?

#AncientTechnology #Cambodia #PraveenMohan

4 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Hey guys, I appeared on Ancient Aliens TV show in History channel a few weeks ago. This episode was called "Shiva the Destroyer" episode 15, season 11. In this show, we talk about the Hindu God Shiva and specifically the Lingam which people think of as a ****ual symbol in the western world. People think that the cylinder represents the male ****ual organ and the groove to be the female ****ual organ. But in this show, you can see how Shiva could be a symbol of unlimited energy. I also talk about how Kailasa Temple could have been built with devices mentioned in Hindu texts.
And I apologize for not letting you guys know, I didn't even know about this until this Tuesday . This was filmed in April and I did not know the exact air date. I totally missed the bus on this, because I have been researching in very remote areas of India where there is absolutely no internet, most of the times even the cell phones don't work. These caves have never been visited before, It is almost impossible to get there. And I have been roaming around in this valley for a few weeks now, finding lots of interesting information and I have been experimenting on ancient Indian chanting techniques inside these caves and recording the effects. There seems to be some strange connection between these sounds and the moon phases, So I had to be here on certain dates. So, again I apologize for not letting you guys know about this on time. I specifically wanna thank everybody who subscribed to me, and loved me, because you guys have encouraged me to publish a book, to travel into totally new areas, and now appear on TV. So, thanks a lot for everything, and if you are new to this channel, I am Praveen Mohan and I will talk to you soon. Bye. Follow Me on:

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#Ancientaliens #India #Historychannel

11 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

I shot this in Ellora Caves In India. I spotted something very intriguing in the middle of a bunch of deities carved around 750 A.D. This is the most complex and evil demon that I have ever seen.

First let us compare it with the sculpture nearby. You can see how the statue on the right is smiling and the body is carved like that of a healthy woman. Now, look at this evil face and the body that looks like a skeleton. You can even see the rib cage and the bones in the shoulders and hands.

The sculpture is very complex because of so many different faces and bodies carved on it. If you look at the bottom half, you can see a lot of different legs and hands intertwined. It took me a while to figure out what's what. On the floor, there is a man being stamped on in his face. On the demon's lap there is another man being killed, and it looks like his heart is being pulled out. It get's more complicated, when you see that there is the demon's foot on his thigh, instead of a hand that should have been in place.

At the upper right side, there is another skeleton like figure that's looking away. But to the left side, you have a smaller devilish face, eagerly looking at the demon's action. It is probably a kid demon that is watching and learning from the mother. And all this was carved more than 1200 years ago. I think it would still stand up to the demons shown in Hollywood movies today. What do you think?

1:23 Kid Demon
0:30 Demon's Face

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20 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

There are many strange carvings in Ancient Indian Temples. What do they mean? How do we explain these things? Ancient technology? Or mere imagination? 🙄

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Hey guys, today I am gonna show you some ancient carvings in Hindu temples which are truly mindboggling.
Here is an ancient statue, he looks very strange with an unusually long moustache, but that is not the important part. The important feature is that, if you put a thin stick through one ear, it will come through the other ear. The hole is just a few millimetres wide, and only very thin twigs or metal wires can go through this hole. And this statue is made of solid rock, so how did ancient builders make such a long hole through this statue? It would be quite difficult to do it even today, with modern drill bits. So how did ancient builders do this a thousand years ago?
While historians argue that Hindu temples were built one or two thousand years ago, evidences indicate that they could have been built at a much older time. Here is a carving that clearly shows a very strange animal. It has powerful legs, a large body, a long neck and a small head. What animal is this? This is called Paraceratherium, the largest known mammal, and it is an exact match to the carving. But this animal became extinct roughly 20 million years ago. So, it is very strange to see a prehistoric animal carved in an ancient temple, because the timelines don’t add up .How did a sculptor who lived one thousand or two thousand years ago see this animal and sculpt an accurate carving? Either the temple is millions of years old, or the animal must have been roaming around here two thousand years ago.
Ok moving on, here are 2 female statues, can you tell what is strange about them? Yes, their eyes look strange, they have their hands on two kids who are standing nearby, but look at their chest level. Yes, they are having small stands on which babies are resting comfortably. I wish they sent me a high-quality picture but yes, these are clearly babies resting on those stands. Very interesting to see.
Here is a woman, what is she doing? It appears that she is holding a telescope like device and looking at the sky? Or is she doing something else? Look at her other hand, she is holding a similar device in the other hand also? Who can explain what is going on here?
In ancient times, Indian women enjoyed a lot of freedom, they are often portrayed as having fun, look at this woman, she is putting mascara on her eyes, although mascara was discovered in 1872 in France. This statue is many many centuries older than that by the way.
This one is from Vietnam and it is an ancient lingam and you can tell right away that it looks quite different. Of course, it has several protruding faces on it, but the person who sent this picture claims that these heads are magnetic and they have opposite poles from its neighbour, so if this head is North Pole, the next one is South Pole, again North, and that would be south. I don’t know if it is true, but I will verify this soon, but the entire set up actually reminds me of a rotor we use, the bottom has so many serrations and protrusions reminding me of ball bearings type fittings we use today.
More and more footage is coming out showing Temples have secret rotating parts, you guys are sending me hundreds of emails on a daily basis, so I will try to sort through them in the future. I think ancient builders were using some type of advanced rotating machines and there are many symbolic representations of them, and we are not able to fully understand them.
Here you can see 2 guys intertwined like snakes. Look at their legs, the legs are interlocked, their hands are also interlocked and they are also holding each other’s hair. Is it hair or their hats? But the most important question is, why are they doing this and what is the meaning of this? The only motion they can probably do is rotate indefinitely. I am not sure if it is symbolic of a rotating device.
Here is the final carving of this video, this is more than 800 years old. What is going on here? What is the seated figure doing to the standing guy? Why does the standing guy have that expression? What do you see underneath?

#India #Hinduism #PraveenMohan

2 Ansichten · 3 Jahre .

Lord Ram is mentioned in ancient Hindu texts as a master archer who never missed his target. But how did he accurately hit his targets every time? Was it Magic? Or was he using advanced technology?

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0:00 - Rama’s Bow
0:54 - Simple Bow
1:24 - Compound Bow
2:34 - Ancient Geared Bow
3:29 - Pull-Back Bow
5:50 - Ancient Missiles
7:49 - Bow Sight
8:34 - Lost Technology
9:40 - Conclusion

Hey guys, today I am going to show you what I found about Lord Rama’s bow and arrow. In case you are not familiar with him, Rama is the protagonist of the ancient Indian epic called Ramayana. Even today, Hindus worship Lord Rama who is typically shown with a bow and arrow. Ancient Indian texts mention that he never missed his target, and his arrows could go through multiple targets at the same time, there are carvings showing how his arrows go through 7 trees before hitting the final target. Was this a magical bow? Or was he using advanced technology?
Here you can see two guys with bows and arrows. It is clear that they are bows and it looks remarably simple, like basic wooden bows used by primitive tribes. Again, you can see a third one, but perhaps these are just regular archers, because look at their clothes, just a loin cloth and no ornaments. And they are just marching along, right next to regular foot soldiers.
But look at these bows.. there are wheels, strategically placed on both ends of the bow. This is crazy because Believe it or not, today we use wheels or cams in bows, we call them compound bows. You can see these are smooth circles, just like today’s cam wheels on compound bows. This is quite interesting because if you search online, you will see that the compound bow was invented just 50 years ago, in the US. But this temple is a thousand years old, and it clearly shows how ancient builders were using compound bows with wheels. It is easy to understand why putting wheels on a bow can make it much more powerful and efficient, because you have just installed some mechanical equipment to enhance human effort. But is this why Rama’s bow was much more effective? Did he just put wheels on his bow?
Here is where I found something really fascinating. I found some huge carvings of Rama and his brother, and their bows show some insane details. At first look, I thought they had wheels in their bows, but when I examined them closer, I realized that they are not wheels, they are gears. I mean look, you can see the teeth of the gear wheel, there is a gear mechanism attached to the bow. This is very very advanced ancient technology, because today’s bows don’t even use this technology. But within 20 years, before 2040, someone will start manufacturing this type of bow. What will such a bow be called? “Pull-Back Bow”

Sounds familiar, right? Because we have pull back cars today. When we were kids, we had toy cars and when we wanted them to move forward, we just pushed them forward. But then someone gave us a “Pull-Back Car” and instead of pushing it forward, you pulled it back, and it made a strange clicking sound, and when we released it, you remember how fast it went.
This is the exact same technology Rama used in his ancient bow. And you may think the pull back cars have batteries or something inside, but If you opened the car, inside you will find a couple of gears, and a spring. But yet, when we use this for technology, we can make wonders with it, so many machines like watches and bikes, use this technology.
Of course some day, some guy will come and claim that these are just flowers. Huh? But why would warriors put flowers on their bows? And if you look at any flower, the petals will be huge, and the center part will be smaller compared to the petals. But if you take any gear, the center part will be bigger and the gear teeth on the sides will be much smaller. And this is exactly what we see here. And you can see the strings attached to the mechanism, just like today’s bow. Everytime you see the gear, there is a string attached to it. You can see this on all the geared bow carvings. And you can also see these loose strings and knots.. These are called string silencers to absorb the noise and vibration. Even in modern day bows you will see them, it is just the nature of the beast itself. So Rama and his brother were using Pull-Back bows, this is why their bows were so efficient.
So why does Rama need gears & Pull-back mechanism in his bow, right? Just to shoot a regular arrow? It is time to look at the arrows, but this arrow is deliberately destroyed. But you can see this one survived, and it looks absolutely weird.

#Hinduism #Ancienttechnology #PraveenMohan

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